Out of Character Musings

If @Faithy doesn't have plot plans for a specific npc I'd say go for. If you're ok with me extrapolating whatever personality you give them if/when it's expedient for them to exit stage left. That's basically what I did to Faithy's intro girl and will probably keep doing to all she holds dear.
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@TheaterLover That's fine! Roleplay with which you're most comfortable. I think if you don't know what else to add, then it should be good as is! But that's my opinion. Don't force yourself to add extra substance just for the sake of length, otherwise you won't have fun, right? And in my personal opinion, I don't think it matters whether you're semi-literate or not - everyone's literate if you can read and write ^^ So, don't hard on yourself! :emoji_grin:
@TheaterLover, it's perfectly normal to feel that way! I'm sure you'll be able to improve your skills as you continue write! But we're always improving ourselves, aren't we? This is a welcoming community! I don't think it would be nice to discriminate against another player based on their skill, that's just mean! Go at your own pace :) And if you need help improving, don't hesitate to ask anyone! We're all very welcoming here! :emoji_grin:
I'm more or not waiting for @Old Scratch to post, honestly. But if I can post sooner I will ^^


I think I'd like some feedback as to where you all see this going. Like, plotlines and stuff that maybe you'd like to see happening so that it's not just a creature killing the poor trapped people.
So, I'll be responding back to @Dan, then I was thinking that Camille would either try to Scooby-Doo it by attempting to figure out what's going on or find her sisters (possibly both). She might stay with others if they're going the same way though or she is convinced. But as of right now I was thinking she would try to investigate what happened in the Administrative Offices.
@ThePoet @Dan @Old Scratch @amusedcrown @GreenPhoenix3 @sissyd00q @HydreigonBorn @KeekeeI @Lila Renn @Lea the mom friend

Alright. All hands on deck. I have established a loose plot and am needing feedback from everyone.

1) Please let me know if you wish to continue or not.
2) If you do wish to continue, please think about how your characters would work with this more concrete direction. Think about how to get into group.
3) What are your character’s motivations? What do you want to get out of the narrative?
4) Thoughts on this?

See info below:

Back when Cordova was first imagined, the building plans were denied outright by the citizens of Cordova. They had a perfectly built school despite the fact that it was a piece of crap that was a death trap. Still, it was a school and would save them money. The administration and some of the teachers of the school district were not about to sit back and let their beautiful plans go to waste. After discussing all the possible ways to get the plans approved, several of the administration and teachers who were into other extra-curricular activities decided that perhaps it was time to do something a bit risky. So, the six of them gathered together on the grounds in which the high school was to be built and performed an ancient ritual, not knowing the consequences. Had they continued reading in the book they were using; the book that was now potentially lost, the administrators would have realized they had condemned the school in a horrific manner. The ritual required a blood sacrifice of a ginormous amount, but would not seek out payment for ten years. Ten years later, Cordova High School occupants found themselves locked away in another dimension while something crept through the school killing everything that came across its path.

Also, also… those characters that are more in tune with their ESP senses, will begin to sense things are off. Of course, those that aren’t all ESP-y will also be affected, but not as quickly. Part of the unknown entity’s powers is to make people vividly hallucinate! This allows both Dash and you all to have your own custom-tailored scary moments, such as a dead parent suddenly appearing with half his/her face missing [I dunno].

Simple running around will not save the students and staff nor will hiding from the unknown. In order to potentially survive, those alive must band together and determine a way to either escape from the building or more dangerously, attempt to kill whatever is stalking them. Those characters that are more prone to leading, must work together in order to keep everyone alive. Characters that can hunt for clues or are more brainstorming, must do their best to do just that. All characters should play a role in this horror-fest or they will pay the price. Be imaginative in what your character uses to protect him or herself. Remember, there are science labs and a woodshop accessible to students. Talking to teachers and any administrative staff that is still alive is an option to see what wisdom they might have. Who knows, might find someone that recalls the ritual or details concerning it. Surely someone read the warning page, right?
1) I would like to continue! I've just been really busy with, real life. But I will try to be more frequent!

2) Well, my character, Camille is still looking for her sisters or at least trying to figure out hat's going on. She would prefer to find her sisters first, so if a group is going into the administrative offices, she will gladly join them.

3) Camille really is focused on her family and her role as a big sister. I want to see how she does relating to others and being outside that role. But it will also be interesting to see how she deals with the loss of that role.

4) The plot is interesting...but it also seems to be, too naive. No one knew of such a high risk? It seems like someone would have known, but either let the other people continue the ritual for a more self-serving reason. But that might just be me. It's still a really good idea!