

See You Later
Dreams are really weird and I don't understand them XD
eSPECIALLY my ones lol.
So here's a thread where people can post there dreams and we can try decipher them together!

(Also thanks @AmatsuOtaku for giving me the idea to do this thread!!)
the most recent dream I remember was really really strange.
I was in a play or something and eating candy when I scraped my tooth reALLY HARD and it hurt. that's all I remember XD
the most recent dream I remember was really really strange.
I was in a play or something and eating candy when I scraped my tooth reALLY HARD and it hurt. that's all I remember XD
Wow nice. Maybe you're worried you're eating too much candy and are going to damage your teeth or something. And that everyone is gonna know and see because of the play thing? idek
A dream I can clearly remember, a clown was chasing me around with a bat in a building that had these spring platform things to help me get up to the next floor but the clown would be there out of nowhere. After the second time that it hit me, I ran to the right platform, but it was up to the wall. So I ran to the left platform, and it brought me up right next to the next platform, so I went to that one, and it brought me to a bigger platform, but that's when I woke up. I have a feeling that the clown was right next to that big platform and hit me right as I woke up. Creepy. Could mean that I'm afraid of clowns.
I had a dream sort of like Pacific Rim, but more ground warfare, robot fighting, and less monsters. Wait... that's just Titanfall, isn't it? Well, it was still pretty dope.
Directly from the internet, aka dreammoods. I use it a lot to get a general interpretation since I’m always dreaming up weird things. Ultimately, only you can really know what it means. Here’s a snippet!


To see a clown in you dream symbolizes absurdity, light-heartedness, and a childish side to your own character. The countenance of the clown is a reflection of your own feelings and emotions. Whether it is a happy clown or a sad clown, that will help guide you through how you may be feeling. The actions of the clown signifies your uninhibited nature. Alternatively, a clown is an indication of your thoughtless or insincere actions.

If you have a fear or phobia of clowns, the clown may represent a mysterious person in your life who mean you harm. Somebody you know may not be who they appear to be. Or somebody may be pretending to be somebody they are not and are hiding under a facade.”
My dream from last night:

it started off as some sort of field tripe with each of us launching off Into the sky. I forgot the exact details of this part of the dream, sadly. Something was happening, but I can’t remember what! There might’ve been some great big battle. Darn.

So, I end up at the sanctuary of my old church sitting in a row of single desks with many many people there, some of which are familiar faces. The the VR simulation begins...

It’s beautiful, really. THere’s an angelic girl With Two sets of sky blue wings. They look heavy but fluffy and soft. I want to touch them. I can’t. Sad.We watch her in her world for a while. Then it switches to a giant dancer. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes. So beautiful and dazzling. So realistic. We’re all so Charmed we literally start moving with her like marionettes. She Smiles and notices me for one second, then moves on. I feel strange.

It changes again to some guy, just some smooth Hollywood guy talking about whatever. I’m looking around, wanting to leave. He notices that. I try to find the door, but it’s missing. I sit back down. He smiles at me. I feel strange.

Why is everyone else just going with it?

The simulation changes again, and i take the opportunity to leave. I find the door. They don’t want me to go, but i book it, but end up in another room, another simulation. I’m approached by a woman who offers me acting classes. With my understanding, I had the potential to be one of the greats. I realized this was how they do it. It’s all a show, a great big distraction from what’s really going on. But I don’t like being controlled, so I leave. It takes me some time to get out, what with them trying to keep me in so badly.

i make it to the lobby. There’s the actors and reporters there, hanging out. They barely glance at me.There’s a group of old ladies on the way out. I feel the urge to talk to them. They Look like they pity me. I must've Looked like I’ve gone through hell, even though I couldn’t see myself I felt embarrassed. This is how it goes, they said. If you’re not with them, you end up working for the rest of your life, and many don’t make it before their time. Or save to retirement, even though there wouldn’t be much of a world left to retire to. It’s all they can do.

They talk about the illusion of the dying world. How I may not like being controlled but I could find something I believe in and work towards that, they said. There is still time, they said. They said that maybe a field in the sciences was my best bet. I could live and be satisfied with that. I felt a lot of doubt at those words. They smiled at me with such sadness. I don’t recall their last words because I think I walked out and woke up!

Interpret that!
My dream from last night:

it started off as some sort of field tripe with each of us launching off Into the sky. I forgot the exact details of this part of the dream, sadly. Something was happening, but I can’t remember what! There might’ve been some great big battle. Darn.

So, I end up at the sanctuary of my old church sitting in a row of single desks with many many people there, some of which are familiar faces. The the VR simulation begins...

It’s beautiful, really. THere’s an angelic girl With Two sets of sky blue wings. They look heavy but fluffy and soft. I want to touch them. I can’t. Sad.We watch her in her world for a while. Then it switches to a giant dancer. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes. So beautiful and dazzling. So realistic. We’re all so Charmed we literally start moving with her like marionettes. She Smiles and notices me for one second, then moves on. I feel strange.

