The Legend of Renalta


The Wanderer Returned
“Once, fifty years ago, we lived in a golden age. There was no more war, no more needless pain. A shining jewel reigned above all, and its name was Renalta--the capital of progress, of freedom, of human rights, of compassion and mercy. It was ruled by a beautiful royal family, who saw that it was their duty to serve the people first, and their own ambitions second… One of a kind, in a world of hungry noblemen, and ambitious vampires. We used magic to build an empire worthy of envy, and myth. To create a paradise, a utopia...

… And then, the Archangel came, and took it from us all. Demanded we ceased the use of our magic, demanded the Princess’s hand in marriage, demanded to enslave us all under his eternal rule. The Princess refused… We refused, and we paid for it in the blood of our kin, in the blood of our royal family, in the blood of the millions murdered in civil wars after our capital burned to the ground at his hands.

It has been fifty years since that time. Fifty long, bloody, terrible years.

Will the Free Holds save us?

No, they are slavers, despots, tyrants. They use magic to brainwash and destroy.

Will the Amazons save us?

No, they are too weak, too traditionally minded, too consumed with the ghosts of times long since passed.

Will Rheinfeld save us?

No, they are consumed in their thirty year long hellish civil war. They would rather obliterate themselves in an orgy of murder than spare a moment to save us.

Will Liveria save us?

No. They seek only to further their own isolationist ends, and to hunt down and kill those very practitioners of magic who built us our empire.

What about Renalta? Surely, they can save us?

No. Without their royal family, they are aimless, they are lost--a fallen empire, without a ruler.

None of the nations out there will save us. We have waited, time, and again, and again, and not once were the noblemen or clergy able to muster anything beyond petty conflict, and war. The only exception to this was the royal family of Renalta--they were beautiful, and they cared deeply, and they led us to a golden age. They saved us from the abyss that we now live in, the doom that we approach inevitably as we bleed ourselves dry in petty squabbles while ancient evils lurk, waiting just a little longer to flourish and feed upon us all once again.

I will not stand by and let this happen. Not again. It is time for the common people to rise up, to declare in one united voice that we will not allow this to happen again. It is we who ended the civil war between Renalta and Liveria--refusing to obey our commanders when they told us to kill our brothers! It is we who built our homes, feed ourselves, create the weapons we use to kill each other!

I say that it is our time to do one, simple, noble goal: To find the last remaining, surviving member of the Royal Family, wherever she may be, and bring her home. To restore the royal line, to give back to the Utopia its head and heart that it has so sorely missed for fifty years. I call upon any brave enough to travel with me--Amora Mann--as I seek to find the Princess, as many before me have.

It will not be easy. It will be a dangerous journey, and many will die seeking her out. I cannot promise success, but I can promise something else: A reason to live, a hope for a better tomorrow. And in a world of vampires, despots, slavers, and bloodthirsty politicians, that’s a better life than what most of us have got on right now, with just… Existing.

You may find me in the capital of Renalta. I will be waiting for you. Simply ask for my name, and you will be led to my estate, where we may travel together as brothers and sisters in arms to try and save this world from its own foolishness.”

--Amora Mann.


The Legend of Renalta is a dark fantasy adventure role play set in a world plagued by war and death. The story of this particular adventure is centered around the legend of the nearly Utopian kingdom of Renalta, and how it once was a kingdom of wonder brought to ruination by a rogue archangel who no longer follows any deity and simply tries to impose his will upon the world itself. This story will come in multiple parts, with the first part being about finding out what happened to the princess of Renalta, who vanished 50 years ago after her capital was burned to the ground by the aforementioned archangel. Other parts of the story will depend on what happens to the Princess--what you, the players, choose to do about it.

This world seems interesting and I want to learn more about what happened to it, in detail.
A. Do you now? Okay. Here is the timeline of events detailing the Cataclysm 160 years ago to the modern day. It explains everything you need to know about the world’s most important events, which includes the rise of Renalta, the princess, the archangel, and so on. The pre-Cataclysm content will be added when Legend of Renalta’s main OOC thread goes live--simply because it isn’t that important.

