Hidden Water


Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
Her hand slid further down, deeper and deeper down into the water. It's coolness easing the heat that was swallowing her whole, coating her body in a sheen of sweet sweat.

That pool side view was anything but relaxing as her hand continued to move gently through the water. There was nothing there in the depths yet still she reached. Still her hand searched for that hold.

Her mind was aimless and her thoughts drifted. Yet there was still wanting , needing something. Anything to touch her. That was when it happened, something touched her hand. She couldn't see what it was but something.

For a second she waited, then a voice called to her. Yes, it clicked, that voice. It was what she wanted.

She pulls her hand from the hidden depths and moves to her feet. A second voice joining. Such sweet sounds. Both strong, both hers. She walks away from the dragging of the pool to the voices. Those wonderful voices.