New User Hello all!


Dodecahedron Enthusiast
*Finally posts after being around for like a week*

Hello, fellow forum-dwellers,
I am new to this place, so I'll introduce myself. I'm Aetherion. My name is what it is because aether is (debatably) the fifth classical element, and it was believed that space was composed of it. I'm a writer, I can do decent art, and I'm learning the ins and outs of making music but haven't progressed much. Really, I'm a jack-of-all-trades. I'm here mostly because my friends are, and I do occasional roleplay. My favorite genres are sci-fi and fantasy, and in music, rock. In RP, I like playing skilled magic users, but they typically wind up as glass cannons. However, I also like to play diverse characters that push my boundaries. I tend to come up with hypotheses regarding how the world works, like this one where humans and computers likely think objectively similarly because humans made computers, and humans probably can't conceive of any way of thinking but their own. If that's true (and I'm not saying I have any clue whether or not it is), then we can likely learn about ourselves through computers and computers through ourselves. So, yeah. That's me; I'm just the wacko who thinks way too much, and needs to stop. So...

See you all. Aetherion, out.
Welcome Aetherion. I am geniusinmath or you can call me Michael. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Storyteller's Circle.
Welcome to STC Aetherion!

What instrument(s)) do you play?

For a long time, I stuck to my prefered genres for roleplaying but I've pushed my boundaries as well in the past and it has paid off and always has expanded my horizons. Was there a character type or genre you were looking to try out?

Also just wanted to mention that all of our accounts have to go through an account approval process before you can begin roleplaying. If you are already aware of this feel free to stop reading here. If not, however, it's rather simple and you are already part of the way there by posting an introduction post. You will also need to post and engage with other users in our community forums, such as the Main Lobby, Art Forums, Forum Games and the Writers Circle. This is also a great time to begin looking for roleplays so feel free to browse our Bulletin Board. After approval you may also want to post in our Open Roleplay Recruitment thread.

If you have any questions about anything or the approval process feel free to drop them below!

Welcome to the site!

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Hello Aetherion! Glad to see you finally got round to posting! Can't wait to RP with you again!
Hello Aetherion. Welcome to STC.

I too, am very interested in sci-fi and fantasy, and enjoy theorising about bizarre things in my spare time. You say that you do art? Would you mind posting any? I'm a bit of an art nut so I'm excited whenever someone else says that they do art.

In any case, enjoy your stay here.
Hey guys! Thank you all for the warm welcome. To answer some questions:
- I'm currently learning guitar. I also have a keyboard I mess around with from time to time.
- I didn't really have anything in particular in mind, I figured I'd join whatever came up, and creativity would strike when it needed to regarding the character.
- Yep, it's the person! Not really a question, but oh well.
- Sure! This is a dark elf I did for an rp a while back. I'm thinking of taking character sketch requests in the art forums at some point as well.
Your sketch looks quite nice. You should open a thread in the Artwork forums to share your work :>