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  1. Emory

    add some new words to my vocab!

    I'm bored so here's some words I enjoy: Eclectic (adj)- deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. Sardonic (adj)- grimly mocking or cynical. Bedlam (n)- a scene of uproar and confusion. Didactic (adj)- intended to teach, particularly in having moral...
  2. Emory

    What's The Hardest Thing About Writing?

    I'd say the greatest challenge I personally face as a writer is deciding when to stop planning and start writing and when to stop editing and finalize the project. I have a habit of over planning or editing my work too harshly, but that's normal for most writers. Sometimes you just got to know...
  3. Emory

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    Ah good, it’s not just me, I can’t stand first person. Not that first person writing is invalid, but when everyone else is role playing in third person it’s so irksome to have it switching to first person whenever that one person responds.
  4. Emory

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    Now it can be appropriate if someone’s character does something blatant or obvious like wincing at a fire might reveal their fear of fire and then your character might make an assumption that they’ve had a bad experience in the past with fire and that’s ok. But noticing a twinkle in their eye...
  5. Emory

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    Unless your character has a knack for noticing small details in a persons body language and stuff like that there’s no reason for it. Let’s be honest how many people do you know irl who are that observant that they’ll pick up the slightest things and suddenly gain some sense of insight on your...
  6. Emory

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    I was wondering if someone would mention this. I can’t stand when a character is omniscient and can read every character’s mind and pick up every hint of body language that most people wouldn’t even notice. No character should have as much information as an omniscient narrator. Just because you...
  7. Emory

    What Should I Avoid While Creating a Character?

    I wish my name was Mr. Mitosis
  8. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    You can pm after approval if I'm not mistaken.
  9. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Shit, just goes to show how unfamiliar I am with it. Hell I don't even know what Discord is. Anyway, I'm spamming this thread so I'll see ya around :emoji_v:
  10. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Skype has text talk? I didn't know that.
  11. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Don't worry I'm not easily offended, it's quite alright. I can see how that might be frustrating after awhile. Again I'm sorry to disappoint but video chatting is definitely not my thing. But I enjoyed are talk, a lot of people here are into things that I've never even heard of so it's always a...
  12. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    It's fine but I've only been here for a week and this is basically my first rp. I'm sorry to hear that you've had such difficulties in your previous rps but I didn't even know communication was a problem, cuz like I said I'm fairly new to this. As for my means of communication while yes most of...
  13. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Well, that was episodic. I'm quite calm, I merely stated that I don't, nor have I ever, had skype. No lie was told on my end and as for instant messengers it turns out that I don't use any. I'm not the most social person so I've never had a need to. I use texting for like three people and I'm...
  14. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Sorry, I don't have skype. Also, I read the leaked plot of every episode for season 8 (which I had promised myself I wouldn't do but my brother did so I was coerced into it) and it's ok, seemed a bit rushed but trust me characters die. A lot of characters die. And I was really hoping Dany was...
  15. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    So for GoT I agree with almost every point. I hated Littlefinger's lack of cunning this season like that was the basis of his character and he was outmaneuvered by Sansa freaking Stark, I don't buy it. I was rooting for him up until this past season. As for the realism you're absolutely right...
  16. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    True, I have the remastered Skyrim, but I'm ready for whatever's next. Even ESO is getting old cuz it loses something when it becomes an mmorpg (although cyrodiil multiplayer was awesome). As for GoT, I still loved the new season, but I have to agree it loses something without Martin. But the...
  17. Emory

    Fantasy Lovers

    Hell yeah, Elder Scrolls and GoT are my shit. But if we're counting sci fi fantasy then Star Wars is my all time favorite. But I prefer the Expanded Universe Star Wars over the canon although the canon's good too.
  18. Emory

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    I absolutely hate when characters are so unbelievable that I have to stop reading just to envision the character. I understand there are some extenuating circumstances, but when a character isn’t realistic then I lose the ability to empathize for them and then I’m unable to enjoy the character...
  19. Emory

    Worried About My Descriptive Skills

    Good point. I literally thought about this yesterday when I was writing cuz I always read things in my head and they sound much better in there. But it was the middle of the night and I didn’t want to be that guy reading to himself in bed at 2 in the morning. It sounds stupid, but sometimes it’s...
  20. Emory

    Worried About My Descriptive Skills

    I agree with the comment above. Especially the why. It’s important to understand the reasoning behind your descriptions. If you ask yourself why you’re describing something and can’t find an answer then the description is probably unnecessary. Remember more isn’t always better. Sometimes it’s...