New User New User Here!

Hello, I found this place through TopRPSites and I'm not really a fan of FanFiction so I chose the next top site. This is the first time I'm using this username, so you can call me any shortened version of it if the whole thing is too much to type. I am 20 years old and I am an American currently living in Belgium. I like drawing, playing videogames, and I am a bit of a weeb. A bit... Uhhh... That's about it about me for now!
I am more of a writer or character creator and not a very dedicated roleplayer as I tend to fall out of a lot of deadlines, so I hope I can join some more lenient RPs!
If you have any RP recommendations I could join, let me know! :D

Hope we get along °w°
And there are tons of RP's available, smaller ones, and Epic ones as well. But, for the moment, your not allowed to do so until you communicate with people in chat, post a bit in the available threads. If you actively do those things, you'll be accepted sooner than later.