Smuggler's Cove (Jrusso20 and Silence)


Anonymous Me

Killian stared at his cargo in the bay of the ship. It was a pathetic load. That was the life of smuggling. Sometimes you had to collect a few bigger boxes to make it look like you were legitimate. This wasn’t nearly large enough but, he was getting paid some good money to make the transport. Sitting in the local pub he waited around to hear if there was anyone else that wanted to have a good sized load sent onto one of the systems inside the alliance.

The outskirts had always been wild and he loved it. Getting contraband from the territories to the alliance was difficult. It didn’t come without its rewards. He made some good money on the last round. Lost a crew member, but that was the reason that he didn’t hire men with families. Those on board the ship were family and that was all the better it got.

Though in this line of work trouble was never far behind. The door flew open and of course there came the patrol from the alliance. They were going to be checking every ship at port before they left. This was another one of their stings that they frequently felt the urge to conduct. He couldn’t have his client’s merchandise get found either. This was some touchy stuff. Carefully getting up from his table he took his mug back to the counter and laid the coin with it in front of the tender.

All the bar tenders around here knew who the smugglers were and they kept mum about it. Killian brushed a hand through his wavy dark hair and sighed. Bumping into a compliance officer he grinned. “Sorry.” A hint of alcohol on his breath seemed to be convincing enough and he walked toward the bathroom. Before he reached the door he cut sharply to the left and headed out the back door. He needed to get his ship off the ground before they asked for his papers and permissions. Those were gonna show a heap of things he couldn’t afford to be seen by the authorities. Such as unlogged material being transported.

“Hey we gotta get moving.” His raspy voice sounded as he nodded to his engine man. The grease stained face almost seemed to inflate with worry as he raced for the engine room. Always the worry wart. Killian began pulling the ramp up when he felt a sharp sting run along his arm.

Hissing he whipped around and spotted a compliance officer on board the ship. “You son of a bitch.” The back hatch was already closing and the ping of bullets were a good indication that he couldn’t afford to open it and throw the man out. So instead he was stuck with having to try and disarm him here and now. Then the compliance officer could be part of illegal activity. Throwing his full and lean 230 pound weight body at 6’7” toward the man the two of them tumbled to the floor together with limbs in every which direction.
10 years. 10 years he’d been looking for that bastard Killian, ever since he was left for dead on a raid gone wrong. Now, whether he’s dead or alive, Zed is going to bring this criminal to justice.

It wasn’t always this way. When they were starting out you could’ve thought that Killian and Zed were brothers. Two dumb teenagers breaking the law, trying to make a buck this side of the galaxy. It was their way and they enjoyed every second of it.

But when what should have been their biggest score turned out to be an undercover alliance vessel, Killian showed Zed that the only loyalty he had was to himself. Zed had one of two options when the Alliance hauled him in front of a jury. He could either spend the rest of his days rotting in a maximum security prison, or he could join the alliance vice squad and track down his old partner for some good old fashioned revenge. Naturally Zed took the latter.

As he hit the floor of the ship, Zed cursed at himself for his sloppiness. As his pistol was sent sliding across the room, he realized it would be a bare-knuckle brawl from here on out, which was just fine with him. He pushed himself up to his knees and lunged at the smuggler, his burly 6’4 frame keeping him pinned to the ground. As their eyes met, Zed smirked “Guess who Killian.” He growled as he brought his fist down with full force.
Zed could always take some hits, and realized that if Killian wants to keep this fight long distance, he needed to get up close and personal. Tucking his head in, Zed charged at Killian with a shoulder tackle, feeling the buckle of that makeshift whip lacerate his skin in the process.

With only the hint of a wince, he slammed Killian into a box of cargo, restraining the whip arm with his left hand and cranking back Killian’s head with his right. “Actually I thought I’d just beat the shit out of you and lug you back to headquarters. Appreciate you fetching me rope to tie you up with by the way.”

Zed wasn’t much of a stickler for fighting decorum either and figured if Killian was going to fight dirty he might as well join the fun. He brought his knee up, doubling the smuggler over, and then brought his fist up for one more decisive punch. “Night night, old pal.” He spat as he swung.
If only he was just a little bit closer to that rat, he could out speed and disarm him with relative ease. But as it is, Zed decided to bide his time. The precautions are all in place and there's no reason to throw his life away here. Slowly he raised his arms above his head and said "If that was the best you've got, then you've gone softer than I expected."

He could afford a bit of cockiness at this point, the precautions were all in place. As soon as he saw that wasted low life in the bar he'd told Rita, his partner, to call for backup. The tracking chip implanted in his neck should keep Rita informed of his location, that is if the ship isn't already being tracked by every alliance fighter in the system after that unauthorized departure. He also couldn't help but smirk as Killian wiped away the blood that was trickling from his busted lip, he knew that he could beat Killian in a stand up fight now, all he'd need to do was wait.

"So Captain Killian" he said with all the sarcastic reverence that the scumbag deserves "You've got me in a jam, now what?"
"5 years with bail!?" Zed couldn't believe it, he had finally caught that son of a bitch after 10 years, and he was going to go free in a matter of weeks. "This is ridiculous! Do you know who that is?!! That's Killian Bloody Stargazer!! How hasn't he accumulated enough charges to be locked away for the rest of his life?!"

The chief only stared at him expressionless and said "The man called Killian Stargazer has received no charges here in the Gamma Quadrant. Thus his sentence is only affected by today's events." Zed stood from his chair at that. "No charges?! He's one of the Alliance's most wanted smugglers! How could you possib-" "That's enough Zed!" The chief shouted rising from his seat as well. "After your blatant disregard for protocol today you're lucky you aren't sitting in a cell with him! The charges stand, and you and your partner are being transferred out of my Quadrant ASAP."

Rita was waiting for him when he left the office. "How'd it go over?" "Typical Gamma protocol strikes again. At least we're getting transferred out of this dump." He replied. It was no secret that Gamma Quadrant liked to bend the rules of the alliance to suit their needs but this was just ridiculous. "I'm sorry Zed, I tried to get them to be more thorough in their search, but you know how Gamma is to outsiders."

He knew it wasn't her fault. He could only hope that luck would favor him once again and he could get another chance to put that dirty traitor behind bars. This time for good.