Stahlhiem: College of Magic (Rebooted!) IC

Simon dodged most of the vines but some he blocked with an arcane ward "Yeah but you're kinda doing the same thing again and again" he ran out of Coro's range "Plus you're using most of your power too quickly." With a smile, Simon continued "I haven't even used some of my spells because honestly they're inefficient" He then pointed at her "Like yeah a thorn wall is cool but i'm out of range and now you have to summon a new one just to attack me again." He then continued firing bolts at her "While I can just stay here and wait until the life drain I'm using on you makes you pass out"
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Coro doges the bolts and fakes a frown "you would steal my very life?! What are you going to steal from me next you monster i thought we were friends!" Coro then rushes at simon weaving through the bolts like some sort of dance Grinning the entire time.
Simon - Dueling Hall

With a lot of pride and a bit of shame at his plan Simon watched as the enraged wolf girl charged him. When she was near Simon summoned another wooden stick and swung at her head but mid swing he ducked down to get around her. The death mage summoned a translucent whip that wrapped around Coro's ankle then Simon wrenched it with all his might and pulled the girl's feet from under her.

"Phew, That was fun." He gave another one of his light-hearted chuckles "Holy shit I didn't think you'd freak out that much. You don't have to worry about it though If I used life steal on you you'd be exhausted. Then I would be alone with the first graders" He then leaned in for a fake whisper "And honestly, I think that bird girl's kinda creepy" He then walked back towards the dining hall "Let's go."
Valdric Anders - Dining Hall/ Birgitte - Outside the Dueling Hall

Valdric wasn't expecting Elise's outburst. The entire table turned to look at Elise, but after a second of awkward silence, the table let the outburst slide. The Borderman didn't know what to say however so he decided to changed topic altogether. He addresses the Verdantkin in this apparent 3 way conversation. " don't think we've actually introduced each other. I'm Valdric." He said


The toddler is only a few months old and she's already able to walk on her own two legs. She looks similar to her mother with her rotting skin and ragged hair, but her mutations ranged from similar to completely different as she had 4 arms and 3 hands, as her bottle right hand is replaced by a jagged bony blade. Her legs resembled that of birds and she had but a single giant eye, which allowed her excellent vision during light and darkness. The toddler has escaped the watchful eyes of her mother and she found herself exploring the halls of the college, letting her bone blade drag across the floor. Birgitte was drawn to the dueling hall as she walked pass as she heard a bunch of noise from behind the door, but tried as she might, she wasn't able to get the large iron doors open.
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Coro- Dueling hall

"thank you thank you im a amazing actor altho your fine if it was anyone else tho.... i would beat them to the ground. and dont be so mean she is beautiful in her own right." Opening the door to the dueling hall she stops midstep almost steping on the little baby. "Aww hello little one did you run away from your mom? You little trouble maker.." Kneeling down coro gently picks up the baby. "Come on lets go" Coro then starts to wonder around looking for the former teacher Borghild.
Simon - Dueling Hall

Listening to Coro talk about Else he replied: "I know was just joking but she is getting a lot of attention so I figured I'd be different and neg her slightly."

Simon watched as Coro kneeled down to pick up the small child and walked out the door. He gushed at the freakishly adorable baby "Hello little Birgitte did you sneak away from Mommy Wijk." then turned towards Coro "Coronaria as much as I'd like to play with the kid we should probably get back to the dining hall. There's a good chance Wijk is there or at least a senior member"
Coro- Dueling hall

Coro pouts "Do we have to............ fine then to the Dining hall we go" Coro starts to walk back to the dining hall. "Also just be careful not to take it to far with her"
Birgitte - Dueling Hall

Birgitte was picked up by a strange creature, one that felt of wood and fur. She had these strange ears that tantalized her in some way. She grabbed at the creature's ear with her two top hands while her two bottom limbs tried to push her up so she can get a better grip. As the creature begin to walk however she was knocked off balance and fell back right into the creature's arms. There she found the creature smelt of moss and that it was delicious, so Birgitte decided to do what any person would naturally do and began to attempt to eat the moss smelling creature by gumming at her sleeves, covering the clothes in a sticky saliva.
Simon - Hall Way

Actually confused Simon said "Take what too far with who? The bird girl." giving a sly grin he continued "Why you jealous hahaha, Jokes aside she was a fairly attractive young woman. She's about my age too but you know me I'm way too busy with all my training plus helping run the shop for that."