Q. How many people can join?
A. A number to be determined when I’m finished building the OOC and storyboard structure.

Q. The whosit now? Storyboard?
A. This roleplay will progress at a casual and relaxed pace. (Because, you know, I have a full time job and stuff, and writing massive posts full of detail takes like… Time, and stuff.) The Storyboard is a function that real writers use in film making to create a chronological series of events. I’ll be using a modified version of this concept--wherein each time we reach a new area, I’ll detail what’s going on in that area and what will happen (except for major plot twists which I’ll keep to myself), and everybody can slot in what they want their characters to do during that time. We’ll tell a story together--quite literally! It’ll make more sense when you see it in action, but it’s basically plotting out in advance all the stuff we do so everybody is on the same page about what needs to get written in the story.

Q. Can I romance the Princess if I find her? :3
A. You can… Try. Assuming you find her.

Q. What about combat?
A. Combat will be predetermined. When combat begins between two combatants, we’ll determine in advance who will win, and then write it out--again, to keep everyone on the same page, and to ensure the highest level of writing quality as is possible.

Q. Aw, that’s lame! I want to be surprised!
A. I’m gonna keep major plot twists to myself (IE: I can and will literally lie about the content of some events), and being able to write what you want comes at the cost of being surprised. That’s… That’s how writing works. If you’re the creator, you can’t be surprised by your own creation. Sorry to break that to you now.

Q. Can characters die?
A. Yes. Some events in the story are structured like a CYOA--Choose Your Own Adventure. If you make poor choices, you will die. Simple as that. You can also plan to die, and I’ll reward well written deaths with further trust over power in the story and control over more powerful characters. I will reward good writing first and foremost with more trust and leeway on what happens in the story.

Q. Can I fail?
A. Kind Of.™ In all seriousness, yes, but because of the nature of storyboarding, you are complicit in your own setbacks and failures. Again, good writing will be rewarded. If you choose to fail sometimes of your own volition, I’ll be less likely to force you to fail in future events.

Q. How important can I be?
A. As important as you’d like to be, within reason. When the OOC thread goes live, there will be a list of pre-existing NPC’s you’ll be able to review, but I’ll do my best to keep the list as small as possible so you can have as much room to make your character as you’d like. Just… Try not to be the Queen of Renalta or something else bizarre like that.

Q. I want to use my vampbatwerekatanabearman who has laz0r eyes and can blow up mountains with his chakra missiles and--
A. No.

Q. Can I use a custom race?
A. No. There will be a list of races you can choose from. You can review them here if you wish. The options you will have are Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Lizardman.

Q. Can I be evil as fuck and kick puppies?
A. Admittedly, evil is harder for me to approve than good, because most evil characters are written really poorly, but if you can come up to me with an evil character who has some clear motivations that aren’t completely self destructive and which make coherent sense, and if that evil character can play nice with other characters, then sure.

Q. When will this be released?!
A. As is always I cannot 100% promise an absolute date of release, but I figure anywhere within the next 24-48 hours is probably a solid ballpark estimate on when this will come out.

Q. How will recruiting work?
A. I’ll wait a certain amount of time for a number of character sheets to come in, review them all, pick the best ones, and approve those. That simple, really.

Q. How fast will we be posting?
A. It’s a casually paced role play, so, whenever is best for everybody really. So long as nobody is incredibly unreasonably slow, I think we’ll be fine. If it takes three weeks to finish a collab, it takes three weeks to finish a collab--quality over quantity is the motto to live by here. I’d rather have 20 good pages of posts than 200 pages of absolute spammy garbage.

Q. How will we communicate?
A. I’ll make official announcements in the OOC thread, and I have a Discord server with a channel dedicated exclusively to Legend of Renalta.

Q. Will this be an epic level RP or nah?
A. I don’t need the epic level forum structure right now. At least, for the first part of this role play (finding the princess) it really is a simple, straight up adventure story of classical proportions.

Q. Will there be any competition to find the princess?
A. Plenty. Every major faction in the world wants to find her, each for their own reasons. If you find her first, it’ll be up to you to decide what to do about it.

Q. Your Q&A didn’t answer my question!
A. Ask it here. I’ll answer it.