Returning User Stopping in

So, I'm a player that tends to pop in and out. Been friends with the admins for some time. And as of Halloween, I officially married and took Lobos' irl last name. I want to jump back in here but no clue where to start off or if I'll have time with world building a D&D campaign.
Any friend of the staff here is a friend of mine. Welcome (back) to STC!

As a veteran of the site, you must know this, but just in case you don't, DO. NOT. EAT. THE BROWNIES.
Welcome back, Kitty! Me and Tiko work late today, but I'm sure Tiko would love catching up sometime.
I’m new to all this and just joined and been rp for awhile but not the proper detailed rp and some people are going to have to help/teach me. I like the detail rp better and it’s hard know what others like and don’t like. It’s nice to meet you btw. I’m Michelle