Interest Check The Bunkers


plate of fries
The world is obsessed with progress. It always has been. Focusing on the future, while turning a blind eye to the present.

It was humanity's obsession with the future, that became their ultimate downfall.

One young scientist looked around and saw how people were constantly trying to improve the world for future generations, and wanted to be a part of that. Not for any selfless reasons, mind you. He just wanted to be known for doing something great.

This young man wouldn't be satisfied with working towards a solution for some issue that every other scientist was already working on, like renewable energy or non-polluting cars. The problem he decided to tackle? Only world hunger. But not by producing food substitutes, or helping with crop yields. That was too basic for him to bother with. He wanted to do something much bigger.


He thought that being able to produce bigger livestock would be brilliant for several reasons. Firstly, each animal would provide more meat, and therefore feed more people. And secondly, livestock that was used for things other than just meat, would produce more: bigger sheep would produce more wool; bigger chickens would produce bigger eggs; bigger cows would produce more milk.

And so, testing first on some lab rats, he introduced a mutation that made their offspring grow bigger, while also reducing the gestation period by a half so that each new generation would be born quicker. The second generation were 10% bigger than the first, the third generation was 10% bigger than the second, and so on. Within a year, the mice were producing offspring that were more than double the size of the original generation.

He introduced this mutation into livestock, and the results were brilliant. Each generation was bigger than the last, producing more meat, more products. Within a decade, the name Craig Venter became known around the world.

But not all was as perfect as it seemed. Somehow, the mutation had found its way into the wild. It went unnoticed for a while, until several English towns started to report sightings of foxes and hedgehogs far larger than what was normal. It was around this time that the domestic animals with the mutation also started changing, growing more aggressive, more violent. They turned against their owners. Within a year, everything changed.

Finally recognizing the threat that these mutated animals posed, the governments of the world rushed to build reinforced bunkers that people could hide away in, each one big enough for 100,000 people. Only fifteen were built. In the four months it took to build these bunkers, there were many riots - and even more deaths - as humanity tried to work out who should be the one and a half million allowed to live, especially after people found out that each bunkers could hold twenty-five thousand more people than the amount being allowed in.

As soon as the bunkers were complete, the lucky chosen ones moved in, bringing with them only a single suitcase of belongings each. Half of them were brilliant students and those with professions that would help in the bunkers: scientists, farmers, medical professionals. The other half were chosen with a worldwide lottery, the lucky ones to win spaces being sent to the bunker they had won a place for.

Those who weren't lucky enough, were presumed to have fallen victim to the violent animals.

Each bunker soon became a community, creating their own traditions, their own cultures, even their own languages. At first, the bunkers did keep in contact with each other, sharing information, developments, the languages they had developed. But with no one in the outside world to maintain the systems needed for inter-bunker communication, these too fell victim to nature.

The bunkers continued to thrive independently. Every bunker had its ups and downs, just like any country. But, overall, it was a pretty okay life for the citizens of the bunkers.

Until, on the 20th of April, 2256, the bunkers fell.


The surviving human population, the lucky 1.5 million people, hid away in 15 bunkers around the world. These bunkers, named after people who helped to build them, were spread across four continents. In North America were the bunkers Ekner, Lens, Pater, and Reis. In South America were Culina, Gakpo, and Stevens. In Europe were Bish, Dillen, Offers, and Zenden. And in Asia were Addo, Kuylen, Need, and Nilis.

The bunkers were all about six floors above the ground, and fourteen below the ground. The top four floors consisted of hospitals, laboratories and farms, and the two below held housing for medical personnel, scientists, and the people in charge. These floors above ground were all off-limits to most people. The floors below ground were for everything else: the rest of the housing, schools, etc.

Of course, each bunker did develop separately, especially after the Communication Outage of 2089. They developed their own languages, traditions, cultures, laws.

The bunkers took different approaches in leadership, just like in the old world: some evolved into monarchies, a family leading the population; others had a strong man or woman taking control, effectively turning their bunker into a dictatorship.

They also put emphasis on different areas of development. Some focused on technology or weapons, while others focused on food or knowledge. It all depended on their leaderships, and the cultures that had come together within each bunker.

Addo is a bunker located in Central Asia.This democracy has no specific specialization, instead working to improve small things across a range of different areas.

Bish is a bunker located in Northern Europe. It is a dictatorship, that works to develop basic technology that improves people’s lives. Efficient ways to travel through the bunkers, ways to communicate within Bish, things like that. Although, the current guy in charge does have a tendency to keep the best technology for himself, forbidding any of the development teams from sharing it, or even letting the public know of its existence.

Culina is a monarchy located in South America, a bunker focused on sports. Their main sport is recent in reality, but something that has been in the media for a couple centuries: something very much like Quidditch. It uses power-propelled brooms, and hover-balls.

Dillen is a bunker in Central Europe. It is a democracy, and specializes in medical areas. This ranges from working on new medicines and surgeries, to developing new medical technology.

