I have questions!

Aside from the Chimera, Hydra, and Cerberus, what other Divine Monsters can you think of? And can you make two or more characters or do you start with just one?
I have questions!

Aside from the Chimera, Hydra, and Cerberus, what other Divine Monsters can you think of? And can you make two or more characters or do you start with just one?

Well, the Pegasus is a Divine Monster. It is considered one due to being the offspring of Poseidon.

As mentioned, Divine Monsters are basically monsters that are offspring of Deities. The Charybdis & Scylla, as mentioned by Potatocat, are some examples.

Typhon's offspring, which also includes the Orthros, the Colchian Dragon that guards the Golden Fleece, the Cacausian Eagle that ate Prometheus' Liver every day(planning to merge it with the alternative origin of being forged by Haephastus - part automaton part flesh), the Sphinx that was outsmarted by Oedipus, and more qualify as Divine Monsters, since Typhon will be considered a god in this Roleplay and his brood of monsters Divine Monsters.

And yes, you are allowed to play two or more characters like I am.
Well I wanted it to be long and dramatic on all ends but at the end of it all I decided to settle for simple.

The current plans I have:

'Main duo' is hanging around their house.

The brood of Typhon are hanging out in their house. As of this time, Typhon isn't here and is still dormant. They await his return... eventually.

The Olympian Chosen can either go to the temples in Southern Kuri-shi or just do what they want. They're Roman Counterpart temples, and the replica of Vesta's torch is unlit. The temples are relatively close to each other, and a single young lady cleans them every week. Unlike the American Parthenon, these replicas are a lot smaller than their regular counterparts, likely closer to small house-sized. If anyone wants to find out more about the temples, asking her could help.

Everyone else will likely just do what they want.

@Potatocat @ShadowCoyote0 @NujabesLives! @Alex Azure @Jail Rose @MelodyMeister @Minerva

Fantastic. I'll have both a post for Hibiki and a sheet for Scylla up at some point tonight.



Physical Age:


Divine Monster

Standing at 5’ 8” and weighing 150 pounds Scylla is fairly tall and rather muscular. Not unlike her brother Cerberus, she has a serpent’s tongue. She also has a pair of wolf ears in addition to her human ones and the tail of a cat placed behing her. She frequently wears hoodies to further disguise her form.

Typhon’s Alliance

Starting Personality:
Scylla is a hot headed fighter. Frequently seeking out fights, Scylla has a reputation among other long lived beings for brutal violence. The only thing she loves more than a good fight is a good meal. Always hungry and always snacking, Scylla lives life with food in her mouth and a fight on her mind.

The offspring of Typhon and Echidna, Scylla is one of the great monsters of Greece. Unlike most of her kin however, she originally rejected this origin and her monsterous form. Turning to Hecate, she begged to be made into a less terrifying form. Hecate answered her prayers, disguising her as a simple river nymph. It was in this form Scylla lived for some time. Until she caught the jealous eye of Amphitrite who subsequentially attempted to poison her. Instead of dying Scylla revealed her true form. A monster beast cobbled together from so many disadent elements.

Outed by a cruel and fickle goddess Scylla turned against the rest. Choosing instead to live as she was originally intended. As adversary to gods and mortals alike. Preying upon those who dare approach within her reach.

Abilities & Skills:
Scylla is an incredibly experienced and particularly vicious fighter. Originally a fan of panktration, and later many more martial arts, she has spent many hundreds of years training. While undoubtedly a master of all known martial arts, Scylla prefers Krav Maga and Systema over the rest.

Her combat prowess is aided by her monsterous origin. Even in her false human form she retains super human strength, speed, and durability.

True Form Appearance:

Scylla’s true form is massive; dwarfing most ships she would choose to prey upon. She also gains six long necks each with a serptintine maw attached and her mid section is flanked on either side by wolf heads.

True Form Additional Abilities:
In addition to her additional heads and increased size, Scylla regains all of her monsterous strength. Able to rip ships and sailors to pieces.

A pair of sap gloves

As for when I'll post, I'll either wait for more posts or late Friday.

"I wonder where they might've gone..."


Colchian Dragon


Cole, Colki, Koru-kun

Physical Age:





Divine Monster


Cole stands at a height of 5'9 and weighs 152 lbs, making him rather tall and athletic. Cole also has black hair and dark, red eyes, which he usually hides through brown eye contacts. Scales are still quite visible all around his body and some on his face, so he usually covers it with black coats and jackets, the signature outfits he always wears. His tongue, like Cerberus and Scylla's, are like a snake's. He also has noticably sharp premolar teeth.


