The Archrivals of White Springs


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In the sunny side beach town of White Springs, California the sun rises over the ocean to awake it’s residents. Its light reaching all across the ocean front town towards the mountains stretching in its background. The weather this time around is starting to grow chilly, yet warm enough to sport light attire. As if in a comical way, the alarm blares to life in a certain teenage girl’s bedroom, it blares for what seems an eternity until her hand slams down on the analog vintage beast coming to ruin her morning for the umpteenth time. She rises from her slumber, a rat’s nest of black hair sits stop her head, sleep still clings to her lids even as she rubs it out along with a yawn. Stretching her limbs, she spares a tired glance to the clock, which sends her sprawling off the bed, knocking her mobile off in the commotion. To which to add to her problems, is cracked beneath her weight, she plucks it out from under her, saddened to find it not turning on.

Great, this is just my luck.’ She ponders as she lays on her carpeted bedroom floor, waiting for the late yelling of her mother’s voice to croon out.

“Sora! Get your behind outta bed!” Her mother calls from the first floor. The thing, which was most unique about her mother, was her colorful vocabulary in which she would use in a threatening tone and in Korean, too.

With a firm groan, she sat up and groggily got herself ready, half-remembering to tell her mother that she’d broken her Galaxy Note 10. A brand-new phone just given to her nearly a month ago, but Sora was always clumsy in handling her own personal belongings. After slipping on a bland black t-shirt, jeans, and her vans, she grabbed her book bag which held her supplies needed for school, and camera. She brushed the knots from her hair and let it be out today, fixing her fringe which hid her forehead and wore her contacts. After applying minimal, natural makeup, Sora emerged from her bedroom, heading down the flight of stairs to the wrapped breakfast burrito and juice box waiting for her. Her mother had already prepared 2 bento boxes for her children, Sora and her younger brother, Jae. Sora placed the bento box into her bag, zipping it up and placing her broken phone on the counter.

Her mother glanced up from the pan, “Are you crazy? You know how much your father spent…” Her mother would continue to berate her in Korean, then telling her to be more careful of taking care of her personal belongings.

“I’m sorry, Mom. Do you have any spare phones you don’t use?” Sora asked sheepishly.

Her mother sent her a glare, “Look in your father’s tool box in the garage. He has an old Moto g7 something phone. It should work fine.”

Though she was embarrassed to be using her father’s old phone from a year ago, it would have to do for the moment. Unwrapping the top of her burrito, she bit into the deliciousness while making her way into the garage, nearly groaning out in annoyance at the sheer amount of tools her father had laying around. It was clear where she got her messy side from, but she found the red toolbox, seeing the phone in it. Sora powered it up, finding nearly a full battery already, which surprised her. Making her way back into the kitchen, she checked to see if her sim card could fit and with luck, it did! Which made her sigh in relief as she programmed in the basics and set it up while she waited for the bus to show.

Nearly finishing her burrito, the large yellow bus squeaked to the curb, the horn blaring out for her. Sora grabbed her bomber jacket, slipped it on, and slung her book bag over her left shoulder, yelling a bye to her mother as she jetted out the door and onto the bus. Nearly half of the bus was already full, Sora managed to find a seat in the back not yet taken. As the bus continued to pick up the remaining students living near the beach side of White Springs, it finally went towards White Springs High School. The school, in which, had an infamous rivalry with Elk Grove High School. As soon as the bus pulled up to the drop point, Sora was near the first one out with one student ahead of her. As a junior, she was always embarrassed to emerge from the same bus she’d been riding the past two years, even after getting her driver’s license her parents hadn’t bought her a vehicle, saying it was too dangerous.

Sora made into the large school, past the glass doors and into the commons area, where she soon found herself at one of the side tables off to the side. She was finishing up a book report for English AP when one of her best friends, Jordan startled her from her concentration on it. Her pencil went clattering to the ground, Sora scrambled to get it off the ground only for it to be swooped up by another, larger hand; belonging to her second-best friend, Axel.

She immediately sat upright, finding both smiling at her, “Good morning, Leedle-Lee!” Jordan said in a chipper voice.

Sora’s face grimaced at the loud, obnoxious voice, “Quiet it down, I need to finish this book report.”

Axel handed her, her pencil back, “Here ya go.” He took a seat besides her, looking at the book report to be on another Shakespeare book. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

Jordan, on the other hand, sat opposite of them, using her skateboard to balance one foot on, “So, d’ya guys hear about what happened to Elk Grove over the weekend?”

