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  1. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I really think my family hates me now. Everything they say and everything they do hurts me. If they don't realize, they must be blind, or maybe I'm just that good at hiding the pain? Even when they say "this is fair" and that they love me, I can't bring myself to believe it. They don't love me...
  2. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I'd also like to give a huge thank-you to everyone who's responded to this thread with your own stories and your support. It does make me feel a bit better that others understand what I'm going through. Thank you all so much!
  3. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I don't, but thanks for the offer. Role-playing has made things a bit more bearable, I also have a loving and supportive gf now who's helping me through it. I can see her again in about a week, so super excited about that!
  4. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I know, and I try really hard for her, but sometimes everything just becomes unbearable. One of the things I tried to deal with this was making a list of "reasons to live", since it'd help me remember what I'm fighting for, but... it didn't really work. I've just had to watch those reasons...
  5. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I'm at that point where I want to change myself again. Sometimes I willingly change my personality. Or rather, I stop acting out fake/altered personas and become myself for a while, tricking my family into thinking it's "just a phase" until I can bear smiling again. I want to cut my hair short...
  6. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Re-posted and edited from RPN. I've run out of effective coping methods, and I've fallen back into a depressive episode. Again. Yet again. I have no words for how done I am with everything right now. My cell phone is basically useless, I can't call anyone because the reception's that bad. I can...
  7. AmatsuOtaku

    Do you play any instruments?

    My father is part of a military band of sorts, and has been playing various instruments (B-flat trumpet, tuba, all kinds of guitars) as long as I can remember, and it turns out my siblings and I also have a natural talent for music. First off, not an instrument, but I've been singing since I...
  8. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    My parents actually first met online I think lol Also my mother's a stay at home mom, all she really does is look after me and my 3 siblings. But I'm completely independent, since she had to focus on my younger siblings when they were small, and now she wastes SO much time trying to micromanage...
  9. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Cross-posted from my vent thread on RPN. So, my parents decided it would be a good idea to shut off the internet every night around like 11 pm. I typically wake up between 3-5 AM, but these lazy idiots sleep until like 9. I have friends in other time zones and with different schedules that I...
  10. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    I appreciate the references or whatever but that's not something you should joke about
  11. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Making a list of songs that describe my life right now that I bet no one will even bother listening to; Abstract Nonsense Miss Wanna-Die The Lost One's Weeping
  12. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Nope. Not really an option right now
  13. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    So, all of my problems are back. I sleep way too little or I sleep too much. I'm not eating healthy at all. Not exercising. I'm just a mess. I've been having weird dreams that I won't even try to explain here. I really need to talk to my therapist again but we haven't gone in months because of...
  14. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Lol my ambiverted ass started talking to this random person being all optimistic and cheerful and then reverting back to introvert mode once they confirmed we're friends now. What is wrong with me xD
  15. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Hey I made a new friend over on RPN! Yay~
  16. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Hey y'all I wrote a poem about how I feel in this eNdLeSs SoLiTuDe (cross posted from my poetry thread) As it is with a lot of my poetry, the imagery and themes are very fluid and progress throughout the story. They don't change, they flow smoothly as connections are formed with relevant...
  17. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    So I didn't realize it when I said this, but is this a normal thing people do? I know people often imagine someone else being there, but can you PHYSICALLY feel it? I do it with objects, too - I can see and feel something in my hand as if it was really there. And another thing about that dream...
  18. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Hello depression, my old friend, I see you're back yet again! Haha... ha............... Sh*t. I'm just lost now. I'm so done trying to hide everything from my mom but if I told her I'm afraid my life would become even more of a living hell... What do I do now
  19. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Even if fanfic isn't the same you'd better bet I'll be writing a better ending. Also, I have various Soul Eater rps going on right now and I am DEFINITELY having my oc fight - and probably kill - Medusa in all of them. My oc, Shiko, is the daughter of the devil, so she acts as sort of a "grim...
  20. AmatsuOtaku

    Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

    Okay I googled it because I had to know and I guess they (barely) survive in the anime but they died in the manga But still... a fake-out like that is just plain cruel. I am still completely devastated that such a precious child would have to suffer so much. I hate this. I can't even describe...