My Fave Vampy

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This is my most well-developed and used character, Lucius. I, a fair while ago, made concept art for him:

As one can perhaps tell, he's mainly for Victorian-era stuff. He does have a medieval version too, though I don't think I've ever used it in a roleplay that hasn't died within five posts:

That wasn't drawn by me, but I did photo edit using Picmonkey from this:
I have also composed a theme song for him (mainly Victorian, again):

He's definitely not my oldest character, but certainly my most favoured, at the moment. I'll probably get sick of him eventually, but until then, gaze upon the dreamboat I have fabricated. Please give constructive criticism and/or question me on further details about the character. Helps me with my drawing/photo editing skills and helps me develop him as a character.

Got a fave character you've done lots of special snowflake creative stuff with? Link me to it, dude. Will also be drifting to other threads in this forum because, from the stuff I've seen already, people on here are crazy talented.

Ta muccle.