Iverian Lore


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
The majority of this roleplay will take place within Lutetia City, but Iveria will feature prominently later on.

This thread will serve as a location to post lore specific to Iveria. This lore will evolve and grow with the course of the roleplay, so updates will be periodically added. For lore specific to Lutetia, Aanar, or Tiranoth, please see their respective threads.
Werewolves in Iveria

Of all the cultural denominations across Issunar, few afford werewolves the level of acceptance found within Iveria. Their culture and history are rich with legends depicting werewolves as watchful guardians of wayward travelers and noble warriors. Even the Iverian word for ‘wolf’ loosely translates to ‘son of the land’, symbolizing the close bond between wolves and the lands of Iveria. With no natural wolves existing in Iveria for centuries - driven to extinction by the Queran settlers - this term now almost exclusively applies to the werewolves inhabiting its lands.

Unique to Iveria, Iverian werewolves do not adhere to the same strong sense of pack hierarchy and division as common in Lutetia and Aanar. Instead, they form clan-like structures of family members, often led by their eldest. From clan to clan, they view one another as distant cousins, treating each other as brothers and sisters.

The specific nature of these clans varies greatly based on personal values, interpretations of teachings, and individual personalities. Some prefer a reclusive life, embracing their wolf nature and rarely assuming human form. Others live on the fringes of society, balancing between wolf and man, while some fully embrace modernity while honoring their roots. However, reverence for life and balance is prevalent throughout the clans.

Also unique to Iveria is the practice of never inflicting bites upon humans. It's strongly believed that only those born as werewolves can understand and control the balance of man and wolf. Inflicting lycanthropy on a human creates two selves at war with one another,

Due to this strict practice, Iverian werewolves share similar traits and characteristics, stemming from a largely closed gene pool with minimal outside influence. Most Iverian werewolves exhibit rapid metabolism, regenerative properties, enhanced strength and senses, and quadrupedal wolf forms. Genetic throwbacks resulting in children with unusual traits are rare occurrences.

Many werewolf clans in Iveria consist of both werewolves and their human relatives. Werewolves and humans often marry, and since children have a fifty percent chance of being born werewolves, mixed clans are common. Biting a child born human is taboo, and they are raised as humans.
