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  1. N

    Unpopular opinions!

    I'd rather eat my meat and vegetables and take a pass on nearly all desserts. Sugar is an over rated seasoning. Scientific facts and theories should stop being politicized for nefarious or other purposes. JJ Abrams involvement in any movie means I will not watch it.
  2. N

    Anyone play the sims?

    I played Sim City for a bit, but never got involved with the sim people.
  3. N


    1) Usually whatever I'm planning for dinner... 2) Haven't had waffles for ages. Pancakes: I like home made buckwheat pancakes with melty butter and just a hint of real maple syrup. I also like savory Indian uttapam pancakes with tomato, onion and curry leaves (and butter or ghee). My...
  4. N

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    Years ago, face to face RP. We quickly ditched the D&D sourcebook and got creative on our own. But before we ditched it, my very first character was a lawful neutral cleric named Awghnaugh. Pronounced Oh NO! I still have the pewter figurine for the character.
  5. N

    What's Your Major... ?

    I graduated a long time ago, but my major was Biology/Aquatic Ecology.
  6. N

    If your life was a movie, what would the title be?

    Watching the Grass Grow and Deciding Not to Clean the House
  7. N

    Favourite types of tea?

    Oh, re cold beverages: I loathe sweet tea. I do love cold water, ice tea (green or otherwise), seltzer water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. I don't drink sodas - maybe ONE ginger ale or root beer a year when I have a sugar imbalance. I do like grapefruit juice or tomato juice, although I...
  8. N

    Favourite types of tea?

    Let's see, i am fond of good green teas. And I especially like "Victorian Earl Grey", which is a Simpson &Vail tea. Coffee, now - a good dark roast! Except for a good mocha latte, I don't use cream or sugar in any of the above beverages. Serve 'em neat!