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"Besides, with all that power you have -- to be able to pull random people from across different worlds -- at your whim, what could we possibly do for you that you couldn't do yourself?"

“You didn’t hear him?” Fragile said to the boy next to her, “That dragon. The dragon said ‘your wish has been granted’”

She had just put two and two together. She was too caught up in the confusion to truly see what the dragon meant.

“I think our arrival in this place has something to do with a wish, I think that this creature wished us here.”

Fragile was still confused, why did he wish this group of people? She didn’t see the purpose of bringing herself there. Maybe Dende needed a package to be delivered?

All these questions were bothering Fragile a bit. So she set down her bag in frustration. Upon contact with the ground, several strange worm creatures floated out of the bag, or cryptobiotes. She grabs one and looks at it for a little while

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Fragile held the cryptobiote out to the boy in the crop top.

“Want one?”
she asks “They’re tasty,”

@Ver @Sark @Raynar Saassin
Fragile was walking away from the creature when it said this. This caught her attention.

Wish? Bullshit... but something deep inside her wants it to be true. She wants so desperately to believe that it’s true.

Fragile let go of the umbrella, it hovering in the air as she focused. She cleared her mind... spikes formed out of the shoulder pads on her jacket... and then...


She warped herself in front of Dende, and got up to it’s face.

“Wishes?” Fragile said, a tear streaking down her cheek due to her chiral allergy “You tell me that there’s these wish granting thingies out there... and we can wish for anything?”

"Yes. Due to events that had happened here, the dragon is able to grant two wishes instead of one, but the only way that everyone is able to go home after all this is over is to use one of those wishes, so the first wish will be usable by all of you."

Emily hadn't been expecting a wake-up call. When she awoke in a strange place, she expected The Outsider, in all his void glory, not Dende/

The surroundings were strange to her, with the clean air. It was more like Karnaca than Dunwall.

"Emily Kaldwin. Empress of the Isles." She said, firmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Empress. I'm glad you're here to help us in our time of need."


"Commander... where?"

Eldridge hovered a few centimetres above the ground as she found herself in a new place. She looked around, then saw someone familiar - the legendary Enterprise.

She flew towards her, and started to look around, the ahoge on her twitching at every moment.

As she did, she would hear something.

Uncatalogged DNA detected
Uncatalogged DNA detected
Uncatalogged DNA detected

That was when a flash of yellow light would scan Enterprise and Eldridge;

Scan Complete.

She turned to see...


"S- sorry! My bad! This happens all the time- well, recently anyways..." a teenaged boy apologises before it happens again.

Uncatalogged DNA detected

"Oh come on! Well, if the Omnitrix is gonna force me to explore, might as well..."

He turned to Dende.

"Everyone, everyone, stay cool, we don't wanna hurt little green over here until he explains everything.

Hi, I'm Ben Tennyson, and I'm just wondering why you summoned us, better be important, 'cos I was really close to getting that high score in Sumo Slammers 4. I'm guessing the whole entire universe is at stake? I saved us some time, right?"

Scan Complete

The same flash of light ran through Dende.

"... and apparently the Guardian of Earth isn't from Earth. Is this a recurring thing here?"

Dende was immediately caught off guard when a certain beam of light flashed over him, only to see a teenager of some sort in front of him introducing himself and... talking about something regarding "Sumo Slammers 4"?

"It's uh... nice to meet you, Ben. No, I am not from Earth. I come from a race of Namekians from our home planet of Namek. And yes, you did. A new threat has revealed itself as a familiar adversary to our own batch of warriors, but we feel as if there's bigger things at play here than we realise..."

"Do something for you and we'll all get a wish granted? Almost sounds too good to be true, and I know a thing or two about shady deals," Naoto Kurogane sighed as he stood before Dende, alongside Fragile and Volgin, hand resting upon his hip. The boy looked calm, if not cautious, but internally, he was indeed as perturbed as most of the rest of the group and their unwilling transportation to another world, but for a different reason, he imagined.

It felt like he had only just gotten home again after being shot off into an alternate dimension where he was long dead and basically he was the catalyst to save the reality of his universe from collapsing and a lot of complicated, tiring stuff. Enough to make him want to go to sleep for a month, but it seemed that he didn't even get to stay in his home world for that long as before he knew it, here he was again, whisked away at the whim of someone over him in a different world altogether, though... It didn't look like Raquel was behind it this time, but rather the strange looking... "people" standing before them.

