
Serina starts to drift off to sleep again as she remained cuddled to him.

Gavin nods a bit to her. " Let's head back then." He smiles and let's her lead the way back.
Damien continued star gazing while he kept his sleeping mate safe in his arms.

Maelith lead the way back. Yawning she rubbed her eyes slightly.
Gavin saw her rub her eyes. "I'm sorry for waking you. You should get some more sleep." He suggested softly to her.
He nods and continues to walk back with her until they reached the others. Serina was still curled up with the male who from what his mother had shown him was her mate. He wasn't sure how he felt about his little sister being mated but then again he had done worse to her in the past few days than that male had. He lost his right to be protective.
Maelith leaned over and patted him ont he shoulder, "Don't worry he wouldn't hurt her even if it meant life or death," She ran a hand through her hair and relaxed for a moment as she sat down before leaning back on the ground.
Gavin nodded a little at those words. "I'm afraid I'm the one who has hurt her worse." He shakes his head.

Serina stirs a little before relaxing again.

Lisa had seen the other two return and made her way over to them, wanting to check on her son and Maelith.
Maelith patted Gavin on the shoulder, "It's okay if you did. If I have learned anything about your sister she a trooper," She winked then glanced to Lisa, "Hello dear," She smiled a little at the older woman then yawned softly.

Damien pulled Serina closer.
Gavin nods. "That she is. Beat me out on the kill trials. The only one who has." He shakes his head and looks to his mother.

Lisa smiles softly to them. "Maybe once everyone is rested we can return home. I know not much is left but it would be nice to be back." She says.

Serina wakes a little when she felt Damien's arms more around her. She smiles sleepily to him.
The dragon male opened his eyes slightly as he felt others getting closer. It would take a little while before he got used to so many being around him again. Nuzzlingly Serina's hair he asked how she was.

Maelith smiled softly as glanced to Lisa, "We will have to rebuild most of your house sadly but that should be easy enough to do."
Serina smiles softly again to him. "I'm good my love." She murmurs softly.

Lisa nods softly. "Yes but it will be a fresh start."
Nodding as well Maelith tried to think about all those she knew that could be of help. Damien's family would pitch in without much thought. It would likely be a good idea to get the small family together any way.

Damien listened for a moment to the converstation happening not far from them, "I would love to help build the house. It's been a while I warn you."
Serina blinks a bit. "What did I miss?" She was still a little sleepy and hadn't been paying attention to the others much now.

Lisa smiles and nods. "Any help is greatly. I know nothing about building things. My husband did all of it."
Damien smiled, "Your mom's house was wrecked my me remember?" He kissed her forehead then sat up slightly, "I build furniture more than anything."

"Those chairs and tables at his place. He caved them," Maelith informed Serina, "It's a hobby I think he has always had."
She nods softly. "I was a little out of it at that point." She mutters then smiles softly. "I can't wait to see what you make." She says softly.
She nozzles to her mate ,nipping his neck playfully. " When shall we go?"

Lisa was rolling her eyes and mutters about the two love birds needing to get a room again.

Gavin arches a brow and shakes his head. "Mom, you realize that she is being modest compared to how you and father were?" He smirks as he got his mother to blush.
"Oh my sounds like the cat's out of the bag," Maelith hummed softly as she stretched.

"In a few," He murmured, "Every one can stay at my cave for now I suppose. It's the closest location,"