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  1. Cailin

    Cruelest moments?

    The cruelest thing I've ever done to a character in a roleplay was make them believe the one man she could trust was consorting with the antagonist, a long time villain of theirs, enough to make her pull her gun on him. It turned out she was experiencing pareidolia, induced from the antagonist...
  2. Cailin

    Getting to know eachother better

    I'm a Navy brat.
  3. Cailin

    Things you like.

    I have a love of water. Rain, and especially the ocean. Many of my characters with abilities use it in some way. My interest in science has broadened it--after all, all life depends on it to survive.
  4. Cailin

    Weapons or Magic/Powers

    Weapons. It's an equal-opportunity method of inflicting pain, since it isn't limited to those born with the capability to wield it, like magic. While magic and supernatural abilities can be honed, anyone can pick up a sword or gun and master it, with the proper technique and diligence. Weapons...
  5. Cailin

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    I've admired most of the female leads in Joe Hill's novels (son of Stephen King), especially Vic from NOS4A2. She kicks ass. While she may not be the most well-liked character in terms of her personality, her upbringing in an abusive household would account for her key weaknesses. Also, she...
  6. Cailin

    Unpopular opinions!

    Sir, that deserves a Nobel Prize. I don't like fanfiction. I've read maybe two that I thought deserved all of the praise they've received, and I've read a hell of a lot of fanfiction. Also, wolves aren't cool.
  7. Cailin

    Unpopular opinions!

    My face is more intimate to me than any other part of my body. I mean, think about it. It's always exposed--it's strange when people cover it up. People immediately notice glasses, a ski mask, a hood, or goggles. Usually, it's not appropriate to touch someone's face unless you're comfortable...
  8. Cailin

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm in high school (senior high) and I work the graveyard shift on weekends.
  9. Cailin

    Phobias and Scares

    I don't like confined spaces, like elevators or closets. I can't be in them for more than 10-15 minutes before I start feeling restless.
  10. Cailin

    Unpopular opinions!

    I'll go into mens' restrooms if the womens' happens to be full, and I really don't care if men want to do the same.
  11. Cailin

    Tell me about your pets!

    I've got a Spitz mix named Kaia and two cats, Scooter and Natasha.
  12. Cailin

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    I first started roleplaying on a Pokemon site called Marilland (now Azurilland). I don't remember much about my first RP, but I started a very successful thread that was about half-human Pokemon hybrids escaping experimentation. It was fun being the antagonist.
  13. Cailin

    Favourite types of tea?

    I like my tea unsweetened, and I enjoy Earl gray and green mostly. I'll drink chamomile occasionally, but I'm actually more fond of coffee.
  14. Cailin

    Your Favorite Character Tropes!

    The skeptic; the one who always questions decisions and only puts faith into hard evidence and science.