In other words, the boy was getting a little depressed that this was steadily becoming normal for him.

Naoto kept his guard up however; the bizarre may have been normal for him, but it was still bizarre all the same objectively speaking. Narrowing his eyes slightly, the teen went on. "Besides, with all that power you have -- to be able to pull random people from across different worlds -- at your whim, what could we possibly do for you that you couldn't do yourself?"

It was at this point where Mr. Popo came forward to answer this question on behalf of Dende, walking up to Naoto.

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"The Eternal Dragon can only do so much within it's power. Our threat must be stronger than us, otherwise we would of simply used them to wish them out of existence. While we are the Guardians and watchers of Earth, we aren't as strong as the actual savours of our planet."

“You didn’t hear him?” Fragile said to the boy next to her, “That dragon. The dragon said ‘your wish has been granted’”

She had just put two and two together. She was too caught up in the confusion to truly see what the dragon meant.

“I think our arrival in this place has something to do with a wish, I think that this creature wished us here.”

Fragile was still confused, why did he wish this group of people? She didn’t see the purpose of bringing herself there. Maybe Dende needed a package to be delivered?

"That's how the Dragon Balls function. The Eternal Dragon; Shenron, grants wishes to the one who gathers all seven of a magical set of balls---"
"I see we have new allies to Justice here!"
"Then I guess we had better introduce ourselves, huh?"
"You got that right, my faithful sidekick!"

Came a voice from out of nowhere as two certain caped individuals flew up to the front of the Lookout and landed to spot everyone that had arrived so far. Once they called out, they started doing something... strange.

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"Eliminator of Evil! Ally of Justice! I am the GREAT SAIYAMAN!!"

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"And I am the Great Saiyawoman!"
"Come on, Saiyawoman! You must know the proper greeting to new allies of justice!"
"I'm not doing those poses."

@amwexia @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Ver @Lucky @Sark @Minerva
"So this is a Namekian huh..."

Ben activates his Omnitrix's dial as it displays a hologram of what seemed to be one of Dende's people in Eastern shaman garbs and a stick.

"Wonder what you guys can do..."

Ben was excited at the arrival of Saiyaman and Saiyawoman.

"Looks like I landed in one of those superhero universes. What kind of villains do these guys fight on a daily basis?"

He coughs for a bit, filtering his excitement.

"... but yes, it's good to meet you too, Great Saiyaman, Great Saiyawoman. I'm Ben Tennyson, Protector of Earth, and the Universe."

@amwexia @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Ver @Lucky @Sark @Minerva @Raynar Saassin
Ben was excited at the arrival of Saiyaman and Saiyawoman.

"Looks like I landed in one of those superhero universes. What kind of villains do these guys fight on a daily basis?"

He coughs for a bit, filtering his excitement.

"... but yes, it's good to meet you too, Great Saiyaman, Great Saiyawoman. I'm Ben Tennyson, Protector of Earth, and the Universe."

"A fellow protector I see! We're good to see that we're in the company of such strong heroes---"
"Gohan, can we please just drop the act already..."
"Who's this Gohan you're talking about? I'm the Great Saiyaman!"

The Saiyawoman at that point grabbed his helmet and pulled it off, revealing him to be Gohan.

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"Videl... Come on, you know how much I enjoy doing this whenever we're not in school."
"Gohan, these are real people in front of us."

Videl walked up to Ben and squared him up before outstretching a hand.

"My name's Videl. I'm the daughter of Hercule Satan, the supposed defeater of Cell in the past."
"Yeah, totally! Haha. My name's Gohan. It's nice to meet you. Dende contacted me earlier and told me about Cell's return, and I had to jump the gun at this opportunity. If we don't defeat him, the Earth is doomed."


"Well, good to meet you, Gohan, Videl.

Cell? Don't think I've ever heard of the guy,"
Ben expresses, "what'd he do- no, what's he doing now?"

@Raynar Saassin

"Well, good to meet you, Gohan, Videl.

Cell? Don't think I've ever heard of the guy,"
Ben expresses, "what'd he do- no, what's he doing now?"

