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  1. Nilum

    What Should I Avoid While Creating a Character?

    Agreed, with a caveat. That caveat being that this is also correct. Technically speaking, you can make almost any character in any medium function. You can have a mute protagonist in a novel, you can have a non-human protagonist in a video game, you can have a bloodthirsty psychopath as your...
  2. Nilum

    How do you create your characters (process...)

    Step 1: What's the plot? More specifically, what's the conflict in that plot? If none exists, scrap this entire process--the story is doomed to fail, abandon ship. Step 2: Look at existing cast of characters, if any exist. If none exist, default to a variation of the everyman protagonist + one...
  3. Nilum

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    Alright. Let's go for round 2 on unpopular opinions: RP Edition with things I want to avoid during an RP. This time starring... Using artwork you don't own in your character sheet. If you take art from an artist and use it without their consent, and it's not a creative commons or public domain...
  4. Nilum

    Character Personality - when is it too much

    Short Answer: When it no longer makes sense for the conflict at large. Long Answer: Creating characters requires some understanding of the plot, and creating the plot requires some understanding of the types of characters that will fulfill that plot's conflict. Setting has some influence in...
  5. Nilum

    Tips for better RPing

    Sure. I can do that. For context: I've been writing for years, role playing for longer than that. I've crafted stories that have gone on for years at a time, and stories that have ended in under a month. I've made masterpieces and total train wrecks both respectively. Here's some advice about a...
  6. Nilum

    True horror in a story?

    Hitting the "post reply" button and watching your connection timeout right there. In all seriousness: Putting an unknown but deadly threat toward player characters that people have grown fond of is usually the trick.
  7. Nilum

    Neophyte questions

    Don't really? :p Don't be a dick. Be patient. Mostly, don't be a dick. Depends on the roleplay. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
  8. Nilum

    Trouble Naming Things

    There are a couple of ways to do it. #1: Just come up with a basic nomenclature and then roll with it. Eg: All Elves Have Apostrophes. Elun'dora Mova'kun Alo'vera Melan'dor And so on. #2: Take two names of real world creatures. Smash together. Eg: "Bear" and "Wolf" become "Wear" or "Bolf"...
  9. Nilum

    Lack Of Imaginetion

    Oh, huh. I'm actually pretty good at this, as I typically have to play a wide range of characters--from the romantic to the cold, from men to women, straight or gay, liberal or conservative, so on. "Wait, what?" Okay, this might help you specifically, but this advice could apply to anyone. The...
  10. Nilum

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    I guess it's time for unpopular opinions: RP Edition! Mandatory post lengths are awful. Just the worst. If you think a minimum amount of crap thrown onto a page is the way to go, you clearly don't understand how writing fundamentally works. You want to say as much as is possible with as little...
  11. Nilum

    How would a giant look like, according to Square/Cubed Law?

    We have a case for this, actually! In the real world! Robert Wadlow! Height: 10 ft, 9 inches. (Over twice as tall as the average American at the time!) Weight: 491 Pounds. Dude. Was. Huge. He also had issues moving about the world. He required a cane and leg braces simply to walk. Because...
  12. Nilum

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    They can, but I can't exactly stop them from doing that. All I can do is take whatever reasonable precautions I can to try and warn away honest people from experiencing content not suitable for their age range. If they choose to lie about their age and willfully disregard it, I cannot be held at...
  13. Nilum

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    Can answer these, actually. As a 25 year old male that occasionally puts a "no minors allowed" rule on some role plays. Question these motives as you wish. Some content (primarily sexual) is not suitable for minors--legally, or sensibly. Lots of people already get squeamish about the topic...
  14. Nilum

    Books and/or writers that have helped you

    Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein, JRR Tolkien, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, Brian Jacques, Robert Jordan...
  15. Nilum

    To Fluff or not to Fluff, the real RP question.

    No. Don't fluff. Don't shove things into a post just to make it "feel" bigger. Instead, break the mindset that you need to make things humongous for your partner's sake. A 1x1 rightfully should have shorter responses than a group role play, because there are less active actors in any given...
  16. Nilum

    How Long...

    However long they need to be for the particular scene I'm writing. Could be one line, could be twenty paragraphs.
  17. Nilum

    Making a starter post.

    Just make sure that, when you create an opening scene, you accomplish three objectives. #1: Establish a tone. You need to know what the general atmosphere of the scene is--is it uplifting? Upbeat? Downtrodden? Depressing? What is it? What are people supposed to feel then they look at this...
  18. Nilum

    (World Building) What Effects Would Affordable Anti-Gravity Have?

    I can into science, so let me ponder a few of these. (Also will include citations.) To answer the anti-gravity question: We'd have fundamentally changed our understanding of physics if we found a new element that could nullify the effects of gravity within contained spaces. It would lead to a...
  19. Nilum

    What is your greatest weakness as a role player?

    Simple, straightforward question. I'm thinking on what sorts of topics and guides I might want to write in the future, but, I don't even know what exactly people feel they're weakest on. So I figured I'd ask the question here, and see where people think they're most deficient. Writer's block...
  20. Nilum

    Is a highschool rolplay too cliche?

    Write whatever most inspires you, however simple or complex, unique or generic. True passion and care for something will always outweigh any sort of perceived artistic merit or quality.