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  • Users: Tiko
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  1. Tiko

    CoR From the Ashes...

    "ay," Desmond agreed as he approached with Snow. "Not expectin' to find much. But Baron says there was a safe and a lockbox in the loft, and some guns in the weapons cache. The police picked through the place already, but the cache was in the cellar which is buried. We haven't 'eard nothin'...
  2. Tiko

    CoR Mysterious Letter

    Baron had headed home after he and Aimee's return to the city, but standing there now, it didn't feel like home. It didn't even smell like home. No, his home was buried in the ashes of the Den. Sophia's toys and books had been left strewn about the place, abandoned in the quick relocation of...
  3. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    "Shh, it's okay," Colette reassured her. "Get some more rest. We'll find them."
  4. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    The blanket that Aimee had been wrapped in had been too wet to be of any use, and had been discarded to one side. At mention of being cold, Colette quickly unclasped her green cloak and covered the girl with it. "Where is that?" she pressed. She hated making the girl talk, but the sooner she...
  5. Tiko

    CoR What a Mess

    "Don't sweat it," Desmond told her. "It's a hard time for everyone. I think we all wish you could 'ave come back to better news. If you do think of anythin' you need, just let me know."
  6. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    The sun was up by the time Aimee came too. It had taken Colette that long just to work on freeing the tape from her. All twisted up around her head and in her hair made it an arduously slow task. As it was, she had to cut away at the hair quite a bit. The was just finishing when Aimee had...
  7. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    Amara slowed as they entered the city limits, and Colette released her grip on Amara's fur. The ivy that entwined them grew brittle and crumbled away without anything left to sustain it. Free to move again, Colette slipped down from Amara, landing softly with scarcely a sound. The sun would be...
  8. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    Several hours later... A sense of urgency drove Amara onward, her paws beating against the earth to the drumming of her heart as it pumped blood and oxygen through her veins. Her massive chest cavity and powerful heart could sustain her at this pace for days if it wasn't for the limitations of...
  9. Tiko

    CoR Country Wolf in the Big City

    Colette tossed and turned restlessly in her sleep. She ran soundlessly, flowing, jumping, and ducking her way through the forest. Ahead of her she caught glimpses of Amara's fur through the trees, but try as she might she couldn't seem to catch up. The forest was home though. She knew it...
  10. Tiko

    CoR Bonds of Blood

    "I did not know your father very well I am afraid," Colette said. "And you may have inherited traits from both of your parents but your choices on what to do with them will always be your own. Why don't you get some rest, you look like you could use it. And I believe we have kept James waiting...
  11. Tiko

    CoR Bonds of Blood

    Amara whined and shifted her head to lay it on top of Aimee. Collete smiled again. "I think she gets lonely sometimes," she said.
  12. Tiko

    CoR What a Mess

    Desmond had the grace to look downright sheepish. "I'll uh, see myself out," he said. "Before ye find the lewd ones. Need anythin' brought to ye?"
  13. Tiko

    CoR Bonds of Blood

    "She was unlike other humans I have met. It is a shame she had not been born one of us," Colette answered. "She had the eyes of a hawk, and could pass through the forest without a trace. She was quite the tracker. I do not know what all she was capable of, but you could see a poised grace in the...
  14. Tiko

    CoR What a Mess

    Over this way," Desmond told her as he led her to a nearby door. "Afraid it's not much more than a storage closet at the moment." He pulled a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to let her in. It was cramped inside, which made the disorganized mess all the more cluttered. A...
  15. Tiko

    CoR Fix

    The thought lingered on his mind that it should have been him who killed Rowan. Who tore that fuckers throat out and watched him gasp and bleed out on the ground. He should have been with the pack when they moved against the Scions. He should have so many things, but she was right. Regret over...
  16. Tiko

    CoR What a Mess

    When Sel came upon Desmond in one of the halls, he was engaged in heated words with Julienne. The woman had grown since Sel had last seen her, but she looked gaunt - and if one where being fair - slightly crazed. "Oh grow up," Desmond snapped. "Yer actin' like a child." "Oh you're one to...
  17. Tiko

    CoR Fix

    Baron stood there silently watching Rhetta from the entryway. He could tell she knew he was there even before she spoke. She always knew when he was there. But he couldn't bring himself to take those last few steps. She, like the others, had trusted him with the direction he had taken the pack...
  18. Tiko

    CoR Bonds of Blood

    "I had only met your mother in passing when Baron asked for my help," Colette continued. "I had no liking for humans, and did not care to have her around when they would pass through. If Mathis had been the one to come to me, I would have turned him away. But Baron was different than his father...
  19. Tiko

    CoR Into the Wolf Den

    Jesse's expression turned too one of genuine concern. It was clear to see that Ethan was still in a state of shock from his ordeal. He didn't want to press the man for details. It wasn't important right now. He caught himself at that thought. No, whatever this man had been through was important...
  20. Tiko

    CoR Ragenard's Gonna Ragenard

    Marcellus was midway through pouring a shot of whiskey for a patron when Ragenard entered. The abrupt shift in the atmosphere was more than enough to shake even him out of his drudgery-induced depression. He recognized Ragenard immediately, and the mood spoke poorly of whoever had brought his...