"Dende would explain the circumstances better, but I can tell you what I experienced years ago as a teenager. Cell is a bio-android created by Dr. Gero. He's a monster made up of the DNA of Earth's strongest fighters and then some. My father sacrificed himself and it wasn't enough to defeat him until he pushed me to the limit. We believed that was the end of him but if he's returned... He could be stronger than ever before..."
"Wait, so you were the one who actually defeated Cell and not my dad!?"

Videl exclaimed with a expression of anger and a shocked tone of voice as Gohan rubbed the back of his head.

"Oops... Hahahaha! Done it again!"

Ben Tennyson (LA)

" I've been actually going for that name for a while- but Gwen always tells me it's too egoistical and to stick with Ben 10 since my aliens are still in sets of ten."

"Yup, I got better at learning new aliens. Honestly, I haven't been outside of my own world expect for one brief instant. So, only out of world scan I ever got was something that their world considered an inhuman, That being said- I have no clue what said inhuman could do as the omnitrix decided to go red, so it's a mystery."

Ben offered a smile. It was good to know they had allies. He looked over at the omnitrix which currently told him he had one thing in n the area to scan,weird. " Probably should let it do its thing." Live Action Ben went to scan and the thing it immediately scanned was other Ben's omnitrix

Ben Tennyson (LA)

" I've been actually going for that name for a while- but Gwen always tells me it's too egoistical and to stick with Ben 10 since my aliens are still in sets of ten."

"Yup, I got better at learning new aliens. Honestly, I haven't been outside of my own world expect for one brief instant. So, only out of world scan I ever got was something that their world considered an inhuman, That being said- I have no clue what said inhuman could do as the omnitrix decided to go red, so it's a mystery."

Ben offered a smile. It was good to know they had allies. He looked over at the omnitrix which currently told him he had one thing in n the area to scan,weird. " Probably should let it do its thing." Live Action Ben went to scan and the thing it immediately scanned was other Ben's omnitrix

Dende only just noticed something peculiar. There were two Ben's in front of him who both seem like they're the same.

"Umm... I'm having a bit of difficulty comprehending this. Are you using some form of Multi-form technique Ben?"

@Crow @Lucky
Dende only just noticed something peculiar. There were two Ben's in front of him who both seem like they're the same.

"Umm... I'm having a bit of difficulty comprehending this. Are you using some form of Multi-form technique Ben?"

Fragile looked behind her, popping the cryptobiote in her mouth Sure enough, there were two boys with the same exact appearance.

“They’re probably identical twins,” she reasoned, “I know a pair of identical twins named Målingen and Lockne.”

@Lucky @Crow @Raynar Saassin

One year before the arrival of Majin Buu, and a new threat presents itself. Cell, the biological Android who was supposedly defeated at the hands of Gohan and the Z-Fighters several years ago has returned, stronger than ever. Uptop the Lookout, Dende felt his incredible power.

"This is bad, Dende. Whatever are we going to do?"
"I don't know as of yet, Mr Popo. But whatever's going on here cannot be left unattended. If we ignore this, Cell will cause more chaos than ever before..."
"What should we do?"
"Do we still have the Dragon Balls?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then gather them together. Something tells me the Z-Fighters aren't going to be enough this time..."

Meanwhile . . .

In Conton City, more specifically within it's time nest; the Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks were watching over the events when a scroll began to glow in a dark purple aura. Grabbing it, they witness Cell's return to Earth a year before the arrival of Majin Buu.

"Oh no, this is terrible..."
"If Cell has returned now with even more power... Gohan and the others won't be able to stop him!"
"Wait, look at the Lookout!"

Chronoa exclaimed as she pointed towards the next section of the Scroll which showcased Dende and Mr Popo gathering the Dragon Balls together on the floor.

"It looks like they're summoning Shenron..."
"Trunks, I need you to go in there."
"Why not our newest recruit? Why me, specifically?"
"Because you have more experience with Cell, and I need you to keep an eye on the world's events in case anyone else intervenes."
"I see. I'll do it."
"Good luck, Trunks. And... Be careful."
"I will."

Trunks nodded as he grabbed the scroll and transported himself into that era of History. Spawning in behind Dende, he spoke.


Upon hearing that voice, he turned around to spot Trunks behind him.
"Trunks? Aren't you supposed to be a kid and didn't you go back to the future...?"
"It's... complicated. But I'm here to help. Have you gathered the Dragon Balls?"
"Mr Popo is gathering the last one now."
"Good. Because we're going to need all the help we can get if we want to defeat Cell."
"You know about his reappearance, Trunks?"
"I do. And I know that if he isn't stopped, the Earth will be destroyed."

