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  1. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    The red head blocked easily with her own weapon's shaft. With this, she decided it was better to continue to get closer and all the while still using her weapon to block the spear, rushed forward. Albeit a bit shorter than Morshore, she waited until the last moment to kick out at the woman's...
  2. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    "Tch." Tittanna remarked. Keeping the same amount of distance between herself and Morshore had currently, she circled swiftly to Morshore's side. She moved more steadily than she had before, careful to keep her footing this time. Once she came to the side, she ducked down, lowering her glaive...
  3. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    It wasn't as if the woman had remained where she was as soon as she fell. The river had carried her slightly from her position, and Tittanna herself propelled herself backwards away. She reappeared some distance away, pulling herself out of the water, her glaive still tight in her grip. Gritting...
  4. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    Tittanna had been prepared for this, and knew it was coming. She had trained well for these situations simply because they gave her a disadvantage. As the mercenary rushed forward, Tittanna jumped up, bringing her legs in front of her to bound backwards off the shield as Morshore leaned into it...
  5. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    The red haired woman knew full well what this Morshore was all about now. Every muscle was tensed, ready to spring into action on a moment’s notice as the mercenary inched closer. She was ready to dodge away from the blow she knew was going to come eventually. But she needed more answers...
  6. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    Moreshore would find no ambush waiting for her. Nor would she find that Tittanna was ready to attack her immediately. As the mercenary rounded the corner, the woman stood from her kneeling position from the water, her double ended glaive in hand and stabbed in the ground beside her. Her steel...
  7. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    The young knight turned to watch as Morshore slide up the embankment once more, obviously not going to attempt to cross the river. Not here at any rate. Still, it did not ease the woman any to know that even out in this hellish humidity and heat, there were still those who wished to see her gone...
  8. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    Had it not been for the fact Morshore’s armor clanked as she threw the rock towards her, and then again the cacophony of armor almost immediately afterward that made Tittanna leap to her feet. The rock thudded against the thick maile. Her head whipped around to Morshore, her storm grey hues...
  9. Knosis

    Where Greener and Knosis settle their differences through the best medium: VIOLENCE!

    Somehow, someway, Tittanna had made it from the hellish forests, down the accursed embankment and into the cooling waters of the river below. The redheaded woman groaned as she waded calf deep into the rapidly moving water, her boots flung over her shoulder. Her hauberk was covered in the mud...