The Land of Rhapsody

Demetrius thought too highly of the elves. If these people wiped out an entire civilization like he said, then who knew what else they're capable of?

"I will be careful not to tread on any daisies." He replied angrily, his eyes still directed at the elf. He let his sword hang down by his side, but refused to sheath it. They didn't know whether these people were friend or for, and he certainly wasn't going to put his sword away. The blade brought him a little bit of comfort, reassurance. He certainly wasn't going to put it away simply because Demetrius said so. Did the man take him for a fool?

Despite the danger, he was still interested by these strange people. The one that had come done looked almost like a little girl. How could these frail people have killed so many? Isaac refused to believe it. Clearly, however, whatever had happened had happened long ago.
Demetrius began to sketch the Elven lady in his notes, fascinated by their appearance. The lady lessened her glare at Isaac, accepting that he did resign his hostile stance.

Turning back to Demetrius she spoke softly once more, "Yeun lollv katriju Juikklyn." Demetrius was slightly shocked by her words, as if he himself had been given a reality check. Looking to his comrades he translates, "Be wary of the killer Giants."

He nods in understanding to the lady. Now they knew the tales weren't simply folklore, and there was another page to the story. Demetrius now glows with both excitement and dread, unsure if the news is good or bad.
"I suggest we moving soon." Isaac said. He still gripped his sword tightly, ready to bring it up to strike if attacked. There was something about this forest that unsettled him. Demetrius didn't seem to notice it; he was still wrapped up in his encounter with the elf. Ayra, however, was clearly unsettled as well. She seemed to jump two feet in the air whenever a squirrel rushed by the group.

"Pick yourself up Demetrius. The sun is setting. It will be night soon, and something tells me we don't want to be here when it's dark. " Isaac said, sounding irritated. He made it clear he wanted to leave. Now.
Demetrius listens to Isaac, and sighs in understanding. Where would they go? The forest was far larger than Isaac could imagine perhaps.

Looking at the lady, who seemed ready to leave, "Kuul yolvjj uijj kluvve?" [Translation:"Where can we be safe at night?"] He asks. The lady thinks to herself, her dilemma written on her face. Finally, she gestures for them to follow her.

"They know the forest better than we do, we are safer with them than whatever wanders the night on the ground." Demetrius says to his party.

The lady climbs a tree, slowly so that they can see where she is going. Demetrius walks to the tree and begins his attempt at climbing, but fails miserably. The lady shakes her head at the pitiful attempt and sits on a branch.
Isaac let out a laugh as Demetrius attempted to climb the tree. "Not quite as nimble as your friend, eh?" He laughs some more, then begins looking for a few hand holds on the tree to climb up. He spotted one of the lower branches, which with his height he would be able to climb up easily. He sheathed his sword, and grabbing the branch, pulled himself up and onto the sturdy limb.

He stood on the limb, grabbing the trunk to keep balance, then pulled himself up to the next branch. His height made it easy, and the sturdy limbs held his weight. "Come on, Demetrius! Surely you can climb this tree!" He sat down on the limb, balancing himself carefully so that he didn't fall.
Demetrius brushed himself off and shakes his head. Grabbing the lower branches, he hoists himself up again, and manages to get to the same level as the Elf. He helps Ayra up the tree as well, and the lady seemed satisfied. She proceeds to climb up, above the canopy of leaves. Demetrius follows along with the rest of his party, until they reach the top of the lower-canopy.

There was an entire society of elves there, with vine and branch bridges connecting every tree it seemed. There were holes within the trees, similar to birds nests, but the Elves lived inside of them. Despite the arrival of foreigners, they had few eyes upon them.

Demetrius pulls himself onto the bridge, and looks in awe at the flowers growing from vines. Pulling out his notes, he doesn't know what to sketch first. He was dumbstruck at the way he trees and bridges were so thickly crowded, and started to walk carefully along the bridge. He was in his own Utopia it seemed.
Seeing no reason to keep her sword drawn, Arya promptly sheathed the blade, adjusting the sword onto her hip comfortably. Once satisfied with the result, she began to climb the tree, much like the two before her, although she found the climb pleasant, extending one hand here, digging her nails into the branch, and lifting herself up through the layers of leaves, tucking her legs onto another branch below.

It probably also helped she did not weight too much, allowing for a relatively effortless climb, that didn’t require too much of actual physical exertion. She huffed some air between her teeth, reaching the desired destination, brushing the leaves away from her blond locks, snagging on some of the unruly flora, which seemed to have grown a liking for her hair.

Arya was blown away by the sight- her eyes glossed over with awe and wonder that stirred the emerald to life, basking in what she could only correctly attribute to as beautiful, harmonious with nature in ways that humans failed to understand.

“This place is certainly beautiful.. I never thought little ol’ me would ever come to a place like this.” She admitted, finding her footing easily with the bridge, there was an eagerness to explore, to experience and for a small amount of time join these Elves, but she didn’t spare the thought to any action. A delicate balance between them and the Elves existed, timorous, shaky and the young traveller didn’t want to be the reason that balance shifted. Still, she gazed longingly over every bridge, vines and giant tree.
Demetrius walked along the bridge carefully, admiring the colony before him. There were not as many Elves as one might expect, was it true they live for centuries? Demetrius felt suddenly enlightened... as if the tales of Odin's Rhapsody weren't folklore, and he just discovered the most sacred haven. Would he want to return home? If humans traveled here it would disrupt all peace... he would never give the secrets to anyone.

"Jjilk vuy..." Demetrius says to the elf in awe, expressing his admiration. The lady smiles faintly, although there was no chance they would be equals. Humans are a distant memory to them, but they were still prejudice against the other races.

Walking farther along the bridge he sees the Elves carrying out their lives normally, fetching dew water, eating berries, and engraving stones with writing. Such a peculiar lifestyle... he takes a moment to finish admiring the haven and turn back to his party, he knew they must be tired.