Lockdown at Cordova [OOC - DED]


Cinnamon Roll of Doom

Cordova was like any other normal High School. The kids complained about being bored and the teachers complained about the misbehaving students. It had been this way for eons and all assumed it would remain this way for years to come. That all changed however one autumn day when it was least expected.

Meridian and Mataiya were prime examples of what best friends were like. They met in second grade in Chase elementary school. By their Senior year of High School nothing had changed, they were still best friends. Stopping in the hallway after their Spanish class, they gossiped about Meridian’s latest crush and Mataiya’s ex boyfriend.

“Don’t forget we’re meeting after class to walk to Drama together, Meri!” Mataiya yelled after Meri as she rushed into class.

“I’ll be here, Taiya, see ya then!” Grinning and stopping in the middle of the classroom, Meri quickly darted back to the doorway, sticking her head out into the hallway to respond.

Mataiya went on into her Chemistry class and slid into her normal chair. While she was in class, Meridian was asking to use the restroom. Since the teacher wasn’t that bright, he excused her and giggling, Meri ran into the bathroom. Although the students noticed she never returned, the teacher just ignored it.

After class, Mataiya walked over to where they were supposed to be meeting and waited until the tardy bell rang for the next class. Frowning, she ran to the Drama classroom and after letting the teacher know, ran for the bathroom. The door opened with a squeaking noise and Mataiya walked in only to stop in horror. In the floor beside the first set of stalls was Meridian. Her body had been ripped to shreds, most of her guts and organs were lying on the ground beside a pool of blood. There was blood all over the walls along with huge scratch marks.

Screaming, Mataiya ran to the office to tell them of her horrific discovery. That very minute, a loud screeching noise blasted across the PA system. Just as abruptly as it started, the noise stopped but the silence didn’t last long. Those that ran outside found it impossible to get beyond the school grounds and it was as if no one could even see or hear them on the outside. The students, teachers, administrators, and security officers were trapped inside the one place they felt was safe. Screaming erupted across the school and three classrooms filled with students and teachers were found gutted the same way Meridian had been. The rest were trapped with something that was killing off them all off. The two main questions that formed in everyone single person’s mind was in regards to what was doing the killings and how they were going to escape.​


][OOC: Okay, the point of this RPG is simple. It takes place in our world [on Earth] in the normal time period. You’re either going to be a student, teacher, or other faculty type person, such as a security officer, or even a cook. The phone lines are down and there’s no contact with the outside world, not even e-mail, or cell phones. No one in the outside world can hear or see them, it's as if the school and the accompanying grounds were stuck in some warp zone.

The school is basically like a normal high school in a large city. The school itself is three stories high; basement, main floor, and a second floor. It has the huge commons area in the middle of the school where the students can eat snack foods while socializing during passing periods and allotted breaks. The commons area is filled with round tables that fill up the football field sized room. Ten feet down from the commons area is the lunchroom that also has round tables as well as square tables. The lunchroom is based on an Ala-cart system though the students still have a chance to have regular school lunch. There is everything imaginable on the buffet style tables and the students don’t pay until they have filled their trays. On the left side of the lunch room is the main kitchen where the lunch ladies make the meals.

There is a large auditorium on the west side of the school that was built to resemble an old Gothic looking church-like auditorium. It has painted glass panes that give the church a little light without having the hanging chandeliers lights on. A wood beam juts out beneath each of the window and perched upon the beam is an angelic figurine. The auditorium is on the main floor and the balcony part is up on the second floor. At the very front of the auditorium is the stage area and like all stages, has a trap door, which leads into the basement. The chairs are theater style chairs that rock ever so slightly. They are black and red, alternating to go with the Gothic feel of the church.

The school has a library on the east side of the school that has four doors leading into it. It is not just on the main floor, but it goes up to the second floor as well. The library houses every book imaginable and has computers stationed all around for easy net connections for research projects. The resource books, magazines, newspaper, and old microfiche articles are all upstairs on both sides of the library. There is a restroom upstairs as well, along with more computers.

There’s a huge roundhouse gymnasium on the south side, main floor of the school. The gymnasium has circle seating above the floor and can hold up to a couple thousand people. Hanging above the seating is banners, which state the accomplishments of the school in regards to sports. On each side of the gym high above the seating hang the two scoreboards.

On the north side of the school, main floor are the main administrative offices. Inside the huge administrative office are the offices of the principal, assistant principal, the four secretaries, the two counselor offices, the nurse, as well as the person responsible for paying everyone employed by the school district. Also inside of the administrative office is the security station, which houses the few security officers employed by the district. Beside the security station is the teacher’s workroom where the mailboxes reside and where the copier and other miscellaneous equipment reside. Directly beside the administrative is the smaller gym, used mainly for the second PE classes and practices. The smaller gym has pull out pink plastic bleachers for additional seating during games or other programs.

The entire basement is filled with storage rooms, a furnace room and a maze of corridors off limits to the students. Part of the basement area beneath the auditorium is used frequently and that’s storage for the Drama Theater class and plays. Another part of the basement that is used is beneath the roundhouse gymnasium. It is used for the wrestling room as well as the weightlifting room and exercise room.

The monster/killer part is taken already.

