OOC Discussion

Okay, the IC posting is open! I want to share of a couple of things:
  • For all IC posts, please begin with your character name and their location. It really helps everyone keep good track of who is where.
  • Here's where everyone is and what's going on with them at the beginning of the IC:
    • Ops Team -- Everyone on the Ops Team has been aboard Triteia Station for around six weeks going through the "sea trials" of the Station, just testing everything and getting it ready for the beginning of the research project in earnest. That's a lot of work, but it's also been a fair bit of downtime together. Everyone on the Ops Team has known each other for at least that long, maybe longer, and would have developed relationships accordingly.
    • Research Team -- Whether the Research Team has met in their lives up to this point and knows anyone else is entirely up to the writers. I'm perfectly fine with shared backstories if the writers want to do that. They were flown in to Guam and given a few nights at the resort with instructions to report to a shipping dock the morning IC starts for transport to the Station. The Station's pilot is waiting for them (see that IC post).
    • It's going to be a slow burn at first. The darker elements of the story are going to take a while to appear and develop.
Feel free to provide some backdrop with your characters with their last night before joining the Station, etc. Posting is open.
@Jag, I'm really curious about the personnel communicating aboard the station. Would they have custom made devices to generally contact one another from across the station? Or are they resorted to walkie-talkies? I know you mentioned them having no connection to the outside world 'cause the super secret krabby patty forumla is down there - but would they have their own in-built network?
There's an intercom system running throughout the entire station with wall-mounted screens for communication between the various pods. There are also portable radios and headsets which can be piped into the system or work independently.
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Update! I've added another character that was in the works, but I didn't want anyone accounting for him in their introductions so I waited until now. For those on the surface, feel free to jump ahead a little, including any actions or interactions you want. I'll post again with a bit of a skip to get us on the elevator and on the way down to the station with some more information.

For those down on the station already, some of the interactions have been fantastic. Don't hesitate to interact.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Okay, time for a check-in to see who's going to stay with us.

We're just a few days into getting this started and I'm concerned that we're not going to get out of the introduction phase. If there are people who have lost interest or otherwise don't think this is going to be the right fit for them for any reason, that's completely okay, but I need to know so that I can be respectful of the ones who are going to be involved and active. For most of the scenes, it's been four days since the last post. While I intended for it to be a slow build to the horror elements of the story, that's the kind of pace that's going to scare folks away.

If you're planning to stay and write, I'm happy to have you. If it isn't going to work out, I would just like to know so that I can do what I can for those who want to continue.

I will be staying :)
I'll also be staying!
I've been unsure of when to respond since I don't wanna leave too little of a gap between posts, but that's mainly due to me being afraid of disrupting an unspoken order. ^^'
There's no order at the moment. As long as two writers aren't running off in a given location and leaving another writer who's in the scene with no opportunity to participate, it's very much freeform right now.
I'd also like to stay if you don't mind, I also just assumed there was some sort of unspoken posting order but apparently not
I wrote a skip that puts the folks on the surface entering the station. Again, no specific order to things. I know scenes where a lot of people are together can get a little confusing, but it won't be long enough we can break everyone apart and it will be a little smoother.
Sounds good. Just wanted you to know that you may have missed we time-skipped down to the station now.
So now that everyone is down on the station, I'd like to see everyone break up a bit and start building their own things rather than the whole crew together at one time. One of the things you'll find as you write scenes in groups of two or three is that I'm likely to write small GM posts that will interact or throw scenarios and the outcome of your decisions/actions at you as well as writing my own characters.
I'm really sorry about this, but I think I'm gonna pull out of the RP.
I don't think I can do it.
I’m sorry to see you go. Thanks for informing us.

Everyone — I will take over that character for the time being personally.

I'm going to post a time-skip and start a few scenes today to get some people writing.

One is directly addressed to Dell and she can immediately involve Sebastian to get a scene going there.

The other has Serrin directly addressing Ellie and Marcos directly addressed Andy and Imani. If Juno and Maxwell want to position themselves as involved in any of the scenes, they are absolutely encouraged to do so. I just don't have enough characters to create an individual scene for everyone and wanted to get us going as quickly as possible.