This caught Axel and Sora’s interest, she stopped writing and looked to Jordan, “No, what happened?”

Axel’s left eye opened to glance at Jordan, who in turn, answered, “Apparently, the uh…electrician? Or the school maybe, who the hell knows? Forgot to replace some old wiring and their own school caught on fire.”

This caught Sora off guard, and had formed a pit of dread in her stomach, “Was it on accident?”

“Yeah. It happened in their Science classroom, which apparently, had some flammable fire-y stuff in it. The school went…” Jordan made explosion noises while acting it out with her hands, “I guess that's what they get for always trying to one-up us on everything. Ms. Karma finally gave us payback.”

“My mom was talking about it this morning, actually.” Axel chimed in, closing his eyes once again, “Apparently, half of the school is transferring over here and the other to the other school that I don’t care to remember by.”

Sora’s face fell, “D-did they say which students?”

“One’s that live on half of I-90, are coming here.” Axel adds, “Why? Are you worried or something?”

Sora was quiet for awhile before answering, “…You know my old childhood friend I told you guys about?”

“Uh…that one dude, whatshisname…” Jordan pretended to not remember his name.

“Anthony Matthews.” Sora finishes for her, “He lives on I-90.” Her mood now sour, “Oh man, just my luck.”

“You plan on avoiding him or what?” Axel boredly asks, not really caring about it, but is actually worried for her.

“I can only hope he doesn’t have any classes with me.”

“If he does, just ask to transfer to a different class, besides you’re like the top ranked student here. And we’re known for having the highest level of intellectuals in the entire district.” Jordan comments. Then the bell rings, warning for the students to head to their Advisor classes, where they would get the news of Elk Grove’s students transferring over until reconstruction is finished. Sora already dreaded the forthcoming school year.

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“This can’t be happening
This was supposed to be OUR year”
A single tear shed down Anthony’s face as he scrolled through the team group chat on his phone. He sniffed and wiped it away. It was over. There was nothing he could do about it. Elk Grove had burned down. Anthony rummaged through his closet and through on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Typically he would try and impress others with his looks, but not those White Springs snobs. The door creaked open and light cascaded from the hallway into Anthony’s room. “Honey, you need to get up and out to school,” His mother said. After she spoke, she left the door open. Anthony dragged himself out of his bedroom. On the counter in the kitchen sat a freshly cooked plate of french toast, Anthony’s favorite breakfast. He quickly shoveled the French toast into his mouth without even bothering to put syrup on them.

Anthony’s mom sat at the table. She noticed how rushed Anthony was this morning and figured he was upset. “Don’t worry honey, there will be a lot of familiar faces at school. Some of your friends from Elk Grove will be there, and old friends from when you used to go to school there.” She said while reading the White Springs Times.

This comment only added fuel to the fire. The problem is there was familiar faces. Specially one familiar face that he did not want to see.

A pair of white Air-force 1s sat at the welcome mat. They were Anthony’s favorite shoes. Time had done a number on them, but they were still reliable as the day he got them. Anthony slipped on his shoes, grabbed his keys and his book bag, and made his way to his vehicle. Outside on the driveway of his family home sat his 2018 Ford Fiesta, the car his family recently picked up with insurance money from an accident his father had gotten into a year prior.

Anthony started the car and pulled out of the driveway and mad his way towards the WSHS campus. The piercing sound of Anthony’s ringtone echoed through the car. Anthony picked up via the cars button to answer phone calls.

“Hey, Anthony, this is James,” the voice that came through speakers said.

“Yo, James, what’s up?” Anthony replied

“Bro meet me at you advisor class, we’ve got to talk about this White Springs team, it seriously blows.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in fifteen” Anthony started as he hung up the phone.

The parking lot outside WSHS was crammed full of cars, since it now had to accommodate vehicles from previous Elk Grove students and the Wht Springs students. Anthony managed to find parking spot it what seemed like an endless maze of cars.

Anthony got out and slammed the door shut, making sure he locked his car. He walked through the glass doors of the main entry way to WSHS and into the commons, just as the bell rang.

