

Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
Her hands traveled long the curves of her body, she felt the changes, the differences. Only so long ago, there had been bones, been hips that stuck out like a protruding reminder.

As her hands moved further along, moving up now. Yes there was much difference. It was all good. All much needed.

Now her eyes look to the mirror. There was always something, something that needed work. As she gazed in the mirror, she saw and heard all the things society wanted her to look like.

Then she shakes her head and focuses, focuses on what was there, all that she was and all that she could be.

It's not just about being healthy physically but the heart, the soul, must be nourished as well. Ignoring any of them only leaves an imbalance that can falter one's vision. Be strong, be will to want to be healthy.