Roleplay Advertising


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
This is just a quick reach-out to people in general as we've had some people uncertain where it is and isn't okay to advertise their roleplay.

Obviously, the bulletin board serves as our primary location but nothing attracts interest faster than a more personalized touch. We fully encourage people to make use of our introduction forums, or general discord channels to advertise their roleplays as well. Just make sure your efforts are personalized rather than spam posting a link everywhere.

Inviting a new player to join your roleplay because you noticed you genuinely have matching interests will make a new person feel welcome. Copy pasting your link into every introduction thread will make people feel like a post-it board.

Chatting about your roleplay in chat and kicking ideas around with people is a great way to draw in interest as well. But just copy pasting a link over and over will more likely annoy people into not even bothering to look.