Surely enough as soon as he walked in he saw James standing next to an empty table. James had wide smile on his face as Anthony came over to him. Together they went of in search of their advisor class.
A set of dread, nervousness, and anxiousness coursed through her as she shuffled her way with Jordan towards their Advisor class. Sora was wringing her hands together, far more than usual as she was silent. Giving smiles and exchanging ‘Good morning!’ and ‘Hello’s’ to peers and teachers alike. As she leaned against the other locker, watching Jordan place her skateboard into the bare bones locker, slamming it shut, the flow of students still heading towards their own advisors as Jordan lifted a brow at her.

“C’mon, Sora. It can’t be that bad, right? Are you really in the pits about some elks prancing around in the school?” Jordan asked, pursing her lips at her friend as she grips her forearm.

Sora was really silent, more so now that she was thinking about Anthony and could only silently pray that they didn’t have any classes together. She only looked up to her friend as they made their way to the fourth floor, and down the nearly bare corridor with lockers aligning the walls. Doors were just now closing as students trickled into their own advisors. Jordan nudged her in the side, “Chin up, Ms. Priss, you can’t let a nobody have you down in the gutter. Not today!” Jordan gives her a smirk as she opens the door to Ms. Jones’ room.

Opening it up to a bustling activity of students, Sora’s head immediately straightening as soon as she found the class to be overflowing with students. Just when did Ms. Jones’ advisor class get so crammed? Sora found her assigned seat in the front and Jordan took the spot just behind her, poking her friend in the shoulder. Prompting the silent President of the Student Council to look back at her with a dreadful look, “Jordan, I know you’re just trying to cheer me up and I appreciate this…but I don’t think I can…” She trails off just as Ms. J comes into the classroom.

“Good morning students!” Ms. Jones chirps out, clearly more chipper than the half-awake students. Her steaming cup of coffee is sat on her metal desk.

Ms. Jones is a young 20s, something woman who graduated at the top of her class in college to teach education to the youth. And she also happened to be more one of the more well-liked teachers in the school. Her large, red frames donned on her face as she clapped her hands together, waking the groggily students to life.

“It’s Monday, wake up! Do I need you to run laps down the hallways?” This got the students to sit upright and half listening to her. A smile graced her lips as she started with this morning’s announcements on a piece of paper, “…and with Ms. Cortez being out for today, I will be reading the more pressing issue at hand on this paper!” She clapped her hands again, startling some of Sora’s peers to finally wake up.

Ms. Jones holds in her chuckle, “Elk Grove High School has unfortunately burnt down due to some faulty wiring in their Science room. Students that live on the other side of I-90 will be transferring here and attending as your fellow students until reconstruction is finished on their school. Let’s welcome our new fellow Cardinals!”

The Elk Grove students are awkwardly introducing themselves in grumbles and mumbles. Some of them sit in the back and the sides in chairs. Ms. Jones says, “There are a lot of new Cardinals attending this year, so be sure to welcome them with open arms. If any student needs help, please ask your fellow peers or seek out a teacher for guidance. Everyone here is equal and if I see anyone out of line, you’ll be immediately sent to the Principal’s Office.”

And with that, the bell rings again to officially start the day off. “Remember! Get to know one another and have a great Monday!” Ms. Jones concludes out the morning’s news. Half of the students already trickling out of the room and into the stream of activity. Sora, alongside Jordan already out into the river of students, one of which was always looking at new faces, hoping not to run into the one person she was already dreading – Anthony Matthews.
Anthony dragged his feet as he walked down the halls. He paid no attention during his advisor class, hell he couldn’t even tell you what his teacher’s name was. The halls were crowded as the halls WSHS were not meant to hold this many students. Anthony stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd due to his height. Many former Elk Grove students mumbled as he walked past. Back in Elk Grove, he was the talk of the school, but here he seemed like just a nobody.

US History was his first class, which was good, because it was subject he enjoyed.Although, he would have to get used to a new teacher and new class mates. He solemnly walked into the class room and took a seat that had his name labeled on it. Anthony slumped over into the desk which was dreadfully small compared to him. Like seriously, why couldn’t they make desks for larger people?

He took a look a round the room to analyze his surroundings. It was mostly typical history class stuff. Pictures of presidents, a poster depicting Gettysburg, and next the window was large paper cut out that said “Go Cardinals”

Anthony scoffed in disgust. He laid back in his chair and further investigated the room. He inspected the name plate on the desk. The letters spelled out Mr. Collinsworth. He recognized that name, but didn’t think anything of it.