Ekner is a bunker located in the south of North America. It is focused on religion, especially creating a new religious book from the old ones. The people of Ekner are ruled over by one man, the Leader. Since the implementation of the Leader, from the very first Leader, there has been a rule that no women are allowed to be in charge, and a rule stating that the Leader is not allowed to have a wife. And some people wonder why every Leader has turned out to be gay...

Kuylen is one of the two bunkers that were built in Eastern Asia. It is a monarchy, and specializes in the development of technology, especially in the food production area. When people first entered the bunker, Joshua and Winter Brooke took charge. It seemed a joke, the man and his wife pretending to be King and Queen, but as days and weeks passed, nobody challenged their take on ruling. And as weeks and months went by, they did better than expected, letting those who knew things thrive, giving opportunities to others, and the King became a binding factor, and his Queen a well loved person. Their son took charge when they could no longer lead, and since then, generations of the Brooke family have led the people of the Kuylen bunker. The current King and Queen are Kenji and Cora Brooke, and their daughter, Princess Fable Brooke (or Faye, for short), will take over when they step down.
Throughout the monarchy's reign, the Head Scientist - whoever it is at any one time - has always been at their side, working with them to develop technologies that helped the bunker to thrive. The current Head Scientist is Doctor Kira Aisu Kirimu. She became the youngest Head Scientist at the age of twenty-four. Dr Kirimu's most-loved invention is the very smart TV. Based off of an old idea from before the bunker system, it appears to be a large TV with an American-style fridge attached, but it's much more than that. It can cook, make drinks, wake a person up. It can do a lot of things. As long as everything is in the right place, of course, because it isn't quite smart enough to find stuff in a messy fridge or cupboard.
The monarchy and scientists have also worked closely alongside the Farmers of the bunker since people first entered Kuylen. The bunker began as a farming community, and so the first technologies created, and sciences researched were farming-based. Ways to improve the growth of food, creating foods to replace the lack of food, all things like that.

Gakpo is a bunker in South America, one of the three dictatorships in the Americas specializing in the development and manufacture of weapons. Gakpo, specifically, specializes in explosive weapons, like grenades and similar things.

Lens is a democracy located in North America. This bunker focuses on basic farming, finding natural methods to improve the growth of crops. This includes maximising yields, increasing the sizes of fruit and veg, things like that, all through methods like using fertilisers and exploiting plant mutations.

Need is a bunker located in the Western area of Asia. It specializes in entertainment, and has a business-model style of leadership, When people first entered this bunker, it did start off as a dictatorship, but the leader was quickly overthrown and the big bosses of several companies took over running the Need government.

Offers is a bunker located in Eastern Europe. It is a democracy focused on environmentalism. The scientists of Offers mainly focus on a way of extracting oxygen for the bunker from the outside world, in a way that doesn’t risk damaging the environment.

Pater is the second bunker in the Americas that develops weapons. This dictatorship, located in North America, focuses on the development and manufacture of handheld weapons, such as handguns and swords.

Nilis is the second bunker in Eastern Asia, this one being the furthest east of the two. A community of scholars, it focuses on the preservation of old knowledge and tradition. It is run by a democratic dictatorship: that is, one person has power for life, but if they step down or die - or if they end up being impeached due to misconduct, abuse of power, etc. - a new leader is chosen from within the scholars. One major project they used to work on, in the early days of the bunkers, was keeping track of the developments made by the rest of the bunkers. They kept this up until the Communication Outage of 2089. Since then, they’ve only been able to record their own developments, but they still keep the bunker history at the front of their archives, just in case they ever manage to get back in contact with the rest of the bunkers.

Reis, located in North America, is the last of the three bunkers in the Americas that focuses on weaponry. This dictatorship focuses on automatic and mounted weapons.

Stevens is a bunker in South America, a monarchy that focuses on future science; that is to say, it focuses on space technology. This is because, if the bunkers were to fall, the next best thing would be to try and survive in space.

Zenden was a bunker located in Western Europe. This is where the world leaders at the time of entering the bunkers were sent (alongside other people, of course), meaning that it specialized in politics. Due to many... disagreements… this bunker ended up destroying itself from the inside, not long after the Communication Outage of 2089. There may be people still surviving in the depths of it, but that is extremely unlikely.

Welcome to The Bunkers, set in a post-apocalyptic world in which humanity retreated into bunkers to escape a demise of their own making.

You know, giant animals. Because making making giant animals is a mistake. Don't go making animals.

There's not really much for me to say. This shall be an epic roleplay. Perhaps a group from the Stevens bunker travels to other bunkers to inform them of their rockets? Perhaps a group from Offers will try to find out what happened to the people of Zenden? Perhaps none of that happens and something completely different does?

You decide!

If you're interested, or have any questions, you know what to do! ^-^
Wow, this is amazing.
This is very intriguing, and the fact each bunker is its own established "nation" is really cool !!
This is very intriguing, and the fact each bunker is its own established "nation" is really cool !!
Thanks! I worked on this for a while, because I made it to celebrate my two year anniversary of roleplaying back in April (I really like celebrating silly little things like that, lol).