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  1. ArQane

    Daily Vote Reminders!

    Daily Vote Reminder! >> Click to Vote <<
  2. ArQane

    Daily Vote Reminders!

    Daily Vote Reminder! >> Click to Vote <<
  3. ArQane

    So what kind of roleplayers are out here?

    I am a bad roleplayer :D
  4. ArQane

    Phobias and Scares

    I disgust myself too. We appear to be on the same page :D
  5. ArQane

    Phobias and Scares

    Spine chilling innit? That's the message I'm trying to convey >:3 Anything can be disgusting if you make it so, but this... This is "euhghghegeh"
  6. ArQane

    Phobias and Scares

    For me, it's pretty much trypophobia explicitly as skin conditions. People make those fake pictures to disgust anyways :P
  7. ArQane

    Online games you play.

    Been doing more and more Shadowverse lately. It's p sweet.
  8. ArQane

    Unpopular opinions!

    I don't believe god exists. I also believe that religion is one of the worst things that happened to humanity.
  9. ArQane

    Jokes So Bad, They're Good

    What is DNA?
  10. ArQane

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    My first roleplay was a cheesy story named "The Survivors" made by my friends and I in 5th-6th grade. We had a huge team of writers +recruiting more and it was known by the entire grade >:3
  11. ArQane

    What is the dumbest thing you have even done.

    I once threw half cooked pancakes that I messed up over my fence. Turns out my neighbor was home. And I quote "Who the FUCK is throwing food in my lawn" And it was that moment when Qane knew, he fucked up.
  12. ArQane


    There's nothing wrong with the game.
  13. ArQane

    What is Anime, and why is it so popular?

    Animation opens up to possibilities that are impossible to enact out well by means of Live Action. The Western attempts to do this are frequently called "cartoons", which I like to refer to as "trash". However, the art style and plotlines in animes are appealing. In addition to a properly...
  14. ArQane

    Video games I play

    Heh yup. There's been so much rework on the game, for the better and worse. Love the game though.
  15. ArQane

    Video games I play

    Shadowverse is also p fun imo.
  16. ArQane

    If your life was a movie, what would the title be?

    Beyond Edgy: The Life of an Edgy Edgelord
  17. ArQane

    Hope for a Good Day

    My day starts with "I have to go to school." You probably can figure out how things unravel from there.
  18. ArQane

    How Intresting Are You?

    I'm ArQane.
  19. ArQane

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    We should all be shameless about the start of our writing career! >:3 The most I can salvage :p
  20. ArQane

    What's your favorite anime?

    @Lucifer Puella's art is just too goddamn amazing :P