It was then that he remembered he Mr Collinsworth was. The head basketball coach at White Springs. He had to be on his best behavior to have a good impression. Then he realized, Mr. Collinsworth already had impression of Anthony, and it wasn’t good. He reminisced on the many vulgar comments that the two threw at each other at games. Mr. Collinsworth was one of the least professional coaches he’d seen in his playing days.

Relax, maybe he’s willing to give you a chance to help out his half assed team, Anthony thought as he fiddled with his mechanical pencil. He couldn’t get on any worse ground with Mr. Collinsworth or it was likely he wouldn’t even make the team.
With a cautious approach, Sora peaked her head into Honors Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry and found a fewer new students in a throng of desks. Some of the other desks unoccupied in the first and second rows. A sigh of relief internally escaped her as she took her seat at the front. Sora was one of the few students that excelled in mathematics, and she often finished her work before the others then would help the students struggling to figure out problems they might’ve been stuck on. Sora’s teachings were always simple, in a more familiar setting to individual students of what they liked or a certain hobby, she’d convert the problem to it and make it simpler than what was printed out in the book.

Her nerves calmed at the sight of her Honors teacher, Mrs. Hawthorne, giving a genuine smile as she said good morning to mostly awaken students. With a quick re-introduction to the newer students, Mrs. Hawthorne started with the newest lesson into trigonometry, they already had a quiz last week on some Pre-Calc lessons that happened throughout the months of September and half of October. When the bell finally rang, Sora already made friends with some of the new Elk Grove Students, she found that some were not as bad as what she was met with when she attended some of their basketball games in their own home gym court. She eased a particular duo of younger sophomores into the lesson, giving them a tag-team lesson in one, and earning their thanks as a result of easing their worries.

Sora flowed into the sea of students, her next class having been AP English and Composition. In this one, she was lucky enough to have with Axel, who was already walking with her towards the third floor. This school was particularly large enough to house over 1500+ students, but with more to add into it, it was basically overflowing to the brim at the point.

“So, how did it go?” He asked, tucking his book beneath his arm from his locker.

Sora nods, “Good. It was better than I’d hoped. Maybe this day won’t be so bad after all.” She smiled warmly at him.

“Good for you. My first class was a shit-show. Think I spotted that one dude in US History. You said he was tall right? He looked like an overgrown troll sitting in a tiny ass desk.” Axel says, her hopes now dashed. Only hoping this next class wasn’t bad either.

“Thanks for the heads up. I think I’m going to puke after class.” Sora remarks as they make their way down the stairs and to the third floor. Once into AP English and Composition, she took her seat in the front, Axel was being particular in sitting close to her today. Though it wouldn’t help with the amount of popularity he gained in the summer. Axel had been releasing music online under the moniker, “Axel Vale,” though that wasn’t his real name. His small musician side hobby was starting to get real for him just as soon as he started school, the music had all but halted for the moment.

“Don’t worry so much, Soso, I’ll be right here with you.” He comforted her, squeezing her arm in the moment then turning to talk with his fellow peers.
US History ended up not being as bad as he expected. Mr. Collinsworth simply handed out a rubric and read it allowed. Anthony walked out of the class as quickly as possible as soon as the bell rang. He managed to get away without a single remark from Mr. Collinsworth.

Now Anthony was on to his next class, Strength and Conditioning. He silently entered the room and noticed James was there too, flirting with White Springs students. Typical. He did that before Elk Grove burned down. The Strength and conditioning teacher didn’t even show up to class,they merely put the work out up on a white board in the weight room.

Anthony simply got to work on his work out, no questions asked. He had been on a similar program over the summer, so the exercises were muscle memory to him. He finished the workout faster then any other student in the class.

Once he was finished, he left the class early. Seeing as he has nothing else to do he entered the commons and started playing games on his phone. His next class was AP Chemistry, which the Classroom where he attended the class in Elk Grove was the one where the fire started.

Anthony stopped playing games and sent a text to James asking him what class he had next.
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Once the class was over, Sora was more at ease, slipping back into her comfortable zone. She just had AP Chemistry then she would be free to attend a Student Council Luncheon in a private, conference room. Back out into the now, bustling activity of students, she was more herself as she greeted with an optimistic outlook on things. Despite the scoffs and rolled eyes turned her way, she still went out of her way to welcome the Elk Grove Students, as being the Student Council’s President, it was a requirement of her. She enjoyed meeting new faces, hearing new names to remember and jot down in her journal for later as Axel and she made it to the first floor. AP Chemistry was held down here for more appropriate measures of safety and in case of emergencies – unlike a certain school, who had theirs burnt down.

