
Draconic Administrator/Mentor
The world is an intricate tapestry of pure artistry, beyond the scope of mortal imagination or comprehension. Each soul needs to be carefully nurtured and incubated before being reborn to the world. Each one requires generations of planning to ensure they grow into their destinies at the proper time. It takes years for a child to grow to adult hood, years to learn life's lessons and to discover what makes a mortal's heart beat strong in the face of adversity.

The gods are artists and the world their canvas, but like all artists, not all of the their tapestries can become master pieces. Tampering with the weave of creation and the rebirth of souls isn't an exact science. Free will reigns supreme in the realm of the mortals. Miscalculations are prevalent all across history. Carefully laid threads can become severed, heroes can fall before their time, others still can fall from grace and turn to darker paths. Such is the way of the world.


Note: Tapestry of the Ages isn't currently accepting new players. If you really like the concept of the roleplay, I recommend checking out another of my roleplays, Chronicles of the Omniverse, as this roleplay branched off from that one.