Recent content by Bishop

  1. Bishop

    Ask Me Anything

    All of those are amazing. <3
  2. Bishop

    What is Your Favourite Period Drama?

    Omg what is Shogun!? *goes to research*
  3. Bishop

    What is Your Favourite Period Drama?

    I love them all but my all time fav is Vikings.
  4. Bishop

    Ask Me Anything

    What is your favorite song?
  5. Bishop

    Is it strange that I become friends with people that I roleplay with?

    Holy cow no it isn't! If anyone says so well shame on them. My best friend's are some of my RP friends. We talk every day!
  6. Bishop

    New User Limitless Worlds Await

    Hello! Welcome! I'm still new here too, but I've bee going through a reading a lot of profiles to say hi!
  7. Bishop

    New User Heyo, everyone~!

    Hi there! Glad to have ya! I'm still pretty new myself, but everyone has been super friendly!
  8. Bishop

    New User Hello!

    Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! I'm glad to find other RP friends!
  9. Bishop

    Finally getting to know everyone here! Very excited!

    Finally getting to know everyone here! Very excited!
  10. Bishop

    Why are there so few historical rp's out there?

    I joined this site just to talk about this. As someone who staffs on a RPG directory I know well the pains of watching the historical sites go away. I pretty much blame Game of Thrones and the lack of a historical drama on the TV for most parts, and frankly the entire community as a whole when...
  11. Bishop

    What a great place!

    What a great place!
  12. Bishop

    New User Hello!

    Hello there! My name is Lily and I've been playing for many years I've lost count. ^.^ I run a pretty big and active historical site set in 18th Century Venice ( and I look forward to writing here as well! This is a new site for me so I'm excited.