Watching Forums/Threads

Watching Threads & Forums

Storyteller's Circle supports watching threads and forums which will send you an automated alert when people post into watched forums, or reply to watched threads. Optional e-mail notifications can be enabled as well.

These settings can be easily toggled on and off from your preference settings.

preference screenshot

preference settings screenshot

Be mindful that these automated options will only apply to newly watched threads. Any threads you had watched prior to altering these settings, will retain their old settings. To change the watch/e-mail status of previously watched threads you need to access your watched threads/forums pages.

watched content screenshot

From there you can edit existing watched content. If you wish to un-watch specific threads, make sure to use the circled 'with selected' option. The upper 'Managed Watched Threads' option will remove or disable notifications for all watched threads.

watched content screenshot

To manually watch a thread of forum, you simply need to click the watch button while viewing the thread or forum that you wish to watch.

watch threads screenshot

watch forums screenshot
