New User A Mighty Nerd

Non, je veux dire, par messages privés, les RP de groupes, c'est pas mon truc.
Ah shoot. Pardon... J'ai jamais RP par messages privés. D'ailleurs, la majorité du temps, on n'était pas plus que deux ou trois par topics ahah. Errr;; Y a pas d'autres gens qui peuvent s'inviter dedans à moins de demander la permission aux OPs. Anyway, c'est sûrement le fait que j'explique mal (´_ゝ`) Bref, c'est totalement différent de STC, je me fis un peu trop de mes 'expériences' et compare souvent;;; Mauvaise habitude. M'enfin, on se fera un RP un d'ces jours! Once I get the hang of it all.

Hello @Gwazi Magnum, pleased to meet you!
1- Hmm... The only one I can think of is that particular RP where I was playing Slenderman with someone. It doesn't sound that interesting, but it was a unique and fun experience, where I got to write about my character either controlling the camera or the moving (while the other person did what I wasn't). There was this kinda electricity blackout(?) that happened and they both almost shat their pants. Poorly explained like that doesn't make it seem as fun as it was back then...
2- The only answer I can think of would be dry ice? I don't know much about the substance but heard it can burn or something... I hope it was not supposed to be a joke because I probably totally failed, sorry.
3- I only RP'd in french because it is my native language ahahh. It was also a good way to improve my writing style and such (granted me some compliments from college teachers). I never tried to do it in english because I was afraid my writing would be boring and full of mistakes (I also tend to repeat the same words a lot, making it redundant). It's the first time I will RP with this language.

Thank you for your interest! (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

1. So basically you and another player were taking control of one character, and trying to work together to escape the Slenderman?
2. Dry Ice tends to be a common answer. XD
3. Well your English seems just fine to me. :p
@Gwazi Magnum
1- Yes, two 'irl' characters where one controlled the walk and the other the view/camera.
2- Oh, well I'm kinda glad I don't seem that dumb ahaha.
3- When I speak like daily conversation and stuff, it seems fine but it's not really well defined when writing long and elaborate texts;;;; but thank you.
@Gwazi Magnum
1- Yes, two 'irl' characters where one controlled the walk and the other the view/camera.
2- Oh, well I'm kinda glad I don't seem that dumb ahaha.
3- When I speak like daily conversation and stuff, it seems fine but it's not really well defined when writing long and elaborate texts;;;; but thank you.

1 - What do you mean by "IRL" characters in this context? o_O
3. Being honest? That's the same for most people, and those that don't tend to have a lot of practice. :p
@Gwazi Magnum Hmmm... In the roleplay posts, my character was on the computer with his friend. The said friend controlled the camera and my chara was controlling the movements... I really don't know how to explain it other than like this ahah;;;

Yeah, I lack of a lot of practice, being my first english RP forum.