Simon suppressed a chuckle until Birggite started chewing on Coro's robes which broke him down to laughing hysterically "Oww is little Birgitte hungry or does she just like big sister Coro." he said in a voice people only make when talking to small children.
Coro- Hallway

Coro chuckles " Rip robe it died by the hands of a cute robe eating baby.. it will not be missed" They finally returned to the dining hall. Coro looks around the room for borghild. "See her anywhere?"
Simon - Dining Hall

"Not really I can't see her. It's really quiet here for some reason." Simon walked over to the table where the three first-year students sat. The death mage took a deep breath and put on his mask of mystery and charm "Why hello my lovely friends I hope we weren't too missed " Simon gave a wily smile "Though I'd understand it if I was." He sat in one of the empty seats "So did anything happen while we were gone? This table seems so serious all of a sudden why not have a drink and enjoy the company of other Fascinating people and like-minded people. We can mope and groan tomorrow when classes start. You all are lucky you know we once had a teacher that incinerated people he didn't like in the halls" Simon laughs "Ahh good old Rilker"
Alavin - Dining Hall

Wincing, Alavin sighed inwardly. He'd hoped to defuse the situation before that happened. He watched Elise curl in on herself, her wings coming in to wrap herself in feathers, her glare molten. Perhaps there was something in what the Borderman-Valdric-had said. Alavin had heard rumours beyond the Verdanthome of the Beastmen's cruel fate and indeed their creation, but he'd never known whether or not to believe it. He'd thought that surely they had been exaggerating. But given Elise's reaction, perhaps the rumours he'd heard barely even scratched the surface.
The silence stretched as Alavin thought through the implications of this. He needed to make himself aware of all the happenings outside the Verdanthome-try as he might, by the time a lot of information made it back home, it was filtered through the eyes and ears of soldiers, scouts, politicians, and historians. The facts weren't always to be trusted.
"Well as I said, let's hope that it never has to come to that." He hesitated, unsure if touching was allowed right now, but decided a gentle squeeze of the shoulder couldn't be unwelcome. Elise certainly didn't seem like she was ready to be comforted right now. She was angry, and anger was not to be soothed with kind words.
Alavin nodded to Valdric. "I'm Alavin. Summoning school. And yourself?"
As the older students returned to the table, now dripping with sweat and holding a wastelander baby-Alavin resolved not to ask-he nodded at them. The boy let out a stream of words without stopping for breath, and Alavin smiled gently, letting him fill the silence. He decided to move the conversation along onto happier topics, where Elise could hopefully feel comfortable enough to re-join them. He reached across the table to offer a handshake. "We could hardly miss you when we don't even know your names, could we?" He gave a charming grin, flashing his white teeth, his eyes staring straight into the other boy's. He was younger than Alavin was, thin, and gangly, but he seemed more confident than he was awkward while he was around them, though Alavin suspected that in different company, he would trip over his words a little more frequently. Alavin decided he liked him. "As I just said to our friend Valdric, I'm Alavin, of the summoning school." He moved his gaze to include the smaller girl with the wolf ears who had vanished so quickly before, now holding a small child. "I'm glad to have met you both if you can keep us posted about potential incinerations," he laughed. "Anyone we should worry about?"
The death mage looked at Alvin with a look of amusement before he opened his mouth "Well, Even if you don't know their names they might just be interesting enough to warrant some want of their company??" he smiled then continued "My names Simon, Simon Miller, My friend can introduce herself but no you don't have to worry about any crazy fire mages." He feigned deep thought for a second "Well no crazy fire mage teacher." He chuckled "As for people to worry about we're in a school of magic, It's filled with quirks and oddities"

Simon in an effort to lift the mood started a story "Yes well this one time an animal Mage, not naming names, Called a bunch of squirrels in the dorms that wouldn't leave so another mage haha, he a summoner right so he thought it would be a good idea to go summon a bunch of divine foxes to hunt them down but get this." Simon laughed loudly "The squirrels somehow got into somebodies alchemical supplies and it gave them super strength hahaha. It only got worse when the foxes broke control and somehow stayed on our plane. There was chaos everywhere in the dorm but of course, the teachers found out then got rid of them. I swear though every now and again I see glimpses of weird furry creatures duck into cracks in the wall. But of course it might just be any one of a thousand other things that keep happening in this school."
Elise Carstaires Von Kleine - Dining Hall
Elise remained stiff and silent for a while after her little outburst, her face cold and hard with eyes filled with the fire of memory, stiffening further when the one named Alavin touched her, the leant away from him on instinct as thoughw she had been hurt by his touch. "D-dont... I'm not ready.." she whispered cryptically in a hushed tone, barely audible through the hustle and bustle of the hall. She returned to her original position and, after anneven longer silence while Simon introduced himself and spoke hist small, amusing story, her mouth twitched upwards at it, but her mood wouldn't allow much more, it did, however, help her rage to bubble down a little more. With a deep breath and heavy heart, Elise unfolded her wings and returned them to her sides, recreating her long, feather cloak once more. "Sorry." Was all she said, feeling slightly ashamed of getting mad at the naive borderman
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Valdric Anders, Birgitte - Dining Area

