
Hi, I'm Raemy! I'm a 20-year-old college student from Ohio and a fledgling writer. My hobbies include writing (of course), reading, gaming (both video games and tabletop), cooking, and music (both playing and listening).

"What exactly do you write?"
I usually just write short stories inspired by images on Pinterest. They're usually not very good. :p

"What do you like to read?"
Comics and manga mostly. However, I do like to read a good, thick book now and then. They're usually history books, though. I'm a pretty big history buff.

"What's your favorite game?"
Video game? Total War Warhammer. Empire all the way! Tabletop? D&D. Specifically 3.5e because I love my supplemental material. :)

"You cook?"
Well... I dabble. I can't really afford to actually make it a hobby per-se, but I can cook a mean chicken fajita. I'm not too shabby at baking either; if I do say so myself.

"What instrument do you play?"
The violin. Or fiddle, depending on which you prefer.

"What's your favorite kind of music?"
That's a difficult question. I'd say I like heavy metal and rap the most.

"Who's your favorite band?"
Sabaton, bro. Sabaton.

If you have a question that wasn't listed here, feel free to PM me and talk! :)
Jul 12, 1996 (Age: 27)


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