“See you later, Ax!” She chimed behind her as he broke off from her and to join up with a larger group of students who seemed to await their newly, popular peer into the stream.

It was nearly afternoon, and she could already feel the day to start to feel like any other. Like all the others, she was one of the first students to arrive, taking the first seat in the front row and pulling out her required materials, as listed on the white board. She let out another breath of relief, she smiled at the students who were happy to greet her, even the ones grumbling a greeting out of mere politeness. Sora flipped her notebook open, going over the notes neatly re-written in there with small pictures, and highlighted ones to remember by. A small, warm smile graced her features as she looked over the notes and book propped open to the required pages. She was merely getting a warm-up of today’s lesson.
Anthony fought against the crowd in the halls on the first floor. His size made it fairly easy to get through the crowd with minimal difficulty. Once he reached the AP Chemistry room, he entered without a second thought. He took a seat in the back of the class and opened his book bag. He pulled out his materials for the day.

Much like he did in Mr. Collinsworth's class, Anthony inspected the room. Pretty basic. Whiteboards, vials, safety masks, and aprons littered the classroom. Then he checked out the students to see if there was anyone he recognized. Anthony picked out a few familiar faces.

Then he saw her.

Sora Lee. Also known as his worst enemy. She sat at the front of the class. Ugh, what a perfectionist, She has to be at the front of the class, Anthony thought as he kicked his feet up on the desk and glared.

Am I gonna have to share this class with her? Oh God, Anthony's thoughts continued and he began to frown. His worst enemy was in his Chemistry class.
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Sora switched over to the next page in her notebook, looking at the other side of the Chemistry book. She was deep in review when she heard it, deep footsteps emerging from the corridor and into the room. With a side-eye, she saw the one person she dreaded meeting, ‘Anthony Matthews.’ Suddenly, the pit of dread came rushing back in like a flood. Her gaze flickered back to her notes, trying with difficulty to review the last page. Fully aware of the case of her anxiety taking a seat somewhere behind her. Sora plucked her water bottle out of her book bag, which rest against her desk and took a swig of the cool liquid to calm her nerves, again.

She didn’t have to look behind her to know that she was being stared at, likely with an equal taste of disgust as she fake gagged. Sora suddenly felt like she needed to keel over and puke, but she would not let her do so in front of Matthews, no less. ‘I’m definitely going to make a transfer during lunch.’ Sora thought, already on a set resolve to bolt out of class and make her way across the school towards the main office to request a transfer into a different class. There’s just, no way in hell, was she going to sit out an entire semester of school with Anthony, she’d rather fake sickness than do that.

As the class began, she visibly relaxed as the Chemistry teacher walked in with a rather, over the normal amount of cheer in his voice. He went over the syllabus again, mentioning the rubric of which he would grade tests, quizzes, attendance, and even group projects. ‘Oh fu--, I’m so screwed on this next part.’ Just to test out far her psyche could go, the teacher started on the next lesson which would take part in a lab.

“Alright, now that I caught you all up to speed. You new students are just in luck!” He turned the slide over to the presentation, “With the latest lesson, we’ll go over what needs to be done, safety precautions." He wagged his finger at the Elk Grove Students with a knowing look and turned back to the board, “…and making sure you get what need for this next project. That’s right everyone will be in groups of two. I’ve counted your heads, there’s enough for two and one group of three. As apart of this upcoming project, I will be having you students team up with the newer students.” Half of the class groans and the other is unsure of how to take this news.

Sora, on the other hand, was visibly terrified by this news. As long as she was not matched up with…”…Those closest to you will become your partners. In this first case, Matthews, Lee, and Martinez. You three will be the first group and only group of three. Now, onto the others…” He starts listing off duos and comes back to the front again, “I advise you get familiar with one another for this first session. And in tomorrow’s session, we’ll get started on our projects. Any questions?”

Sora’s hand was the first to shoot up, “Yes, Lee?”

“Can I switch with another group?” She asked first. This surprised the teacher, usually she was happy to help out newer students, this was entirely out of character for her.

He lifted a brow, “Do you have a plausible excuse of wanting to switch?”