It changes again to some guy, just some smooth Hollywood guy talking about whatever. I’m looking around, wanting to leave. He notices that. I try to find the door, but it’s missing. I sit back down. He smiles at me. I feel strange.

Why is everyone else just going with it?

The simulation changes again, and i take the opportunity to leave. I find the door. They don’t want me to go, but i book it, but end up in another room, another simulation. I’m approached by a woman who offers me acting classes. With my understanding, I had the potential to be one of the greats. I realized this was how they do it. It’s all a show, a great big distraction from what’s really going on. But I don’t like being controlled, so I leave. It takes me some time to get out, what with them trying to keep me in so badly.

i make it to the lobby. There’s the actors and reporters there, hanging out. They barely glance at me.There’s a group of old ladies on the way out. I feel the urge to talk to them. They Look like they pity me. I must've Looked like I’ve gone through hell, even though I couldn’t see myself I felt embarrassed. This is how it goes, they said. If you’re not with them, you end up working for the rest of your life, and many don’t make it before their time. Or save to retirement, even though there wouldn’t be much of a world left to retire to. It’s all they can do.

They talk about the illusion of the dying world. How I may not like being controlled but I could find something I believe in and work towards that, they said. There is still time, they said. They said that maybe a field in the sciences was my best bet. I could live and be satisfied with that. I felt a lot of doubt at those words. They smiled at me with such sadness. I don’t recall their last words because I think I walked out and woke up!

Interpret that!
Oh- wow- that could be a book series- I- don't even know where to start with that
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From last night:

I changed all of the names in this, I don't really remember the details & I threw grammar out the window because I'm TiREd, but please don't get mad

I was doing school outside in my garden with a boy from my old school (john) and one from my new one (bill). We had this string/rope thing that went up into the air as if there was a helium balloon on the end, though there wasn't, and we had to jog around my garden for as long as possible. I know at one point I was catching up with the guy from my old school (who is legitimately a really fast runner) and I somehow swung on my rope like it was Tarzan's vine and landed a bit closer to the boy in front. I remember counting each step I took and thinking that the swing probably counted as another couple of steps. I was on like 45 by then. Then somehow he was a different boy from my new school, who I'll call Joey (though I forgot at the time that he was ever anyone else) and was trying to attach the rope to a log and a tree branch to make a swing. I warned him it might break the log and the branch so it was prolly a bad idea. He was like "oh yeah" and then we went back to the where we were before. All three of us discussed our numbers and I was like "John won. I was on like 40-something and he was a few ahead of me so" (yeah he's john again now) and bill went "yeah but I was on 40-something too"
"Yeah me too" went John (which we knew). So we agreed that we kinda all won. There was a teacher there btw but she was kinda just hovering (not literally). Suddenly we were in my bedroom like it was no big deal and as if the other thing has never happened. It was now my art teacher there (not teaching us art) who I'll call Allen, and there was something going on with putting piles of school exercise books and little cards and stuff down (all things that I own) and making them messy?? Idrk what happened there, but he was getting frustrated that I was spending so long on these things and was so mAd. Eventually I think we did a lesson or smth and he was like "ok Sadie you can go home first" and I was like "ok. But OH WaIt WE'rE iN my BedRoOm, i CaN'T gO hoMe hAH sIlLy Me" and so everyone else was packing up (btw I feel like this was sorta 'meant' to be online school but it was actually in person. Like in my dream it sorta was online school. Idk if you see what I mean or not). Then we went outside again and I think we did some stuff, before AcTUalLy getting 'packed up' and ready to go. Then there was this thing stuck on the outside of my bedroom window where we had been doing the lessons before and it was a slightly bigger than a4 zip lock bag. The zippy part was red too (I didn't actually notice it was zip lock though). Inside was a sorta bag with some parts to a model or something that you had to build? And there was this other kid from my old school who I'll call Harry who was considered pretty stupid in real life, and I had this kind of flashback thing that told me he was actually like suuuppeerr good at this building thing and did it as a hobby (I think it was the kinda building kit that's similar to Kusuo's dad's hobby in Saiki K which I've been watching recently). Anyway we were trying to put it back in the ziplock bag but it kept falling out, until we actually realised it was ziplock and zipped up both the blue one that the pieces were in and the red one that we were putting the blue into. Then we were back in my bedroom (John bill Allen and me) and they were fInALlY going home. I went to sit at my school computer to close any windows I didn't need for tomorrow's school and I fell asleep (tho in reality I woke up).

I feel like there might have been something else w a playground/ship (there is a playground with a ship near where I live) but idr any of that.

Eesh I wrote a lot. sorry lmao