Hello Everyone!


Sir Ace

Hello everyone nice to meet you I'm Ace! A complete beginner to RPs.
Hello and welcome to Storyteller! Everyone here is very kind and I am sure you will enjoy being here!

If you need help getting settled into the site I would recommend giving this thread a look! It explains how you can get your account approved to become a member and other useful information! >>-Click Here-<<-

If you still need more help please let me know and I will walk you through it one step at a time!

What kind of roleplay genre's are you interested in? Maybe I could recommend a couple for you to look at while you wait!
Hi @Sir Ace, I know how it is being new to RPing. It's not all that hard once you get used to things and I'm willing to help teach you, or any of the other Wardens for that matter.

Do read any books or like any movie or game genres? And how fast-paced would you prefer your RPs to be? Those two tend to be the biggest two questions with RPing as the first determines what you like most in RPs and the other is the speed in which you want to be RPing. As some people like to be quite slow and take a lot of time in their posts rather than be fast and almost real time with their posting. Also, is there anything in specific that you wanna RP? I'm sure there is something on the site that might be up your alley.

Also, here is a few links that might help you around the site and answer any questions you might have in mind.

For starters, you can find the site rules here, just so you know the general rules of the site. Please be sure to read them if you haven’t already. Another important thing would most likely be both the ”Welcome Please Read Before Posting” and ”Account Approval Information” threads and “Our Comprehensive Website Guide” since they both are quite helpful in answering some questions you might have or questions that you might have in the near future as they both help you in getting to know the site’s functions, features and what we expect from our members. Another cool thing is that Story Tellers Circle is ALWAYS updating, so be sure to check out our Site Announcements Forums to know what new features and updates are happening directly after they happened. If you have any questions on anything or have great ideas for STC please check out our Help Desk Forum Section and, should there be no threads of your idea already posted, share us your ideas for the site or ask us about whatever issues you might have. For Rules or Help you can also click on the tabs at the top of the page should you ever need it. Otherwise, check out the ”Meet The Staff” thread, which lists all staff members that posted in the thread or check the Staff list within the ‘Members’ tab in order to know ALL the staff members. Each and every one of us are free whenever we’re online and we’ll always be glad to take a PM whenever asked for help.
Welcome Storyteller! If you have any questions or need some help, don't hesitate to ask! Look forward to talking with you soon.