Her hand slowly faltered to her side and she grew immediately quiet. “That’s what I thought. You’re the President of the Student’s Council, Ms. Lee. Please, try to be more welcoming to the latest batch of students.” And with that, he went ahead to show the final slide show of precautions, and to practice safety whilst doing this project.
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Anthony almost through up at the thought of working together with Sora. He'd rather crawl through a bed of nails then do anything with Sora Lee. After groaning he moved his desk closer to Sora and this Martinez fellow. He opened his Chemistry book and began to work by himself. He was kidding, he couldn't do this work by himself.

Then an Idea popped into Anthony's head. He sneered at the thought of his plan and waited until the right moment to attempt to bring it to fruition. The closer he got to Sora the uneasier his stomach was.

Now was the time to intact his plan. "Oh no Ms. Lee, The PRESIDENT of the Student's Council is being unwelcoming of a harmless student from Elk Grove whom is merely trying assimilate into your fantastic schooling system," Anthony exclaimed. He made sure his voice was loud enough for the whole class to hear, including the Chemistry teacher. He almost gagged when he said fantastic schooling system but managed to hold back for the sake of getting Sora in trouble.
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With reluctance, Sora had turned her desk around, facing two male counterparts as they joined their desks up together. She gave a brief hello to Martinez, barely a whisper of a greeting to Matthews through clenched teeth. Though she kept her eyes glued to her book or even to Martinez, who was attempting to make small talk, it was fully aware of how awkward the atmosphere was. While the others around them were easing into this ‘ice breaker’ session, they hardly went past two words to each other.

“Um… so what do you think of—” She was cut off by Anthony’s loud, nasally voice exclaiming to the others all around her. She sat there stunned for a moment, her slightly agape mouth closing shut as everyone was now silent and she was aware of the sheer amount of attention drawn to their particular group.

Martinez’s ears had grown red, it was clear he was also uncomfortable by the amount of eyes on them. Even the teacher had turned from a duo of students, he stood up and walked over to the group. He pointed between the duo, “Is this true, Sora?”

Though she wanted to lash out, she had formulated a better plan while she was quiet. In sheer spiteness, she looked Anthony dead in the eye and said, “I apologize for my unwelcoming mood, Anthony.” She said with a sickly-sweet smile, “Mr. Davis, I can personally ease him into the class. I think Emilio over here already has the basics down, isn’t that right, Martinez?” She turned her gaze to the other partner.

With a stutter and curt nod, “Y-yes.”

“That will be most kind of you, Ms. Lee. Martinez, you can group up with uh.. Luke and Emily for the time being. It seems Mr. Matthews needs more time to get to know the class better.” He gave a smile to them both, “It’s very important to ease those most uncomfortable, especially. Please, take the time to ease him into the subject and Martinez will join you in tomorrow’s session.” He turned back to the former students he was attending to before the loud words came from Anthony.

Once he left, Sora’s demeanor shifted like a switch, she leaned in towards her desk, and hissed, “I don’t know what game you’re trying to play, but two can play at it.”
Anthony felt a sort of pride once he garnered the whole class's attention. Then, much to Anthony's dismay, Sor was able to diffuse the situation in the blink of an eye. To top it all off, she got Emilio moved away. That sucked because now he was all alone with "Ms. Lee". He buried his nose into his book as soon as Emilio was moved away. Not soon after, Sora clapped back saying that two can play at his little game.

"Well I'll tell you this Lee, I refuse to lose games and I will do ANYTHING to beat you at it. But now, you got Emilio moved away. He seemed chill and he was my only sanctuary from you." Anthony snapped back a Sora. His competitive spirit burned like a furnace and Sora was the logs that kept the fire red hot. Anthony had only just begun his plot to take down Sora.

Anthony sat back in his chair and dug his nose back into his chemistry book. He began to actually work this time. He had his fun with Sora for this class period.

Deep inside Anthony, he knew, that Sora was for more cunning than him, and this would be game that was difficult to win.
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Sora sent a glare his way, never letting her steeled façade falter as he spoke. She leaned back in her own chair, and pursed her lips. Lifting a brow at his words, it only ignited a fire in her, though she bit back her words of malice. Her top lip twitched, she grabbed her pencil and started tapping it against the page on her Chemistry book. A icy smile fell onto her lips again, “Is that so?” She looked up and started counting in her head, putting pieces together then her gaze fell back to overgrown giant in his wooden desk.

“Martinez will be back tomorrow, it was temporary.” Her brow furrowed, “Well, unfortunately for you, I refuse to let you bring my grade down in this class. Which means…I’ll bite my tongue back if you can just do your part on this project as much as I hate this, but it won’t look good on my grades for next quarter if you don’t pull your weight and not literally.” The tapping of her pencil stopped against the page.

