CoR The Rusty Nail

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He nodded, a thoughtful look on his face.

"It's a foreign brand that is probably here precisely because it's dirt cheap, but it's got some flavour, don't it?" He said, proud to have found her something affordable and not shit-tasting that she could enjoy.

"You can definitely do grunt work, I suppose. I'll keep an eye out for warehouses. There's got to be illegal fighting rings that could get you money? Not sure though. But if you want to avoid gang packs... And with a criminal justice degree, maybe a private investigator of some sort?" But they needed a license, didn't day? Ugh.

A couple of people came in and he left Marie alone for a bit to get them drinks and make sure the other group was still vibing. They wanted more beer, but otherwise they were fine. Good! Now he could get back to Marie.

"Do you know the city well? I could use a guide. For now my entire world here has been limited to this bar and a camping near the forest to the north. I think it's called... Eh I don't remember." He shrugged. He knew where it was, he didn't know the name of the damned place.
"Oh, of course. I was born and raised here. It's been a few years since I've been to the..." Marie cleared her throat. "...the less shitty parts of town, but I could still find my way around just fine, I think. I do think I know the forest you're talking about, though. The Bosquet we call it. I think there is some name tied to it but no one even remembers that anymore."

She took another sip of her beer and mused. "Private investigator huh? I mean, yeah I'd need a license to do things above-book, but for the last five years I don't think I've actually been on any payroll ever. And if it helps people and pays the bills, it just might be win-win. Maybe I'll look into that. As for fighting rings... I mean with a weapon in hand I feel confident against most people, but paramilitary or some of these "motorcycle clubs" here in Vargeras... I mean I suppose if I were more comfortable with my shift." She lowered her voice for the last few words of that sentence.
He probably shouldn't have suggested the fighting rings, maybe if he looked at the sky and asked politely, they wouldn't exist. But if she couldn't even control her shift, it wasn't likely that she'd go throw herself into one right away.

"You can give me a tour of this part of the city, since I doubt I'll need to know the rest." He said, well aware that their kind wasn't welcome there. Much less if they were poor, which they couldn't help but BE when nobody gave you a long lasting job. He just hoped Marc had already realised what he was. But if he hadn't, Grisham wasn't going to tell him to risk getting kicked out when he had worked that hard just to get the bathroom up and running.

"And I could help you with your shift. I- oh one sec." Another guy was trying to get his attention and he went to see what he needed.
Marie smiled and waited, sipping on her beer.

He seems very nice. Easy to talk to also. I can't believe I just dumped on him like that, but honestly I'm glad I did.

She looked around the bar, waiting for him to come back, and when she did, she responded, "I would be happy to give you the tour. Some day you're not working you should hit me up and we can meet up for it." She paused for a moment, then added, "For either offer."

She pulled out her phone and opened up an app. Waves of nostalgic pictures flooded her screen. Memories of a better time. Thoughts from when she was human. Shit, I haven't opened this in years. I'd better not show too much, though; he's already heard enough of my shit.

After putting her poker face back together, she offered, "You got Pictogram? Would be nice to stay in touch."
He did, he wasn't particularly eager for anyone to see the kind of pictures he put in there but eh. Might as well.

"Sure, here." They exchanged Pictogram handles and followed each other. He could just keep her out of the close friends list, which was intended for a different use than the one he gave it, but whatever.

"I work pretty much every day for now, but I'll text you if i have a free day. We can always do the tour a random morning anyway, I don't work until after 1500 hours" He said, then blinked and corrected himself. "Until three pm, sorry." He said with a little snort. After that, the bar started getting busier and he couldn't chat with her as often as he'd like.
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