Typhon's Alliance

Starting Personality:

Cole is extremely overprotective, it might bother you a bit. He would always keep an eye on you wherever you go, and would only stop once he is told. He just wants his loved ones safe and away from harm. Cole also couldn't stand it if some of his things go missing, and would search day and night until that missing thing is found. Cole is mostly quiet and would simply keep to himself, but if someone wants him to talk, he will talk.

Born a son of Typhon, the Colchian Dragon was tasked to guard the Golden Fleece from anyone who would try to steal it. He had done his job well, keeping away any stranger that would try to steal it, until a man named Jason came and fought with him. Surprisingly, this man managed to obtain the Golden Fleece, almost slaying the dragon. Following his failure to protect the Golden Fleece, he pleaded to the gods to be turned into something less terrifying, trying to stray away from his origins so he could never remember his failures again. His wish was granted, and he was turned into a human for temporary, along with his brothers and sisters.

Abilities & Skills:

Cole is a fighter, able to fight off his enemies with his conbat skills. He is also rather skilled with swordplay and could take down his opponents with simple swings of his sword. Even though a capable leader, Cole would rather be a follower unless it was deemed necessary that he should lead.

True Form Appearance:

The Colchian Dragon does indeed have an enormous size, larger and taller than that of a man or even a tree and shaped like a snake. It's a terrifying creature and should not be trifled with, specially if it is guarding something very important, such as the Golden Fleece.

True Form Additional Abilities:

The Colchian Dragon has immense ability, crushing its opponents and choking them with it's slithering body. Aside from that, he is able to pay attention to who is approaching without even sleeping a wink.


Two knives and a long sword
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Robin Noel
Rob, Noel, Noel-kun
A 17 year old boy standing at 5'7" and weighing 160 lbs., Noel has pale white hair and eyebrows. He has natural long hair that goes to his hips, with one spiky bang across his forehead, though he prefers to tie the back of his hair when it combat. He wears a grey, long-sleeved shirt with angel wings on the shoulder area of them, and on top of that, he wears a blue and white vest with yellow buttons. He also prefers to don long pants. Noel has a light, most likely Caucasian skin tone, but it still tends to be a little on the pale side.
Olympian Chosen (specifically, Poseidon)
Starting Personality:
Noel is a rather... stoic individual. Never really caring for companions due to always helping his mother, he finds trouble being sympathetic or being able to relate to others' emotions. He tends to focus on more "important" things - doing his studies, for example. Noel is a perfectionist, a cause of always having to help others, and he puts is expectations really high... too high for himself. He is a very hard-working individual, and whenever he messes up, he'll apologize right away. He is very humbled, but this is more or less a result of not having a lot of self-confidence. Despite this lack or self-belief, Noel isn't going to try to disappoint.
Noel was born to his mother Selena Noel and his father Boreas Noel. His mother was a pharmacist, and his father drove cruise ships. Worshippers of the Greek gods, they relied and prayed to Poseidon a lot due to his father's job. For a pretty long time, Noel's life was happy... but when he was 6, just starting kindergarten, his family decided to go on a cruise. However, there was a wild storm when they were returning home, and the ship was turn over and sunk. Robin and Selena survived (and they always thought it was a blessing from Poseidon), but Boreas was killed, and Selena broke her legs. Her occupation as a pharmacist was finished, so she tried to find another job.... but there weren't too many for someone physically disabled. So, deciding that helping his mom was the priority, Noel found multiple jobs through odd methods in order to provide for his family. For a bit of time, about five years, his mom simply worked at McDonalds and also as a freelance writer... but that didn't get them enough. Noel knew that they needed to up their game... but there was nothing else they could do. They thought that they were doomed, but fortunately, one of Selena's brothers struck it rich, and he decided all the money he already had could go to them. Because of that, they had double the amount a normal family of two would need, which was just right for the two of them. Poseidon, proud of how he'd handled the situation, chose him as his chosen, telling him to look out for someone named Saturn or Cronus. Robin, happy that the god was noticing him, promised that he'd try his hardest and set out.​
Abilities & Skills:
Being Poseidon's chosen, Noel has a high control of water, mostly using it to form long-range weapons. Noel has also done a lot of running in his life, so he's more like a glass cannon - not too high endurance, but good speed and decent damage with his water abilities. However, he still has yet to be a master with these abilities.
He'll commonly carry a wet towel as a "weapon" and use it like a whip, but it's nothing too special.​