He looked ridiculous trying to make himself small when he looked like a giant, an ugly one at that too. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as having to look at this troll in front of her, but for the remaining of the class she was quiet until the last ten minutes of class came to a close. Sora closed her books, shoving them into her bag with her water bottle. Sora corrected her desk to face the front again, only glancing back once to toss a crumpled piece of paper at Matthews, “Thank me later.” Sora, despite her spiteness with Anthony, wrote some hastily notes for the last lesson for him to catch up on. Turns out Mr. Davis was still going to test the newer students on their Chemistry AP knowledge of what they learned while at EGHS.

Sora didn’t say anything else, with permission from the teacher she was excused early to retrieve her lunch before any of the other students. Once she was out the door, her thumping heart thrummed in her ears as she made her way towards the cafeteria, it was attached to the commons. Once there, she greeted with a musical hello to the lunch ladies, thanking them for their hard work and paid for her food. As President, she was always the first one in the conference room. Turns out this would be an emergency meeting with everyone – it was called by the Councilor and Principal. Sora had more drama awaiting her, more than she previously thought. This day couldn’t be over already.
Despite the interaction with Sora, he managed to get his work done for the day. Sora left early, which gave Anthony time to relax. Not long after Sora left, the bell rang. Anthony grabbed his backpack and streamed back into the crowded halls. He made his way towards the commons area to eat the lunch he packed last night for his school day. It wasn’t anything too fancy, just a Gatorade, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some crackers and a banana.

Adapting to the new school and quite few new faces proved quite difficult today, so he sat by himself and ate his lunch in peace. He tried to finish his lunch as quickly as possible so he didn’t risk being seen by Sora. Anthony left the commons in peace and moved out in to the halls, hopefully he could find someone to associate with.

He didn’t find anyone so his lunch was pretty lonely. For the last half of lunch or so he simply browsed social media. Not much he didn’t expect was on there. A lot of people just complaining about having to move schools, which Anthony agreed with. This stupid fire might go down to ruin everything for him.
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Once she sat, she was already picking at her food. Running into Anthony really had made her lose her appetite. She took sips from her juice box, using a metal straw as she placed it on her plastic tray. Once the other students had filed into the room, a majority of the chairs have already been taken – both by EGHS and WSHS students alike. The Principal and Councilor came in last, coming to the head of the table that had a white board sitting behind it. Some of the students already digging into their lunch as they got to talking. Apparently, students on the council at their rival school would be joining up with theirs, though they got lucky that their own President wasn’t attending this school – she was at the other one. This made Sora ease into her seat, taking small bites of the food.


This caused her to look up at the Principal, “Yes?”

“I want you to bring the others up to speed. I’ve already had you excused from your clubs for the evening. Any projects that involve student council, I want you to tell the newest students, get them familiar of your system and how we do things around here. And remember, I won’t tolerate discrimination.”

She nods, turning her head back to her food that was barely eaten. Once the meeting was over, she was already discarding her food away and returning the tray to the back to get washed. Sora told her VP to go ahead and get started since she needed to use the restroom, mostly an excuse. The nerves had jangled her up after her confrontation with Matthews, she went near running into the nearest empty stall and threw up the lunch she just scarfed down. Cleaning herself up, she re-did her makeup and made herself look as presentable as her could and made her way back towards the conference room.

God really has it out for you today, huh Sora?’ She’d tell herself as she entered the room.
Anthony’s next class was chorus. He enjoyed singing, but he wasn’t great. The bell wrong and he searched through the hall for the Choir room. Hopefully, there was someone he at least recognized. Except for Sora of course. He managed to be the first one in the room. He made himself comfortable in a chair and waited for other students and the teacher to enter the room. He schemed his phone yet again.

Anthony’s phone lit up. He had received a text from one of his best friends from Elk Grove, Aria. “Hey, what class do you have next, I can’t stand anymore of these preppy WSHS students.”

Aria was in student council at EGHS and was required to help represent the new students from EGHS. Anthony felt remorse for Aria for having to deal with Sora at the student council meeting. “I’m in choir right now,” Anthony texted back.

