Looking For New Partners!


wannabe prince
hello! i'm no longer a new face here on the forums, however i still haven't interacted with many here on the site.

my older interest check post is too far for new people to find them, so i've started a new one!

i'm looking for new partner(s) to join me in a roleplay of a type that would suit both of our interests. to begin with, here are a few concept ideas i have in mind, as well as topics/genres i gravitate to and that interest me.

The basic premise will more than likely go along with the basic form of the myth that centers around Persephone and Hades, where Persephone is kidnapped by Hades to live with him in the underworld, while her mother weeps for Persephone in the upper realm. I absolutely love this myth, and have been always interested in doing a roleplay like it. Various details can be altered: gender changes to m/m, or f/f, changes from a Greek setting to in medieval or modern mythical, etc. It's a general idea for purpose of stimulating new ideas centered around a simple plot.

A lot of my bare bones ideas are cliches, but it's done so we have something to mold into a more original and interesting roleplay. This one is extremely general, and can be applied in a multitude of settings, so long as the main two characters have been placed in an arranged marriage. The pairings, (m/m, m/f, f/f) are all open for us to explore, as well as various settings. This one can go many ways!

that's all for the more specific-ish ideas i have in mind. i can whip up some more for those who are interested!
below are some of the types of roleplays i enjoy doing and do the most often:
  • Romance
  • Mythological
  • Fantasy
  • Modern Mythical/Fantasy
  • Medieval
i am open to all relationship types. (m/m, m/f, f/f)

here are a list of things i either DO NOT DO or do in STRICT MODERATION:
  • Extreme gore, violence, torture, etc.
  • Rape/non-consensual
  • Incest
  • Self-harm, suicide
  • Abusive relationships (depends on context)
if you have any questions or are interested, either PM me or comment on the thread! thanks for reading!
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I'm not very experienced with romance rps but I'd like to rp with you. Honestly, I'm not that familiar with the Hades and Persephone myth but it DOES seem interesting. (i probs should read up on it a little and also i've heard it's got different versions ?)
I'm not very experienced with romance rps but I'd like to rp with you. Honestly, I'm not that familiar with the Hades and Persephone myth but it DOES seem interesting. (i probs should read up on it a little and also i've heard it's got different versions ?)
hey! i'm glad you're interested. you don't need a detailed understanding of the myth, just its basic plot. you can read a summary here: http://www.shmoop.com/persephone-demeter-hades/summary.html
Hey there! If you're not already doing it with someone else, I'd be interested in that arranged marriage RP?