成功終了: Successful End [5/8]

"Hey, Bonne, now that Abel isn't here, we have a room to ourselves." Sin winked at Bonne, fully expecting either a fist to the face or a knife dangerously close to his nether regions.
Bonne paused, ideas swirling in her head. Here was a great one. She liked this one.

"Sit down over here. I'll stand behind you so you don't just stare for twenty minutes and teach you what a goddamn computer does."
I like trying to teach Sin things. You make him react amusingly.


Bonne moved over so he could sit down properly and grabbed his hands, manoeuvreing them to the approprite keys. "If you apparently pay so much attention, I'm going to use that. Spell a word right and I'll hug you. First word: arc."
Like lightning, Sin's hands moved over the keyboard, and in the fraction of a second the word "arc" appeared on the screen.

Sin grabbed Bonne's hand and a slightly dubious smile appeared on his face.
This wasn't going to turn out well if Abel walked back in.

Bonne pulled the taller of the two into a tight hug. There were, like, three different spellings of "arc" if she remembered correctly. He deserved it.

About ten seconds later, she reluctantly unentangled herself. "Ahem. Second word: marzipan."
Glowing with the acknowledgement and the hug, Sin dived into the next word, however "marsinapan"was what came out on the screen. Sin knew it wasn't right, but he couldn't remember why. He shot a few daggered looks at Mugen before throwing a pebble at the poor demon. "Darn you, Mugen, eating my dreams and taking my memories." Sin grumbled as he thought about losing out on a hug with Bonne.
Bonne patted his head. "It's "zi", not "sina". You'll get the next one."

Then her eyes darkened. "Now type this. What did you call the demon that popped out of your head?"
"Muninn" appeared on the screen as soon as Bonne asked him to type it.

(Sorry, I've been misspelling it this entire time)

"There it is, why do you ask?" Sin, was wary of Bonne's line of questioning. He had always known Muniin, though he wasn't sure how. But Muninn, he knew, had always been there. Even before the rest came, or at least he thought that that was the case.
Name, fragmented or otherwise: barbus (Ahenobarbus)

Apparent age: look's like he is 21 really is 16

Appearance: 5ft 11in; 130lb; longer crew cut dark brown hair with grey and red streaks; decent muscles (not ripped but not lanky), eye color he his right eye is grey and his left eye is sea green,always looks angry and ready to fight, on his upper right shoulder he has a tattoo of one black and one white ghostly figures

Leader, support, field agent, or researcher: field agent

Gender: male

Personality: f*** you, smarter than he looks, but acts stupid anyways

Percent of nightmares taken: 95%

Percent of dreams taken: 95%
Accepted! Hail to you, too, @Durza! Sorry if you had to sift through, like, four pages to get to this part. I really should just make an OOC thread for the talking.
It's alright, Durza is a friend of mine in RL.

also, what is the actual goal in the story?
Clear the city of demons using the demon named B-something mentioned in the exposition letter. Kriemhild, the leader of the group, is extremely likely to flee with all her demons save maybe a few stragglers when that one shows up. I have an idea for the demon, but it took a little research into sins.

(God, the pun. I actually mean it, though. Seven sins.)
wait...the seven sins....can I be Wrath? (cause my name is Sin and all...)
Sure, go ahead. It doesn't seem to fit, judging by your current postings, but if you can make it work, feel free.

I call dibs on pride if this actually ends up a theme.