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  1. Hal Thorn

    Your hobby

    Anything that gets me working with my hands. I don't have a place to do lampworking right now so I want to get into wood burning or something I could do in an apartment. Studio rental with proper ventilation is expensive, on top of oxygen and propane costs. Lampworking is a really fun but...
  2. Hal Thorn

    Tell me 5 things about you.

    I know this feel all too well. Half the time I just wind up vocalizing the guitar or drum part. 1. I'm almost always the tallest person in the room at 6' 7" 2. I have two cats named Barry and Hal (Named after the Flash and Green Lantern respectively) 3. I've never been published in a book or...
  3. Hal Thorn

    If you could chose from these three powers, which one would you pick?

    Time stop would be the most interesting in my opinion. Flight would definitely be more useful, I could save so much money on gas. However Time Stop allows for so many different uses. One casual use I would employ would be freezing in social situations. I have anxiety and sometimes have have...
  4. Hal Thorn

    What fictional character motivates or inspires you?

    Boromir from The Lord of the Rings has always been an inspiration to me. Embarrassingly enough he was a big part of why I grew my hair out in high school. I always felt like he was the perfect foil for Aragorn in the fellowship. Aragorn represented what Man could aspire to be while Boromir...