Character Sheet

Additional Information (Optional):


No godmodding
Follow STC rules
Be respectful

Please place your character sheets here! I'll start an IC thread once I have enough interest!
Name: Anton Youth
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Curly dark brown hair that is cropped short, slightly tan, dark brown eyes, about 5'7 and quite skinny, is hispanic
Occupation/Student: Student

(I'm assuming that's how you do it? Sorry, I'm new to this. Still kinda lost...)
OOC: I hope this is still open ^^

Name: Eleanor Greene
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Appearance: Elle stands at 5'3" with a lean frame, she's a mixed woman which gives her green eyes, olive skin, and black hair that's always braided down her back or put up in a hair net. Due to her occupation at the school, she's hardly seen without a hair net, gloves, and an apron tied around her waist. She usually opts for casual clothing and sneakers with a thick inner sole to help her aching feet from standing all day.
Occupation/Student: Assistant Cook/Substitute
Additional Information (Optional): Eleanor is always at work, knows most of the kids that call her "Elle" and she's working at Cordova to help pay for her sick Uncle's medical bills after she halted her education at the University—partially because she couldn't afford another loan and because her Uncle is the only family she has left.
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Character Sheet

Name: Zane Daniels
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, 7"9'
Occupation/Student: History Teacher
Additional Information (Optional): We all have that one cool teacher everyone likes, the one that mostly lets the class chill or makes cool assignments. That's Zane. He is quite friendly, but if he has to, he will get mean. He is cocky, yet determined and heroic. He will keep students safe even if it costs him his life...which it might.
Name: Mark D. Ebberman
Mark insists on being referred to as Coach Ebberman by students and staff alike. He seems to like it when certain students refer to him as Coach Eb but most of them are calling him Coach Deb behind his back. His middle name is Douchae, which he hates. His mother thought it "sounded fancy" and never considered the less than creative nicknames teenage boys might conjure.

Gender: Male
This could be called a point of pride for Coach Ebberman. He firmly adheres to traditional ideals of masculinity and even dismisses actions such as bullying under the banner of "boys will be boys". As far as he's concerned, a man should only be interested in making things, fixing things, breaking things, sports, and women. What some people might call demeaning the weak, Coach Ebberman would call tough love.

Age: 39
Although he would never admit it, Mark has been experiencing a great deal of anxiety and even minor panic attacks at the thought of turning forty. He's afraid that it won't be long before he is no longer in his physical prime when in reality he left that prime behind him a decade ago.

Coach Ebberman is 5'11" but he is exactly the sort of man who would insist that he's six feet tall and he does. At 245 pounds, Cordova's P.E. Instructor is not in the best shape of his life but it is still clear to see that at one time, he had an envious physique. He still has the broad shoulders with legs as sturdy as tree stumps and he's definitely still solid but his chest and arms are flabby from lack of exercise and he has a protruding beer gut that would require much more than some crunches to get rid of. He still has a full head of shaggy brown hair, another point of pride, and he keeps his face shaved. He also has striking green eyes and it's quite clear that he was a rather good looking guy back in the day.

Occupation: Cordova High School P.E. Instructor
Mark's official job title is that of P.E. Instructor and although Cordova has an extensive sports program with a few different coaches, Mark merely oversees the general physical education class for the school as a whole. Despite this, the faculty refers to him as coach and the students don't have much choice (or just don't care) but a few of Cordova's real coaches either roll their eyes at "Coach" Ebberman or openly dislike him. Mark doesn't seem to have any ambitions in becoming a coach for any of Cordova's sports teams or anything beyond his current position.

Additional Information: I'm going to put a little bit of OOC information here just for character context.
If I haven't made it clear enough, Coach Ebberman is very much a wannabe alpha male with a superiority complex and a host of insecurities. He left college, where he was majoring in sports science, to join the military in 2001 when he was 21 years old and refers to his service as being responsible for "shaping him into a real man". He is vague concerning the details of his service and where he was stationed, saying that it's too difficult to talk about but claims that he does not have PTSD.

The truth is that Mark was kicked out of college and he never even attempted to join the military. In truth, Mark has a loud attitude and is actually quite the coward when it comes to violence but he can play the bluff card with the best of them because he at least looks like he could bench press a horse. It's easy to look at Mark as nothing more than a cowardly, insecure bully because, well, he is but that's not to say that he's a heartless monster.

He loves animals and regularly volunteers at various shelters just to spend time with them. When he was a boy, he wanted to be a zookeeper or a veterinarian but his father berated him and pushed him towards more "manly activities". He loves singing in his car and is actually pretty good but he's too embarrassed to do karaoke even though he really wants to. Openly, he listens to hard rock and country songs about what it's like to "be a man" but privately listens to sad country and pop songs when he's feeling down which has been a lot lately.

Mark has had a drinking problem for most of his life, since his college days but it only got worse as he got older. He even had to go into rehab or risk losing his job due to an embarrassing events in which some students found him half-naked and drunk in the middle of the football field. He got his drinking under control again but once he felt secure back in his job, he ditched his sponsors and started once again drowning his sorrows in booze. However, the past year has been especially hard on him and he has begun abusing painkillers (even buying them from certain students) and legally prescribed anti-depressants.

So that's it. Let's see how he'll fare against the monster of Cordova High!
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Name: Camille Villa
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: An overweight girl standing at 5 feet and 2 inches. Her tan skin is covered with blemishes and her thick wavy dark brown hair is always in a ponytail. ((Sorry the picture is bad.))
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Occupation/Student: Student
Additional Information (Optional): Is looking for her two younger sisters (figured they would be apart of the slaughtered classes).

If you're still accepting people?