“Great, finally a class with someone I can stand, I’m on my way from the student council room right now.” Aria texted back almost immediately. Anthony’s face lit up with a smile, finally he had a friend in a class with him.
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After the meeting concluded, Sora made sure to give an extra helping hand out to the students which were unsure. Her welcoming nature brought ease to some of the transfer students. She even told ‘em to text her if they ever had pressing matters, after all they would be working closely until construction was completed on EGHS. Once the rest had trickled out, she let out a sigh of relief, her VP smiling at her.

“Lots on your shoulders today, huh Sora?” He asked, clapping her on the shoulder.

“Nothing I can’t handle. You know me, Josh, I always handle more than what’s required of me.” She gave a reassuring smile. Though that wasn’t the truth, she always spread herself too thin, and she was just barely reaching her breaking point.

Joshua told her to text him, if she ever needed help shoulder the loaded work onto him. Nodding, she dismissed him and started cleaning up the conference room. Putting materials away and placing them inside the box, she would be having AP Probability and Statistics next. Nothing she couldn’t handle, it was quite studious of her to always go above and beyond.

She pulled out the clunky Motorola, seeing new messages already piling up inside her inbox. Though, the one person she wanted to see right now, had just texted she was coming from AP US History.

Ur in the confer rm rite?
- Jordan

Yes. Cleaning now.
- Sent!

She finished up, and placed the top on the plastic tub. Her next class was with Jordan, which was a plus in her book. At least she wouldn’t have to be badgered by new transfer students this time around. This class was fairly easy, at least in Sora’s eyes it was. The door opened with a taller female walking in, it was Jordan.

“Aye, girl. Leggo!”

She snorted at her friend’s unwavering enthusiasm, picking the box up, she had Jordan gather her bag for her. They both joined the stream of fully awake students now, back out towards the bustling activity.
The choir room began to fill. In the blink of an eye, it was as full as it was empty when Anthony had first arrived. Aria was the last to arrive in the classroom, excluding the teacher, who was likely trying to spend as little time with his students as possible. The two shared smiles as Aria entered. She took a seat next to Anthony and the two began to converse.

“Ok Matthews, we’ve got to change your look, gym shorts will not cut it,” Aria exclaimed as she inspected Anthony. Aria would always do this, judge people on their appearance when she first got talking to them.

“You have so much potential when it comes to looks, and you waste it, don’t you want to impress people?” Aria asked

“Who would I want to impress? I thought I looked good in this.” Anthony sighed.

“N.O.” Aria stated, she was borderline offended by that statement,” That spells no, I’ve heard about your English grade, so I decided to give you some help there. As for your looks, you look like something the cat dragged in. That is of the cat could drag a 6’7” basketball player through the door. I’m going through your wardrobe this weekend and we are getting rid of everything, and we’re going shopping.”

“Whatever you say Aria,” Anthonygroaned at the thought of spending money on clothes, but he hadn’t spent time with Aria in a long time. It would be a nice change of pace from his usual weekend schedule, which consisted of workouts and practice.
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In her next class, it was another round of refreshing the latest Cardinals with what to expect and a grading rubric. None of this was interesting to the young teen, though she kept mild interest to see if anything new came up. And when it didn’t, the teacher started on the next lesson after announcing a test for the Elk Grove students. Jordan, on the other hand, was pretending to sleep at the droning of the older female’s talk as she turned to the white board. She started talking to the new kid sitting next to her. Sora could hear their voices in hushed whispers, though not loud enough for her to care anymore as she jotted down the notes on the white board.

Though mostly uneventful, they got to play another ice breaker game. Sora couldn’t wait to graduate already, though barely into her Junior year. The thing she hated most about high school was the ‘high and mighty’ air that flowed through all of its students, and the way you had to make such big life decisions in a matter of 4 years. Not to amount the peer pressure with how well she was regarded in her own school. Sora looked at the clock, only two more classes and she was free to return home after collecting her work from the office. But then she remembered, if any of the latest student council students were going to hang back to get more familiar with the school’s layout. This put her in a dilemma whether she wanted to return home early or stay after and help lost students.

Choir was typical choir class. The group went through warmups and sight reading. The teacher than introduced new material for their Christmas concert which was planned for December 18th. Anthony sucked at sight reading music so he struggled through the class. He didn’t mind though, choir was an easy class to pass as long as you participate.

The bell rang, choir ended even faster then it seemed to start. Anthony said goodbye to Aria. It was nice to see someone he liked in a class for once. It’s nice to see friendly face at least once.

Anthony moved towards his next class, which was AP English. He entered the room and took a seat in the back of the class. He placed his book bag on the floor and got his supplies for the class out.