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  1. kookyGremlin

    Critical Role

    Any other fans out there? I love this show.
  2. kookyGremlin


    Watch Critical Role!! That will teacxh you haow to roleplay!
  3. kookyGremlin

    If your life was a movie, what would the title be?

    A series of Unfortunate Events!
  4. kookyGremlin

    What's Your Major... ?

    My masters degree is in Computer Science. I also have diplomas in Psychology and Genealogy. I am working on a diploma in fine art. I never stop learning.
  5. kookyGremlin

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    Hmm some faves... Ged from the Earthsea Trilogy - Proper wizard! Paksennarion form the Deed of Paksennarion - Proper Paladin! Sir Sparhawk (David Eddings) Thomas Covenant (Stephen R Donaldson) Kvothe - Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)
  6. kookyGremlin

    Warhammer 40k Discussion

    Showing my age. I have a copy of the ORIGINAL Rogue Trader game, back in the days where Eldar where pirates. Squats were canon and you used rules to design your own vehicles because, well there were no vehicle models! I used to play a lot, this was quite a few years ago. My Eldar Army was...
  7. kookyGremlin

    What is your most unforgettable or memorable roleplay scene?

    I had a campaign that ran for about eight years of roughly 16 hours a month. I had this player who had devised a sort of ex circus performer who was a bit of a scoundrl but had good moral fibre. Over the course of the game he slowly got more and more Lawful Good so I kind of started to put tests...
  8. kookyGremlin

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    wow... I guess maybe I'm a little old for a lot of you.. I started playing in 1977 - Original DnD and Traveller sci-fi RPG. I moved onto Runequest, Call of Cthulhu, Midle Earth Roleplaying, Rolemaster, Amber RPG, Judge Dredd, Shadowrun, Earthdaawn, not to mention my own homebrew games.