Resolved/Answered Chat

Ostensor Dolor

The Bringer of Pain
There should be a chat room etiquette, because I am far from impressed at how cavalier people view mama jokes, especially when directed towards somebody who lost theirs at the age of 8. Like seriously, if you don't know somebody, wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it over the internet. Period end of story rant over.

I am here for fun, not residual hurt that I can never forget.

Thank you.
There are rules about the site located here which apply to the chat room, as well as specific chat guidelines and conflict resolution tips you can find here. In the future, if you have issues with the chat box or otherwise, it may be best to contact moderation staff and/or administrative staff, as well as simply reporting the post in question. Thanks. :)
I'd sent Tiko a message about it, although retrospectively it wasn't very concise. Thank you for those links.
S'all good mate. We all lose our cool sometimes, get hurt, get upset, and so on. If there's anything else you need, you can shoot me a message too.
I addressed this in your PM, but I'm going to recap here because it's information that is useful to others. I'm also going to move this to the help forum.

That you (and no doubt others) have had a traumatic experience in their past (myself included) is very unfortunate, and very tragic but everyone isn't going to know everyone's life stories here to know what topics are okay and what topics aren't okay based on who is or isn't in the room at any given time.

If someone got mauled by a dog as a kid, they can't lash out at people for talking about dogs in chat. If someone's mother passed away, they shouldn't be lashing out at people for making mom jokes as if it was some personal attack against them. If someone witnessed a violent shooting, they can't lash out at people for talking about guns in chat.

What they CAN do, is politely and privately explain that it's a sensitive topic for them personally and then if anyone continues to deliberately attack that individual with jokes that make them uncomfortable (with full knowledge that it's upsetting that user), we can chalk it up under harassment and intervene. But we can't hold every individual preemptively accountable for saying or doing something that MIGHT trigger some past event in an individuals life that no one could possibly have known about.

Please understand that I AM sympathetic to what happened to you (and to any other individual who has experienced a traumatic event in their life), but people also need to be reasonable in understanding that there is NO way anyone can know about every persons past and that they need to take the initiative to politely explain to people why something that is normally okay, makes them personally uncomfortable so people know to avoid doing so to them specifically.