The Last Heroes' Guild The Last Heroes' Guild [OOC and Meta]

Awesome. Sounds like we've had some posting go on. Can't actual l read it right yet. Just popped in to see if it was running smoothly.

As for fail puns, I was expecting those and am surprised I haven't read any either. LoL.

As for introducing him just to kill him, that's not why he was introduced. LoL again.

Now off I go. I think I will return tomorrow.
Yeah we went through a almost full rotation, if that one person finishes their charcter then it would technically be his/her turn, however if not itd go back to almighty
Soo, does anyone take it from here or should we just cool off until tommorow?
I expect you to protect Jack. I feel that there is affinity between our characters :D
Pretty please?
When those Nugs come out flank flanking our flanky flank, I am bolting for the tree trees.
I thought we have asked @Almighty.Person.Me to kill our leader before getting to the new world, haven't we?

Yeah. We needed to cut off the head so we were on equal footing. It was also there as some emotional fuel to those who want it. And it helped give a brief glimpse of the powers of the Wold Government and their overall attitude towards the situation.
Mhm I Imagine almighty and me are gonna have a scuffle. I have interactions planned for most of everyone as well.Just gotta wait on Almighty
Oh and if you dont mind dragon Page is gonna have a teeny crush on elly. It probably wount accomulate into anything but I figured as a young lad he would have feelings as such