A hour later and all seven Dragon Balls were gathered. Upon Dende exclaiming the words; "Rise, Shenron!", the Dragon Balls glowed a vibrant yellow as a large green dragon spawned from the central ball and greeted the summoners.

"I am the Eternal Dragon. State your wishes and I shall grant it."
"Oh, great Shenron! We are in dire need of assistance in these trying times. We wish for warriors from beyond our Universe to help us defeat this returning threat."
"To possibly answer your wish, I must use the power of two wishes to grant this. Do you acknowledge?"
"Yes. This is very important."
"Very well then. Your wish. Is. Granted!"

Whatever our warriors were doing, they would find themselves interrupted by a loud, booming voice within their heads. It said the following:

"Someone summons you from a land far away. Brave Warrior. Now, come forth!"

The voice exclaimed as the warriors would feel a surge of energy gathering into them; small white orbs of energy that entered their body and began slowly phasing them into non-existance...

Once the Warriors returned from teleportation, they would find themselves atop a floating structure with white tiled floors, neatly planted trees forming an entrance to a strange structure. In front of the structure were three individuals; one who was short and green wearing a cloak and wielding a staff in their right hand; another who was standing next to them, wearing a white turban styled outfit; and one more who was standing a short distance away, wearing an all black outfit with a Sword strapped onto their back. But what was in front of them was a ginormous green dragon streteching into a blackened sky.


"Your wish has been granted. Farewell!"

The dragon spoke as all of a sudden it vaporised in a blinding yellow light, shooting into the sky and separating into seven yellow orbs; followed by the sky returning back to a beautiful blue shade.

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"Did it work?"
"I'm not sure, Dende---"
"---Hang on, something's behind us."

The one in the black coat turned around to witness whoever was transported by the wish bestowed by the Dragon. The short one turned as well to witness the same, and walked over to them.

"Are you the ones summoned by us?"

The one in the black coat started to move with Dende but slowly moved his right hand to his back, getting ready to pull out his Sword at a moment's notice, despite Dende's careful moments while Mr. Popo kept to the entrance to the lookout.

"I welcome you to my Lookout. My name is Dende, the current Guardian of Earth. And you are?"

@Yun Lee As Eliza (Skullgirls) & Skrimir (Fire Emblem)
@Jeremi As Noi (Dorohedoro) & Jedah Domah (Darkstalkers)
@Gummi Bunnies As Miyao Mitake (Ciconia When They Cry) & Enterprise (Azur Lane)
@Minerva As Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored)
@Sark As Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch (Metal Gear Solid) & Captain Charlie Nash (Street Fighter)
@Ver As Naoto Kurogane (Blazblue)
@amwexia As Fragile (Death Stranding)
@Crow As Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) & USS Eldridge (Azur Lane)
@Takumi As Noah Collins (Rebirth) & Aiden (Lumine)
@Lucky As Benjamin Kirby Tennyson (Live Action Ben 10: Alien Force & Race Against Time) & Jennifer Wakeman (My Life As A Teenage Robot)
@Crunch As Jean Pierre Polnareff & Hol Horse (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Noah's eyes widened for a moment as he heard a voice in his head. He knew it wasn't Law, then wh-

'Wait-' he started as he was being teleported all of a sudden. The physical world around him was fading by this point, and slight panic was starting.

"This is out of my control, The Law won't apply as it should so if you die...I don't think I could help you anymore than this..." Came the familiar voice of Law before Noah's vision whited out for a second.

He didn't know what Law meant, and with everyone speaking over him once he gained his bearings he simply blinked for a moment as he did his best to follow along.

He didn't really count himself a warrior, but if he wanted to get home and fix his own mistakes and his own timeline it seemed like he'd have to help this off bunch.


"This all seems a bit sudden, if you ask me." He spoke up.

@Raynar Saassin @Sark @Ver @Others

Aiden had thought all hope was lost when he had heard the voice in his head during the last seconds of the fight against the Werewolf at his home, and was at least glad that he had already gotten something important out of the way before coming here, but...

'Sherry... she's still there.' he thought solemnly with a frown, standing despite being injured. Seeming to ignore that completely, he turned to Dende then.

