Plot Idea,,'Defending the Veil'


(Written with a small group in mind, possibly 1v1. Wip)

In a world where even the lowliest servant has some measure of magical ability, the powers that be covetously guard the source and the capacity to increase their powers. Sadly only the very rich, very powerful, well connected or naturally gifted are encouraged into higher echelons of this elitist society.
It is a world of many races, all working to their strengths. Whilst there are prejudices, as happens, anywhere where there are differences they are usually small or personally driven feuds.

The exceptions are Baels,\Maenads\long lived lore keepers and kin to Daemons\ Fae , being of immense power, originally a benevolent race, they have been hunted mercilessly as devils bringers of doom , stealers of children, rapers of women creatures hell bent on the destruction of the lesser races.

Truth is these creatures are the guardians of the Allure, the power that gives the world all its magic. This fact has always been withheld from the masses by the powers that be, whilst they also fuel the hatred with cleverly woven fear mongering and propaganda.

Now certain they are down to the last few of the Bael the Most powerful put their ultimate plan into action. What do they want? To kill the keepers of the Allure taking it for themselves and remove the ability from everyone except those they deem most worthy.

What they don’t realise is when the last one dies so will the worlds connection to the Allure. Something else they do not know is that once every 1000 years A chosen member of the Bael goes on a mission to replenish the veil that keeps the world protected from their chaos blooded kin, who linger on the fringes of the world hungry for the opportunity to one day gain access wreak total destruction. The time has come for this ritual to be performed again.

Can this ancient protector of the world convince their wold be assassin to aid them or will the Hunter take the Bael and its secrets to their employers, bringing about a future doomed to chaos.
Wow! This sounds intense. I like it. But what differentiates the Baels from the other beings? Is it a certain look or something else? And why are they being hunted? What made the government/people turn on them? And while it sounds like a caste system, is it a caste system with a dictator, emperor, or king? And who sent the Hunter? Sorry, I have a lot of questions. I really do like the pitch!
Hey thanks for the interest, it's a fantasy style world I suppose. Mostly human, with a few less prolific elder races scattered here and there. Elves, dwarfs, Gnomes, a couple of beast races who exist outside the cities.
Only humans have tried to interfere with the origin and cycle of the Allure. All other races have been content to live in harmony with it.

The Bael are kin to daemons or fae giving them very otherworldly appearances, this varies depending on the writers preference. Some can be winged and cloven hoofed, or reminiscent of more fae styled creatures.

The rulers are more like a consul of the wealthiest and most powerful, there are families and old bloodlines but it doesn't count as much as accumulated power.
The consul have hired the hunter/s because they don't fully understand the implications of ending the Bael. They believe if they capture the last they can discover the secrets and take and control the Allure for themselves.
Okay! Cool, so there could be multiple hunters after the chosen Bael? For different people for different reasons? That could be very interesting.
Yup, the idea was open to input, so if someone wanted to take on the role of a Consul member with their own agenda, maybe furthering their own claim to a higher position, there was room for that to happen.

Basically it can be as simple or as complex and political as you like.
Definitely! If you decide to do this idea, please let me know! I'm all for this intrigue and possible character development!
Well I am working on it at the moment, please feel free to pitch in with your ideas, I like ppl to feel like they have an investment in the world's I build, so if you have a character or story arc you're interested in bringing to the table I am open to hearing it.
Well, I am wondering why the Hunters exist? Usually, people pay strong people to take out their target. But if the rich people are the strongest, why pay someone less strong to do something you can do yourself perfectly? Also just wondering, since it is an elitist society, are there slaves or something akin to the Jim Crow Laws (laws against other races or segregation)? Sorry for bringing up such heavy topics.
Simple, those at the top don't dirty their hands or risk their bloodlines hunting an extremely dangerous enemy. Whilst the Bael are actually no threat to the populous, 100's of years of propaganda and lack of contact with them has enabled the higher ups to make monsters of them.
Hunters are an elite group brought into existence for the sole purpose of wiping out the Bael. The faction itself has been around since the first Consul leader brought this idea to the council centuries before.
These ppl were selected for their particular talents and abilities. Their training is brutal and they undergo magical enhancement, a bit like genetic enhancement but with magic.
These days they consist mainly of those born into the hunters, whose parents were hunters and their parents before them. Occasionally a particularly gifted individual will be recruited. But its rare.

Thing is everyone has some level of magical ability of some sort wether it's simple talents that help with their day today existence or more gifted like the surgeons or scholars who research the workings of the Allure.

There is no slavery, sure there are those who serve but there is no ownership of another being.
And what about segregation? Like only humans are allowed in this establishment type stuff? Or is it more like Transformers where what your talent or magical ability does affects what you can do and where you can go (a functionalist society: for example, someone richer who manipulates air doesn't go underground and therefore calls a poor earth manipulator a mole because they do)?
Another weird question, how is gender looked at in society? Are men more powerful or women? Do men tend to favor certain types of magic while women favor others? Or is the view of gender roles differ by location, family, or race? Does religion affect those views?
Sorry been a bit off colour, but back now.
You are judged souly on the strength of your talent, then in its worth, originally to society as a whole. But as is often the case this became twisted and became more a case of what could further the council and its strategies.
The roles of men and women are fairly evenly seen. The prevailing attitude being one of balance, there can't be one without the other.
The higher up the hierarchy the more obvious it becomes that women who's talents can influence the mind, manipulate, and persuade are incredibly valuable as spies, often sent to work as staff in opposing houses to glean secrets. They are paid well and those of higher standing are schooled in how to become an effective debutant for their families to offer in marriage. With a view to tipping the scales in favour of her family.
It's a constant game at the council, everyone knows it's going on but noone directly calls it out.

I haven't gone into details about the schools of magic yet but I will get to that.
Cool! Are the schools or magic affected by the area around them? Such as in Avatar the Last Airbender how the waterbenders tended to live in swaps or at the poles, while Earth benders lived more inland (granted there was a lack of tech and there was a hostile takeover being attempted)?