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Boma Ye

New Member
Hello everyone who reads this, my name here is Boma Ye but feel free to call me Walker (or my personal favourite "you") it's a pleasure to have a chance to get to know you all. I'm someone with a decent level of experience with play-by-post roleplaying who's looking to rejoin after a few years hiatus. I think it's probably appropriate to give a reason why I wish to return to this style of writing, it's a simple answer - boredom. I've recently finished university and frankly the sheer amount of free time I have right now is giving me serious brain rot, something which I'm sure this forum can remedy. As well as looking to return to forum based roleplaying I'm also interested in beginner friendly 'tabletop' experiences which I'm hoping this site can provide as well.

My preferences in terms of settings are fairly simple, I'm typically more interested in standard fantasy settings (stuff like Warcraft, Baldur's Gate, Pathfinder etc.) but this may be me really wanting to have that D&D experience I've always heard so much about. I'm definitely not averse to more Planescape-y settings by any means. The classic adventurer party is like the vanilla flavour of roleplay to me, so easy to be simple and bland but have a good one and you'll love it for life. As far as classes and characters go, I have no real preferences in race, gender, class or alignment however I do have a special place in my heart for paladin types, where I try my hardest to not be lawful stupid.

As far as more sci-fi settings go, I enjoy things in the vein of Deus Ex, Bladerunner, Shadowrun etc. as I'm a sucker for post/transhumanism, neo-noir and augmentation - I really feel that having extreme physical and mental modifications an accepted part of the setting allows for an incredibly personal connection with your character. The use of things like augmentation to make equipment a very real part of who you are is something I really enjoy to think about and it's always entertaining to see what other people come up with too. I wouldn't say I particularly enjoy futuristic 40k-esque settings or ones which make use of FTL travel (at least I haven't historically, obviously good writing is good writing and I wouldn't turn it down just for the setting) typically because they're a bit grand for my tastes. To put it simply, my favourite episodes of things like TNG and Stargate are when everybody has a day off, the relationships of the characters was always what interested me about those shows. As far as character preferences go they're the same as above except replace the part about lawful stupid with me restraining myself from making Cowboy Bebop references all the time.

Feel free to ask me anything I may have missed or you may be interested in below.
You can keep your Cowboy Bebop, I'm a JoJo boi myself. Welcome to STC! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Hope you enjoy your stay.