Planetscape: A Multiversal Quest


*pulls the wrong lever*
Welcome to the Worldplane.
You may know it as the Multiverse, the Dimensions, or simple the intergalactic community. It doesn't really matter what you call it. What does matter is that you are one creature, on one world. And your one world is about to be destroyed.

The Tunnels, the magical portals that once existed between worlds, are collapsing and twisting in on themselves. Planets are breaking apart, drifting into space. And those that live on these unfortunate worlds are being turned into husks, devoid of their souls. It seems as though all may be lost. And yet, here you are....

The 3 Gods that watch over life have determined that something must be done. They have chosen you, and many others like you, to be blessed with the powers to control the Worldplane and bend it to your will. Your mission? Join with your fellow Heroes, master your abilities by solving the riddles of the universe, and save us all.

Will you fight?


Welcome to Planetscape, which you are hopefully interested in based on the very basic summary of a plot above! This is a roleplay I envision as an Epic, with a large amount of characters in various locations ultimately joining forces to tackle evil. Plus, when I say Epic, I mean it: the scope of this story is, well.....the whole collective universe! More specifically, certain pockets of the universe where life exists.

To elaborate on the events our characters will be facing: The story is about average humans being thrown into alien environments during a cosmic apocalypse. Each character is blessed with elemental powers that are hand-tailored to their personality, and will use these powers (plus any weapons and armor they might find) to solve quests that are given to them by mysterious universal powers. These quests are meant to gain allies, connect heroes across dimensions, build up strength and resources, and ultimately save the universe from destruction.

Sound like a video game? Good!

This story takes a lot of inspiration from video game-y tropes. You'll find storylines with characters brokering peace between alien races, going on side quests to build bonds with one another (allowing from stronger combo attacks), and trying to modify their sword to get that totally sick fire enchantment. That doesn't mean the characters are aware of how campy all this is; just that it is a fun romp that is meant to play like an unrealistic power rangers episode.

Each realm will have its own conflicts, resources, and methods of perfecting their skills. While the ultimate goal is for characters to be able to travel through Tunnels with ease, upon their arrival to these locations, they have no means of communicating with the, get cozy :)

Home: All that remains of this world is a simple boardwalk beach town. It may feel like a relaxing permanent Summer vacation, but something lurks deep underneath the sand...

Ayla: This world is a massive city, ancient and gleaming in its marble architecture. Life here is strict, and the Royal family will do whatever it takes to remain in power.

Taria: This planet is home to 4 warring races. While the forces remain in a constant stalemate, they could be a mighty force if they banded together.

Finally, a unique draw of this RP is the Power Test. In order to determine what power the gods grant you, each Rp'er takes a personality quiz in-character, and posting the results in their application. Not only does this allow for each Hero to be completely different in their questlines and powers, but it also gives the RP'er a deeper insight into how their character should feel, think, act, and grow.

If anyone is interested, please ask questions or simply stick around! I will use this as a base of operations to begin planning with participants, as well. Cheers :D
This seems so cool! Can I ask how the Power Quiz works? Like is it an actual Quiz you can link us to?
I can't pass up a Multiverse RP. I am interested, and would like to add to the sentiment of wanting to see what this quiz is.
Glad to hear it, all! Yes, the quiz is an actual quiz that I would link would be answered in character, as well :)

I've drafted up the initial plans for it, and am planning to have it finished for the OP or shortly before.
But, what are we gonna do when the NPCs get stuck in the plot doors!? WE'RE RPers, NOT BETA TESTERS!

I'm interested either way :D
Excellent, we have 9 total interested, which is a great start. I'd like to have this up and running in around a week or so, which gives plenty of time to answer questions, speculate some characters, and release the quiz!

That being said, does anyone have potential realms or themes they would like to suggest? We have the whole multiverse open to us, after all :p

One last thing: @Kanassa will be helping run this, anyone else with GM'ing experience feel free to PM me if you're interested.
That being said, does anyone have potential realms or themes they would like to suggest? We have the whole multiverse open to us, after all :p
Abandoned wild-west-themed theme-park filled with robots who don't know that they're in a theme park Actually, that gives me a character idea...

One last thing: @Kanassa will be helping run this, anyone else with GM'ing experience feel free to PM me if you're interested.

I'm perfect for the job!... Just ignore the smell of smoke...
I don't see a wait in the corner option for #3 though that's not something I usually do. I don't understand #4 Non-Combat Roles. For #8 I honestly just like walking the path. I got jeweled does that mean it's my character's power. I kinda wanted paper.
'' You hold the spirit of the SOUL''
That made me laugh harder than it should of...

Apparently, my power is sturdy.