Search results for query: *

  1. ShadowCoyote0

    What's your favorite roleplay Genre?

    Fantasy is my personal favorite. But I'm willing to try new things :D I also prefer to make my own characters as it's easier to get into character that way. I've always wanted to try a romance rp, but that doesn't seem to be a trend at the moment.
  2. ShadowCoyote0

    Favorite Console Generation

    I gotta agree with you here. The GameCube holds a special place in my heart as it was the first console I ever owned. Ps2 was also a huge part of my childhood
  3. ShadowCoyote0

    What is your favorite video game?

    This is such a hard question for me! I feel like my answer changes constantly. All in all, it's gotta be a tie between the Witcher 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Witcher 3 had so much effort put into it. The story was incredible, the characters were lovable, the voice acting...
  4. ShadowCoyote0

    If you were a villain, what kind of a villain would you be?

    While I do like the "sympathetic" villain (ya know, the one who snapped because of tragedy) that seems to be everywhere nowadays, I find it infinitely more interesting when a villain is evil just for the hell of it. My villain cares only for his own ambition. He uses others, however, he is not...
  5. ShadowCoyote0

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    Well, picking one is simply impossible lol. So, I'll simply share a few. Kakashi Hatake(Naruto), Geralt of Rivia(The Witcher), Vegeta(Dragon Ball Series), and Dante(Devil May Cry).
  6. ShadowCoyote0

    What is the weirdest thing you've seen at work?

    I do some part time work at a wedding venue, which means I encounter drunk wedding guests often. I've been flirted with by drunk married women double my age and have seen some hilarious accidents occur. Though, the best was witnessing a group of about 5 men trying to figure out which beers were...
  7. ShadowCoyote0

    How did you get to your username?

    When I made my xbox live account 7 years ago, this was the name given to me and I've kept it ever since
  8. ShadowCoyote0

    Favorite anime?

    Dragonball Z, Naruto Shippuden....and Monster Musume. I seek no judgement
  9. ShadowCoyote0

    If You Could Have ONE Pokemon, What Would It Be?

    Totodile. I haven't got much of a reason other than the fact that it's adorable and awesome!