"Valdric Anders. I'm part of the School of Ice." Valdric replies. " don't want to be that guy but...what's with the baby?" He asks

Birgitte wasn't paying attention as she was more preoccupied with trying to grab the nice smelling food on the table.
Simon - Dining Hall

"Ahh yes the child, The little bundle of joy belongs to one of our old teachers now a nurse at the clinic. Isn't wonderful how quickly the wastelanders adapt." Simon gestures to the little small being with rotting colored skin, A giant single eye, bird-like feet and a single boney blade on one of its four arms "She looks strange but when we found her she was stumbling all by herself even though she was only born a few months ago" He took a nearby turkey leg and gave it to the wastelander baby "If you see a woman who has three eyes and a third arm do tell so we can give Master Wijk her child back."

Simon changed the subject "So Ice huh that's very interesting." He gave a wily smile "I've met very few Ice mages" Simon looked him up and down for a second "But as much as I like hearing about magic I'd much rather know more about Valdric The Man than Valdric the ice mage. Tell me more about yourself what hobbies do you have I myself have a few."
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Coro- Dining hall

Unlike simon being comfortable with talking to people is something coro cant really do so she just stays silent and listens to their conversation halfheartedly and thinks about the past.
Valdric Anders, Birgitte, Volker Pauelus - Dining Hall

"I mean. I like to tinker I guess. I make small toys and such out of gears and bits of metal I find. That sort of stuff." Valdric replied. He didn't really put much thought into his answer. He was a bit curious about why a 2nd year student would want to speak with a 1st year as himself.

Birgitte however didn't care. She grabbed the drumstick and tried to gum it, but when she put it in her mouth, she spat it out, as it didn't taste good to her. She dropped the drumstick and looked around for something else to gum on and spots a shiny red apple. She reaches out to grab the fruit, making small bubbling noises to show her intent.

While the 1st years were busy, the new 1st year teacher, Volker Pauelus, walks up to the table. Unlike his twin, Volker was more refined and more importantly, more stable then Rilker. He shared an uncanny likeness to the previous Fire Mage, save for a rather large burn scar that traveled from his neck to his forehead. "If you excuse me 1st years. While I enjoy the idea of you haplessly making your way through the year, I am obliged to see you all to your quarters for the evening. Now stand and come along. I shall not repeat myself." Said Volker.
Simon - Dining Hall

"Ahh so an engineer like father like son I see" Simon replied to Valdric. When he saw Birgitte spit the turkey leg Simon took the apple that she was reaching for. He created a ghostly knife to cut it into little pieces then pocketed most of them while he reached out a piece to the child that Coro was still carrying. Birgitte started to sip the sweet fruit "Huh I figured that wastlanders would have teeth by now guess I was wrong" he said as the child forcefully took the piece with her hands.

When the Red-headed Fire Mage approached Simon gave him an instinctual scowl before realizing it wasn't who he thought it was "Well Valdric, we might as well go to our quarters as well." The death mage fixed his face to give a friendly demeanor "I'm sure you don't mind if I and my companion walk along with the first years?" he asked the new teacher as polite as possible.
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Alavin - Dining Hall

A man with a large burn scar and flaming hair approached their table with obvious impatience. As Simon and Valdric chatted amiably, Alavin let his gaze rest on the wolf-girl, who still had not introduced herself. He figured it would be easy enough to find her as she seemed to be pretty well attached to Simon. The baby gurgled and giggled her way around her own set of pre-speech problems such as how to get her apple. He wondered how exactly the baby had become lost. He was careful not to get too close though-this nurse mother of hers might not be the most pleased to see a Verdantkin holding her child when she got back.
Turning to the teacher, Alavin got to his feet. It didn't seem like a good idea to keep this man waiting. He prepared to shake Simon's hand, but he got to his feet and made to walk with them, so he smiled at him instead.