"While the others have very important questions that need answering first, you wouldn't happen to have a first aid kit of some kind, right?" He hummed, smiling, though it didn't reach his eyes. His shoulder was hurting like hell and he was getting blood on the floor by this point.

@Raynar Saassin

"Yes. Due to events that had happened here, the dragon is able to grant two wishes instead of one, but the only way that everyone is able to go home after all this is over is to use one of those wishes, so the first wish will be usable by all of you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Empress. I'm glad you're here to help us in our time of need."

Dende was immediately caught off guard when a certain beam of light flashed over him, only to see a teenager of some sort in front of him introducing himself and... talking about something regarding "Sumo Slammers 4"?

"It's uh... nice to meet you, Ben. No, I am not from Earth. I come from a race of Namekians from our home planet of Namek. And yes, you did. A new threat has revealed itself as a familiar adversary to our own batch of warriors, but we feel as if there's bigger things at play here than we realise..."

It was at this point where Mr. Popo came forward to answer this question on behalf of Dende, walking up to Naoto.

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"The Eternal Dragon can only do so much within it's power. Our threat must be stronger than us, otherwise we would of simply used them to wish them out of existence. While we are the Guardians and watchers of Earth, we aren't as strong as the actual savours of our planet."

"That's how the Dragon Balls function. The Eternal Dragon; Shenron, grants wishes to the one who gathers all seven of a magical set of balls---"
"I see we have new allies to Justice here!"
"Then I guess we had better introduce ourselves, huh?"
"You got that right, my faithful sidekick!"

Came a voice from out of nowhere as two certain caped individuals flew up to the front of the Lookout and landed to spot everyone that had arrived so far. Once they called out, they started doing something... strange.

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"Eliminator of Evil! Ally of Justice! I am the GREAT SAIYAMAN!!"

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"And I am the Great Saiyawoman!"
"Come on, Saiyawoman! You must know the proper greeting to new allies of justice!"
"I'm not doing those poses."

@amwexia @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Ver @Lucky @Sark @Minerva

"A fellow protector I see! We're good to see that we're in the company of such strong heroes---"
"Gohan, can we please just drop the act already..."
"Who's this Gohan you're talking about? I'm the Great Saiyaman!"

The Saiyawoman at that point grabbed his helmet and pulled it off, revealing him to be Gohan.

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"Videl... Come on, you know how much I enjoy doing this whenever we're not in school."
"Gohan, these are real people in front of us."

Videl walked up to Ben and squared him up before outstretching a hand.

"My name's Videl. I'm the daughter of Hercule Satan, the supposed defeater of Cell in the past."
"Yeah, totally! Haha. My name's Gohan. It's nice to meet you. Dende contacted me earlier and told me about Cell's return, and I had to jump the gun at this opportunity. If we don't defeat him, the Earth is doomed."



"Wow, you guys sure are treating this situation rather lightly. Seems like you're full of optimism and youth!" Aiden chuckled.

There was a beat of silence for a second.


"Do you...always dress like that and do dances when the world is in mortal danger?" He asked, a little concerned for some reason. Maybe he lost a bit more blood than he thought from that bite wound on his shoulder.

@Raynar Saassin

"Wow, you guys sure are treating this situation rather lightly. Seems like you're full of optimism and youth!" Aiden chuckled.
There was a beat of silence for a second.​


"Do you...always dress like that and do dances when the world is in mortal danger?" He asked, a little concerned for some reason. Maybe he lost a bit more blood than he thought from that bite wound on his shoulder.

“To be fair,” Fragile states, warping behind the brown-haired kid, “there is no real reason to take this situation seriously whatsoever, as far as I can see...”

Fragile reaches into her bag and pulls out another cryptobiote, holding it out to the boy.

“Snack?” she offers


Dende didn't plan on whether these warriors would want something in return. But he was confident with one thing.

"You may use the power of the Dragon Balls to grant one wish. Due to the nature of the wishes, only one wish is allowed per person as the other wish will be used to send you back home. While the Eternal Dragon is all powerful, it can only grant two wishes per summon but for this situation, I will ask for an exception."

[Colonel Volgin]
"Ahh, now that's more like it..." Volgin crowed. "Imagine all a man with ambition could accomplish with a single wish... Emperor Volgin… Now, I like the sound of that..." He let out a booming chucke. "Whatever it is you're planning, I'm in."

