New User Sound of Silence


Anonymous Me
I am a flexible writer. For the most part I enjoy almost any theme with the exception of magic. Somehow that takes the fun out it. Science fiction is always fantastic and I love the creative explanation for how things happen. If there is a single passion it is going to be politics. Political role plays with active key players, and black ops are the all time best.

Chatting is welcome in my book. I try to be friendly though I have occasionally put my foot in my mouth. Everyone does that, right? Looking forward to getting accepted to the site as a full fledged member.
Welcome Storyteller! Great song, by the way. :p Love the avatar as well. If you need any help, feel free to drop me a message.

Hello, and welcome!

VVV Check Siggy VVV I'm looking for realistic writers, if you check out "We the Unwanted". It's medieval fantasy, and politics are involved (if you choose to play so).

If you aren't interested, I still wish you a warm welcome to STC :p
That was the role play I was going to read more about. Realistic is totally up my alley. Kinda playing around with a post for the writing prompt. I used to do those sort of things all the time. Tried to start a small section of writing prompts and creative writing critiques for some younger writers on another site. Unfortunately even though they asked me to do it and I spent hours setting the thing up, the kids dumped cause they didn't actually want to work on their writing.
Hello and welcome to Storyteller! I think I have seen you around chat once or 2ce? If not then I would recommend you to stop by the chat and say hello! Also sometimes it is just as fun to lurk in there rather than talk =P! I like to lurk in there and listen to the fun that goes on!

If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to pm me! I hope you will enjoy being here!
Yeah I've been in there. More in the mode of lurking and responding to a role play on another site. Nothing much I can do here right now. Playing around and getting used to it. Then I'll finish a few more required areas to be a full fledged member.
Yeah I've been in there. More in the mode of lurking and responding to a role play on another site. Nothing much I can do here right now. Playing around and getting used to it. Then I'll finish a few more required areas to be a full fledged member.

Well if you would like a hint on how to become a member faster I would say post around in the Main Lobby =)! That is what I did when I first joined! I saw a lot of interesting threads there and after maybe 3 or 4 posts my membership was granted! I did not have to wait long maybe... 30mins-1hour so I think it is pretty fast ^^!
Ok. Thanks for the hint. I've already put in a few posts here and there. Its not all in the main lobby though. Just a smattering of posts and genre type stuff.
Greetings Silence! Welcome to our little...

*Get's distracted and looks away*
*Looks back at Silence*

Greetings Silence! Welcome to our little site! :D
Political isn't a Genre we've seen mentioned too often so far, though they tend to compliment a lot of Genre's so hopefully you find some good RPs.

Anyways, the site has had a rather disastrous wedding, red and purple everywhere! So I'm going to need to ask you some questions.

1. You say you like key players for your political RPs. But what about keycards?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. Does that dog usually smile like that?
Keycards are those wild folks that screw everything up. Lol. (Not really.) Those are just reserved for hotel rooms. A rather boring part to play. (If walls could talk.)
As for riddles...Quite frankly I suck at them. (Not even going to try.)
And I have no idea if the dog smiles like that in real life. Its just a stock photo.

Anything else you wanna ask?
1. Yea, that would kinda wall your RP in quite a bit. :p
2. So you're claiming to be so hot that you're now too cool for the riddle? And you're so cool for not answering the riddle that it makes you hot? ... Clever bastard.
3. Aw, I guessed you dogged that question.

And what is the air speed velocity of an unladden swallow?
For 'That guy' named "Silence" You're surely not all that silent at all. :p

I'm glad you were already told about the 'membership' aspect as to why you couldn't post until a few posts are made and yeah, I totally get what you mean with the whole 'foot in my mouth' thing as it happens to me quite a bit. I also love Sci-fi too as they tend to be quite fun and full of interesting and realistic concepts. I'm glad you already have your sights on an RP and that you're given quite the warm welcome. I can't wait to get the chance to RP with you sometime. I'm sure it'll be quite fun. For now though, see you on the boards.

That said, I do hope you won't mind me dropping a bot-like bit full of links around the site in case you missed any important threads or need to know where things are. Even if you're well accustomed to the site it's always good to put something like this down for 'just in case' scenarios.

For starters, you can find the site rules here, just so you know the general rules of the site. Please be sure to read them if you haven’t already. Another important thing would most likely be both the ”Welcome Please Read Before Posting” and ”Account Approval Information” threads and “Our Comprehensive Website Guide” since they both are quite helpful in answering some questions you might have or questions that you might have in the near future as they both help you in getting to know the site’s functions, features and what we expect from our members. Another cool thing is that Story Tellers Circle is ALWAYS updating, so be sure to check out our Site Announcements Forums to know what new features and updates are happening directly after they happened. If you have any questions on anything or have great ideas for STC please check out our Help Desk Forum Section and, should there be no threads of your idea already posted, share us your ideas for the site or ask us about whatever issues you might have. For Rules or Help you can also click on the tabs at the top of the page should you ever need it. Otherwise, check out the ”Meet The Staff” thread, which lists all staff members that posted in the thread or check the Staff list within the ‘Members’ tab in order to know ALL the staff members. Each and every one of us are free whenever we’re online and we’ll always be glad to take a PM whenever asked for help.
Thanks I'll check out a few of the links. Already read about half of them. As for the noise you'll hear from me for about a week or so. Just until I know who everyone is and then you probably won't hear much if anything at all. Chatbox is crazy. I will go wild if you mention food. Don't know why, but I love talking about food. I'll look forward to seeing you around.

Oh the other reason for all the chatter now. It's the last week before I head into work. Back to tutoring college students. So until then I go stir crazy and have to go chip away at ice and snow.
Awesome! It makes it easier when you looked at half of them already and I hope I don't stop hearing noise from you. It's always good to have fun, noisy members around. Keeps the site alive and active after all. xD

Yeah, the chatbox can be a bit crazy every now and then though it's still fun. And who doesn't love food!? What's your favorite?

Keep on stirring up some crazy and chip away all that ice and snow, it's good to have my driveway cleared off after all :p
Oh let me see. Food is great when its rice, beans, cheese, onion, butter, garlic, ginger, peppers etc...I really have a fairly open mind toward food. I've even had cured meats. (Not cooked just cured so it doesn't pose danger to the human body.) Someday I'd like to get to a place in Scotland that serves good Haggis and see if I like it.

Even if I don't want to chip anymore ice away I'll probably have to. More snow tonight.

If you want to continue chatting it might be easier in a PM rather than on the thread here. Otherwise....What is your favorite food?
Hello, darkness my old friend! LOL Nice to meet you and welcome to the family of creative minds that is Storyteller's Circle!