
Serina looks up at Damien and smiles softly. "I was thinking about how few dragons there are in the world and how quickly we are being killed off..." she sighs. "I have contacts all over the world that despite the mark would be of use to us. What if we started looking for others, half breeds like me that don't know what they are...we could find them...teach them."

Gavin nods a bit. "I'm always hungry." His gaze was full of heat for a moment before he caught himself and looked away.
Damien blinked at this and glanced at her, "That's a hard thing to pull off," he told her gently, "But if you want to try and pull it of then I will be behind you every step of the way." He kissed her forehead.

Maelith quickly whipped up some stew. She felt his gaze on her but wasn't sure why as she glanced at him he was looking else where. She figured it was just her imagination.
Serina smiles softly. "I didn't think it would be easy...but I figured it worth trying. Maybe we can prevent more deaths as well."

Gavin tried his best not to be watching Maelith but there was something about her that always drew his gaze. He felt caught by her in a way and it was nothing he could describe to anyone.
Damien smiled at her slightly before stretching out more. He was happy to be home.

Maelith served the stew and tea, "Let me know if you need something," She told him as she sat down at one of the two chairs at her tiny table.
She smiles warmly and cuddled close to him. This was what she really wanted, was to just be with him.

Gavin nods a bit and made his way over to the table as well. "It smells great." He said and sat down. He started to eat and nods. "Tastes as good as it smells." He said.
Damien yawned as he cuddled her closer to his form before nuzzling her hair.

Maelith smiled at the complements, "Thank you," she murmured gently as she ate her food. It was nice to cook for someone.
Serina drifted to sleep again as she laid in his arms.

Gavin smiled warmly to her and nods as he continues to eat.
Damien slept quietly with Serina.

Maelith hummed a bit as she finished her meal then moved her dishes to the nearby sink, "I suppose you will have to sleep in my bed as I don't have extra bedding or anything..."
Gavin finished his own meal and followed her to the sink. Her words catching him by surprise. He shakes his head. "I can sleep on the floor. I have trained myself to sleep any where and I will not displace you from your own bed."
The woman turned to him then, "Who said anything about being displaced?" She questioned, "I'm sure we are both adult enough not to jump each other's bones."
Gavin actually blushed at bit at those words and had to look away from her. Scratching the back of his head. "Just don't want to make you uncomfortable..." He said though he was the one blushing.
"Listen, Ruby," She decided taking a stab at his pride would get him to realize how silly he was being, "You should get in bed as you were possessed by magic and will likely find yourself completely tired before you know it."

Hell she was feeling it.
He blinks a bit at her, then arches a brow. "Ruby?" He commented then shakes his head. He regarded her for a moment then nods. "Sleep does sound good.." He nods and follows her to where the bed was. It was strange how she made him feel but he pushed it all aside. Sleep was a good idea and his body felt like he had been lacking it for a while now.
She tapped her cheeks conveying she noticed his blushing as she pulled the covers back then plopped onto the bed. It felt great to be in her own bed again. Yawning she rolled onto her leftside. She was on the left side of the bed where she could stare at the fire that burnedd gently in the hearth.
Gavin nodded a bit. It only made him blush more. What in the world was this woman doing to him. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he took off his boots then laid down.
The sagging of the bed on the otherside made her heart race in a way she hadn't expected. Closing her eyes she prayed she hadn't just signed a death warrent to them both. She focused on her breathing in an effort to remain calm.
Gavin opens his eyes as he felt and heard the change in her. It was very clear to him but then again he was a killer, it was his job to be aware of such things.

A quiet sigh leaves his lips before he rolled over and wrapped his arms around her gently. "I will not hurt you. You are safe with me." he says.
Maelith glanced at him from under the fall of her lashes, "It's hardly death I fear," She informed him gently as she found herself in his arms. Her body was tight as a bow's string. His scent filled her nose and caused her mind to wander to times left buried in the past ages ago. His warmth left her feeling relaxed for a moment before she would remind herself that it was her who had messed with his soul and caused him to hate everything that life gave him.
He held her gently and shakes his head quietly. "Let's it go. You are holding on to much to what should stay in the past. No longer are we the same." He murmured softly.
"Souls never change," She says as she wiggles to turn to face him, "Only thoughts and hearts," Was she just holding her own guilt so tightly she was afraid to make a mistake and risk bringing harm to his heart or his soul again? Maelith pulled her gaze from his, "I... am the reason your harmed your family. You should hate me."