[Captain Charlie Nash]
"You mean other than the fact that this world is tilted?"

The Nash muttered in response to Fragile and Aiden. He kept his distance from the rest of the group, instead opting stand alone, stiff and rigid. He kept his spectacles fixed on the floor, consciously avoiding eye contact with his fellow fighters. He sighed and continued.

"I've been summoned to other worlds a bunch of times before, and it has never been for a picnic..."

@amwexia @Takumi
Ben Tennyson ( Live Action)

LA Ben looked over at Deden and raised an eyebrow at his comment. " I think I can explain. I'm from another universe than him. A different Ben," he replied, adjusting himself. It was noticeable that he now stood at 5'9 as he wasn't slotuching. It also became clearer he was older as he had been standing with his face partially in the darkness.

@Crow @Raynar Saassin
"You mean other than the fact that this world is tilted?"

The Nash muttered in response to Fragile and Aiden. He kept his distance from the rest of the group, instead opting stand alone, stiff and rigid. He kept his spectacles fixed on the floor, consciously avoiding eye contact with his fellow fighters. He sighed and continued.

"I've been summoned to other worlds a bunch of times before, and it has never been for a picnic..."

“I’d much rather stay here than go back to my world,” Fragile states to the distant blonde man.​
Noah's eyes widened for a moment as he heard a voice in his head. He knew it wasn't Law, then wh-

'Wait-' he started as he was being teleported all of a sudden. The physical world around him was fading by this point, and slight panic was starting.

"This is out of my control, The Law won't apply as it should so if you die...I don't think I could help you anymore than this..." Came the familiar voice of Law before Noah's vision whited out for a second.

He didn't know what Law meant, and with everyone speaking over him once he gained his bearings he simply blinked for a moment as he did his best to follow along.

He didn't really count himself a warrior, but if he wanted to get home and fix his own mistakes and his own timeline it seemed like he'd have to help this off bunch.


"This all seems a bit sudden, if you ask me." He spoke up.

"This is all very sudden indeed, but considering the threat we're facing, desperate times call for desperate measures."

Mr. Popo exclaimed to Noah while keeping an eye on the lookout. There were a lot of new entrants, huh?
Aiden had thought all hope was lost when he had heard the voice in his head during the last seconds of the fight against the Werewolf at his home, and was at least glad that he had already gotten something important out of the way before coming here, but...

'Sherry... she's still there.' he thought solemnly with a frown, standing despite being injured. Seeming to ignore that completely, he turned to Dende then.

"While the others have very important questions that need answering first, you wouldn't happen to have a first aid kit of some kind, right?" He hummed, smiling, though it didn't reach his eyes. His shoulder was hurting like hell and he was getting blood on the floor by this point.

"I have something better then that. Hold still, please."

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Dende held his hands out towards Aiden and focused. Aiden would feel a energy coming out of his palms as any wounds / injuries he had were slowly fading away.

"You should start to feel better now."


"Wow, you guys sure are treating this situation rather lightly. Seems like you're full of optimism and youth!" Aiden chuckled.

There was a beat of silence for a second.


"Do you...always dress like that and do dances when the world is in mortal danger?" He asked, a little concerned for some reason. Maybe he lost a bit more blood than he thought from that bite wound on his shoulder.

"Don't mind him. We just got finished handling some thugs back in West City when Gohan got called here."

Videl exclaimed as she outstretched a hand towards him.

"Name's Videl. It's nice to meet you. I don't quite know what's going on here but I'm here to help... RIGHT, Gohan?"
"Ahahaha, yes! Of course! You're always able to help, Videl! Haha!"

Gohan exclaimed from a distance, laughing nervously to Videl's tone.

“To be fair,” Fragile states, warping behind the brown-haired kid, “there is no real reason to take this situation seriously whatsoever, as far as I can see...”

"This is the calm before the storm. We're unsure of what Cell is up to but while we're up here, we're safe. Knowing Cell, he's probably restarting his Cell Games..."

"You mean other than the fact that this world is tilted?"

The Nash muttered in response to Fragile and Aiden. He kept his distance from the rest of the group, instead opting stand alone, stiff and rigid. He kept his spectacles fixed on the floor, consciously avoiding eye contact with his fellow fighters. He sighed and continued.

