The worst genie ever

Granted. In this context, "enough" would be defined as infinite.

I wish I could instantly vaporize mosquitos by glancing at them.
granted but every time you vaporize a mosquito all the blood it consumed goes into your body which eventually turns you into a balloon until it becomes too much and you burst.

I wish I had abbs :emoji_triumph:
He's actually dead!!

I wish I was in a nice house sitting on the couch, the house isn't on fire or otherwise damaged.
granted, but there are many hobos in the household living with you.

i wish mankind was in space
Granted. They're now in space, whether they like it or not, whether they're ready or not. So far, the worst mass-extinction ever recorded in history, assuming one were to even record it.

I wish mankind is able to fully explore the ocean without stumbling upon some underwater abominations.
Granted, their equipment breaks and all of them are dead.

I wish I had YouTube Premium forever without paying for it
granted you know english from earths earliest form when people used to say "whoope" and "Jitterbug"

I wish you were holy for a day :emoji_ok_hand:
Granted. The wifi requires a password that only the principal knows, and they won't give you the password.

I wish to be fabulous