New User The Eight of Swords


Memento mori
Why, hello there.

I'm eightofswords, but you can call me Naomi if you prefer. Once upon a time, I was a pretty active roleplayer; I'm here to get back into it, hopefully with a more, erm, mature attitude this time around. (Cough.) My preferences tend towards the unusual and the macabre (those of you familiar with Tarot symbolism should be nodding knowingly right about now). I'm a total sucker for romance, though I like it more as a subplot than the main focus. As a software developer, I'm pretty much contractually obligated to like science fiction. Fetish themes are also a-okay, if you're so inclined. If you like intrigue, mystery, and danger, we'll get along swimmingly.

Outside of roleplaying, I'm always down to talk science or politics, and have been known to geek out about particularly interesting series. Most recently, that's the Zero Escape series. I've at least heard of most sci-fi, so feel free to hit me up about that. I'm not always the most talkative person, but I only bite if invited, I promise.

Well, that's me, I guess. Let's see how this goes.
Hey, eight, welcome to STC! Glad to have you here.

I'm always down to talk science, too, though I try to steer clear of politics talking online. Software development, that's cool. I'm a chemist, myself, and while I'm not completely helpless technologically, the limit of my computer knowledge is some basic MATLAB and a bit of Python.

We have a pretty active sci fi community on the site, you shouldn't have much trouble finding a roleplay once you get approved. And that doesn't take long, the more you post in the community forums the faster your account will be flagged for approval. I will warn you, though, that site policy says that anything explicitly sexual or fetish related should be done over PM rather than the public forums.

Welcome again, and looking forward to seeing you around the site! Let me or any of the other staff know if you have any questions!
the limit of my computer knowledge is some basic MATLAB and a bit of Python
from users import inkdragon
inkdragon.get_greeting().acknowledge("Pleased to meet you!");

We have a pretty active sci fi community on the site, you shouldn't have much trouble finding a roleplay once you get approved.

Good to know, thanks!

I will warn you, though, that site policy says that anything explicitly sexual or fetish related should be done over PM rather than the public forums.
I'm aware, don't worry. I know how to keep things classy. :)

Welcome again, and looking forward to seeing you around the site! Let me or any of the other staff know if you have any questions!
I certainly will. Nice to meet you, my draconic friend.