"I've been summoned to other worlds a bunch of times before, and it has never been for a picnic..."

"Cell isn't a joke... It took my father's death, my friends severely injured and a great anger within me to defeat him the first time... But he could be even stronger than before."

Gohan exclaimed towards Charlie Nash as his tone shifted from lightheartedness to seriousness.

Ben Tennyson ( Live Action)

LA Ben looked over at Deden and raised an eyebrow at his comment. " I think I can explain. I'm from another universe than him. A different Ben," he replied, adjusting himself. It was noticeable that he now stood at 5'9 as he wasn't slotuching. It also became clearer he was older as he had been standing with his face partially in the darkness.

"I see. Well if you two are similar in terms of strength, then we might stand a chance."

@Takumi @Sark @amwexia @Lucky @EveryoneElse


"Aaah. It's good to be back! After that meddlesome brat defeated me, and those odd occurrences with those Skull Girls or whatever the fuck they were? Hmhm, I'm even more perfect! All this power, and an entire planet to test it on. But that comes in time. I must get my arena reconstructed after my little bout with Gohan. I miss Goku already."​
"Well, I do have multiple forms, but- oh, that's what you mean. I'm pretty sure he's too old to be a twin of any kind. At least they thought Ben 23 was my little brother...

When you've dealt with enough dimension crossing, it's only a matter of time before you get used to this.
I'm Ben, and he's Ben too - different Ben, different history and different... uh... style. And different aliens too, I guess. Yeah, blame the Alien Xs for that one. It's always them.

... and what he said"

Ben crosses his arms.

"Huh... did something happen?"

Ben could've sworn something happened to his Omnitrix.

LA Ben would get Crocodillo, Laservision, Torrent, Prototype, Bottlenose, Truck Boomer, CBT Rustbucket IV & Astropod.

@Raynar Saassin @Lucky

“I’d much rather stay here than go back to my world,” Fragile states to the distant blonde man.​
[Captain Charlie Nash]
"If you want to play the tourist, you'll get no objections from me-" Nash snapped in response. "But do it on your own time. You've been conscripted. You're a soldier now. Act like it."
- - -
"I wasn't making a 'joke'. I've seen first hand the damage powerful madmen can do," Nash called in response to Gohan, matching his dire tone. He thinned his eyes and tensed his brow. "And I am rarely anything short of serious."

@Takumi @amwexia @Raynar Saassin
"This is the calm before the storm. We're unsure of what Cell is up to but while we're up here, we're safe. Knowing Cell, he's probably restarting his Cell Games..."

“Cell?” Fragile asks, “Is he a terrorist?”

To be quite honest, this situation sort of scares her. The last time she had a run in with terrorists was that situation in Middle Knot...

She sheds a tear.

@Raynar Saassin @Takumi @Sark
"I wasn't making a 'joke'. I've seen first hand the damage powerful madmen can do," Nash called in response to Gohan, matching his dire tone. He thinned his eyes and tensed his brow. "And I am rarely anything short of serious."
“Cell?” Fragile asks, “Is he a terrorist?”

To be quite honest, this situation sort of scares her. The last time she had a run in with terrorists was that situation in Middle Knot...

She sheds a tear.

"Cell is a Bio-logical Android who is made up of the DNA of this Universe's strongest fighters. Frieza, Vegeta, my father Goku, me, and many more. He threatened the Earth several years ago but I only just defeated him. But he's returned, most likely stronger than ever..."
"You DID defeat him! I KNEW my father was lying but you too, Gohan?"
"Ahahaha... Well, you know the truth now, Videl! Hahaha..."

@amwexia @Sark
"Cell is a Bio-logical Android who is made up of the DNA of this Universe's strongest fighters. Frieza, Vegeta, my father Goku, me, and many more. He threatened the Earth several years ago but I only just defeated him. But he's returned, most likely stronger than ever..."
"You DID defeat him! I KNEW my father was lying but you too, Gohan?"
"Ahahaha... Well, you know the truth now, Videl! Hahaha..."

“So I’m fighting a monster...” Fragile nuggets to herself, “to fight a monster, they send someone who makes deliveries...”

Her gaze turns towards the brown haired boy, “Do you want this?” she asks, holding out the cryptobiote.

@Raynar Saassin @Takumi
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